A very touching Dua, by a brother:


I would like to share this Dua with you that I came across a certain website*.*
The brother made the Dua, in the midst of a discussion concerning the current situation in Gaza.

"Asalam alaikum brothers n sisters …I wish to express my deepest sympathies to u…our mothers fathers…brothers n sisters daugthers n sons hav been killed yet again

...O Allah grant us patience and steady out feet and grant us victory over the disbelieving people

... O Allah, Revealer of the Book, Mover of the clouds and defeater of the confederates defeat them and grant us victory over them.

..O Allah, protect us withIslam when we stand , protect us with Islam when we sit and protect us with Islam when we sleep and don’t allow the enemies and envious ons to gloat at our misfortunes.O ALlah, help us against the one who wronged us.
...O Allah, this is a day among your days so turn the hearts and heads of the youth of Islam towards Jihad in your way.
... O Allah , strengthen their heart , steady their feet, guide their fire and bring them together.
...O Allah, send down Your aid on Your servents the Mujahideen and bring relief to the captives and distressed everywhere in Palestine, iraq, the Land of the Two Sanctuaries, Afghanistan , Kashmir , Phillippines , Somalia , Chechnya , The Islamic Maghreb, America India and Pakistan You are able to do all things.
...O Allah, make good for s our religion in which is the safeguarding of our affair and make good for us our worldly life and make good for us our hereafter in which is our return and make our life full of every good thing and make death a rest from every evil thing.
... Our Lord, give us in this world good and in the hereafter good and save us from the punishment of the fire and send prayers and peace O Allah on our Prophet Muhammed and on all his family and Companions …Ameen Ya Rab ul Alameen"



Junior Member
ameen allah akbar la ilaha illa allah biha nahya biha namout

allah the greates and the biggest with it we live and with it we die?????????????????????????????????



New Member
I would like to share this Dua with you that I came across a certain website*.*
The brother made the Dua, in the midst of a discussion concerning the current situation in Gaza.

"Asalam alaikum brothers n sisters …I wish to express my deepest sympathies to u…our mothers fathers…brothers n sisters daugthers n sons hav been killed yet again

...O Allah grant us patience and steady out feet and grant us victory over the disbelieving people

... O Allah, Revealer of the Book, Mover of the clouds and defeater of the confederates defeat them and grant us victory over them.

..O Allah, protect us withIslam when we stand , protect us with Islam when we sit and protect us with Islam when we sleep and don’t allow the enemies and envious ons to gloat at our misfortunes.O ALlah, help us against the one who wronged us.
...O Allah, this is a day among your days so turn the hearts and heads of the youth of Islam towards Jihad in your way.
... O Allah , strengthen their heart , steady their feet, guide their fire and bring them together.
...O Allah, send down Your aid on Your servents the Mujahideen and bring relief to the captives and distressed everywhere in Palestine, iraq, the Land of the Two Sanctuaries, Afghanistan , Kashmir , Phillippines , Somalia , Chechnya , The Islamic Maghreb, America India and Pakistan You are able to do all things.
...O Allah, make good for s our religion in which is the safeguarding of our affair and make good for us our worldly life and make good for us our hereafter in which is our return and make our life full of every good thing and make death a rest from every evil thing.
... Our Lord, give us in this world good and in the hereafter good and save us from the punishment of the fire and send prayers and peace O Allah on our Prophet Muhammed and on all his family and Companions …Ameen Ya Rab ul Alameen"


These words are by Sheikh Usama bin Ladin, may Allah have mercy upon him. The video is entitled "The People of Iraq" released by As-Sahab foundation for Islamic media plublications in 2007. (We are publishing the whole speech of Sheikh Osama Bin Laden After the tremendous amount of Counterfeiting of the facts and altering the purposes and objectives of the Speech by Al-Jazeera Satellite channel which ignored all the pillars of honor professional media.)