Al-Salam Alaykom my brothers and sisters


New Member
Al Salam Alaykom

I am from Lebanon but currently I am in Europe ... My goal in this life is to Spread Da3wa and Save as much people as I can from hell by making say the Shahada insha Allah

I really appreciate what you are doing and I will be a royal soldier in this amazing camp ..

JAzakum Allah khayran and please let us work together to worship Allah the way we should


Welcome to TTI. Inshallah we will be looking forward to your contributions.

"Verily, Allah will never change the condition of a people until they change what is within themselves" (13:11)


Pls mak Duwa 4 me
Salam Brother/sister,

Masha Allah glad to c ur thoughts may Allah help all of us. Ameen pls be remember me in ur duwas.

Allah Hafiz.