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    Quotes From The Salaf

    :salam2: :jazaak: thank you for sharing it ,its awsome brother.:)
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    Where does everyone come from?

    :salam2: :jazaak: love you alot...............:SMILY252::SMILY252::SMILY252:
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    Where does everyone come from?

    :salam2: :jazaak: Thank you for your kind advice ,but don't take me wrong. I just love my country. I dont prefer my country over islam, i love all muslims but i am proud of being a Pakistani. I hope you know that the Prophet Muhammad :saw:loved Makkah above all. When he left for Madina he...
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    Wow!! Wolves~

    :wasalam: Are you going to dig your own grave?Because raptors are ,you know dangerous. Bytheway your last one picture was very beautiful.
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    Wow!! Wolves~

    :salam2: :jazaak: When i saw the horses in your thread i wanted to share wolves:) :jazaak: nice to see somebody liking wolves.:shake: :jazaak: for sharing Tigers because i also love them alot. :wasalam: you are sooooooo sweet like a polar bear.:D
  6. N

    Wow!! Wolves~

    :salam2: :jazaak: for the link of cute animals Ameen to your duas. Sometimes i like Parrots a lot. :wasalam: oooooooohhhhhhhhh!!!! mod replies.bytheway :jazaak: :jazaak:
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    Wow!! Wolves~

    :salam2: Hope you brothers and sister are in the best of health and Imaan. I want to share. . . Wolves!! I Looove them! What's your favourite animal? Share pics:)
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    Where does everyone come from?

    :salam2: I was born in Pakistan, living in Pakistan, and i will die in Pakistan. Proud to be Pakistani
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    Something important I want everyone on TTI to know

    :salam2: My favourites are :Suhanah, TheAuthenticbase (bodyguard:tantrum1:) and Seeking Allah's Mercy. I don't know many members right now. Love TTI.
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    :salam2: I liked first and third. :jazaak:
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    A Touching Story Of A father And His Baby Son

    :salam2: :jazaak: It's a touching story. It's so true, we get attached to things and neglect the people.
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    قصة و عبرة story to learn from

    :salam2: :jazaak:I am so happy that you shared it with us, and i liked it because i have anger issues too=(
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    Share your fav. funny video.

    :salam2::) Hope this post finds you in the best of health and Imaan. So as the title says, please share your favourite Islamic funny videos with me and my brothers and sisters Inshaa'Allah. :jazaak:
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    Have you tried to emulate the Prophet?

    :salam2: :jazaak: for sharing this beneficial story.
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    * Marriage is based on mutual sharing of house work *

    :salam2: :jazaak: The post was very funny:p
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    What do you desire in Duniya?

    :salam2: :jazaak: I got much to learn, May Allah bless you. Ameen
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    Being Blind To Your Own Errors

    :salam2: Mashallah beautiful post, May Allah bless you.
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    Assalamualikum everyone... :)

    :salam2: Welcome to this forum. Hope you will feel comfortable around us:).
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    Power Of Astaghfar (brilliant!)

    :salam2: :jazaak:for sharing this story with us. I really really do love it. may Allah bless you, Ameen
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    And Yet He Laughs (SubhanAllah!)

    :salam2: you for sharing this video.May Allah forgive us all.