A homeless woman who tried to help ( Very moving and saddening video)


Junior Member
Assalamoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,

You have a good heart Masha Allah, TabarakAllah. Ik ask Allah subhanahu wata3ala to open the eyes of this woman to accept islam and die as a muslim, amien. May Allah subhanahu wat3ala give this woman Janatu elfirdaus, amien.

Fi amanillah

Wassalamoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,


Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
Assalamu Aleykum Warahmatullahe Wabarakaathuh, Brother IslamYay! :)

Mashallah, the video is very touching to the heart, Alhamdulillah. Like you, I would have cried..................


For the fact that this video didn't break my heart, it only made me feel better, and why? As soon as I had finished watching the entire video, I said, "Allahu Akbar, that my Lord has made me a Muslim, and guided me to the Sunnah and Core of Islam," because NOW, my heart can always feel comfort whenever there's someone in need, and why? Because I know that I have Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla, that will ALWAYS help me when I want to do good, and so, if my Rubbenaa wills, then whenever there is someone in need, I will ALWAYS help them out, because I learned this from Rasulallah (SAW), how he would risk his life to protect the war captives, the mujahideen, the women and children, the civilians, the slaves, and so forth.
