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  1. E


    Bismillah! Sister I make sincere Duaa that Allah make things easy for you and make you steadfast in our deen. If you feel that you need to exchange messages or just talk please feel free to message me or any other sister in the forum and we will be more than happy to help you to the best of our...
  2. E

    Salam to one and all

    Jazakum Allahu Khairun, those are very useful links Much appreciated! Eid mubarak to all of you and may your duaa be accepted insh'allah. salam
  3. E

    Sale of Zamzam?

    Bismillah! Well we live in a time where everything is "for profit". Same way Evian, Springwater and other companies take simple water and bottle it and sell it to thirsty people in the middle of scorching heat, Muslims have adopted that same rational. Does it make it right? Certainly not but...
  4. E


    Wlc brother! We hope that you find a comfortable learning environment in this site insh'allah. salam
  5. E

    Salam to one and all

    Thank you for the Warm welcome everyone. I did watch Dark Angel, hence the nickname... glad to see I'm not the only fan. Again thanks for the welcome. P.S I'm a sister.
  6. E

    Somalia-A Clip

    Bismillah! The issue is not about Islamic courts, because we're all UNDER the laws of Allah whether we like it or not. The Issue is simply put about Leadership. The same people preaching the deen today are the same people who participated in the killings, raping and destruction of Somalia for...
  7. E

    Salam to one and all

    I have been coming to this site on and off for a while, reading the threads and topics. But now I'm a member, insh'allah i will try to contribute to this site to the best of my ability. I'm currently a student and my free time, I'm looking to study arabic. Insh'allah this will be a meaningful...