A test.


Junior Member
Every single place you look
It's seems out world is over took:
Kids who stop reading their books
People who worship facebook
Earthquakes that had nations shook
Playing chess games without rooks
No halal when people cook
Lustful eyes when people look
People turning into crooks
Criminals get off the hook
Abandoning the holy book
And no adornment when we look


This is all a test you see,
To find where muslim strength can be
To see who prays with harmony
Or who's rank with hostility
A test of faith, a test to be
A test for all our families
A test to who isn't strong
To see who's been weak all along
A time for thinking; time for thought
A time to look at things we've bought
A time to see who you can be
A time to live live peacefully
We'll all be tested, yes we will
But knowing this, we all sin still
But this test is for all of man
To test the best of our iman

.......and to see who spends too much time on Facebook :SMILY61:


Junior Member
aselemu aleikum, nice but sad poem...

i find it sad to see some people, muslim people...young and old..spending or better said wasting their time on useless stuff ...i have a 43 year old fam member...spending hours a day on this facebook thing, but when i gently ask him to come and make salaah with us..its always no some other time inshallah,,,i dislike it when people say insha allah just from the tongue..not from the heart..anyways..facebook i wouldnt join it for the world..and i dont even know what the deal is over there..lol

i sincerely pray to ALLAH azza wajall to grant us patience in our quest for knowledge..ameen


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
Masha'allah, it T0ttally has a good message to reflect to bro!-
..The lines that realllly got to me are:
"We'll ALL be tested, yes we will-
But knowing this, we ALL 'sin' Still"
Subhanallah!! that is soo true wallahi- People(i won't lie, includin' me) are always doing something they know is wrong and then regret afterwards!

JazakAllah for sharing N may Allah SWT Lead All the wrongdoers to the right path!


Jazakallahu Khairan!:hijabi:

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but like the internet, its all in how you use it. Allah knows best.


Junior Member
As salam alykom ukhti :)

aselemu aleikum, nice but sad poem...

i find it sad to see some people, muslim people...young and old..spending or better said wasting their time on useless stuff ...i have a 43 year old fam member...spending hours a day on this facebook thing, but when i gently ask him to come and make salaah with us..its always no some other time inshallah,,,i dislike it when people say insha allah just from the tongue..not from the heart..anyways..facebook i wouldnt join it for the world..and i dont even know what the deal is over there..lol

i sincerely pray to ALLAH azza wajall to grant us patience in our quest for knowledge..ameen

Well in internet needs to have some place where you are able to contact with your family if you are away from your home country. facebook is just like another internet parts. there are plenty of islamic groups you can join and I wouldnt waste the time even i might read same about Islam in another site? If person leave salah because of facebook it doesnt mean it wont leave salah because of TTI. Thats my opinion.

But anyway we are here to say about this excelent poem. I really like it. Wish to see more soon. InshALLAH.