Allah's will ??


Junior Member

I dont really understand Allahs will. Like did Allah willed poverty to happen ? or like When your sick you ask Allah SWT to give you have good health .. and Allah SWT answered it and you attained good health. Did Allah SWT willed that you'll have a good health before He gave it to you? If so then what was the point in making dua ?

Thank you


New Member
Allah's will & human's worship

dear brothers and sisters,
the purpose of our life is to know Allah, love Him, and worship Him.
that being the purpose, worship or making dua is not for obtaining something from Allah (s.w.t), let it be good health or great wealth.
the purpose of worship is offering thanks (shukur). why?
there was a case in the US, one time someone got rewarded million dollars by the court because one of his feet got caught in a shopping centre's escalator and lost.
so think about it, only one foot is worth a million, and how many years you have to physically work to earn that 1 million? 20 years?
so for one foot, we have to work 20 years, what about the other foot, what about the eyes, ears, the mind, the spirit, the free air, the free sun, and all those blessings that Allah has bestowed on us for "free".
how much do we need to work to pay them back in gratitude?
it should be endless??!!!!
but Allah is merciful, He (s.w.t) only needs us to spend 1 hour out of the entire 24 hour day to perform prayers to Him, isn't that easy?
Making dua to Him is easy as well.
Dua should be made during comfort as well as in hardships. Not only when we have hardships. Dua is a kind of worship.
by means of Dua, we recognise Allah being the Ultimate Disposer of all things.
but whether Dua will be answered as the way you ask, or not, then it is up to Allah (s.w.t).
for example, you are a sick child, you go to the Doctor, and you ask for Panadole, but in fact the Doctor diagnoses your sickness needing something else, otherwise you will be worse off.
in the same way, what you ask in you Dua, sometimes it is granted by Allah as you ask, sometimes you get better things, sometimes you get nothing, sometimes things are postponed.
but regardless, you will get great reward of doing the worship, which is the Dua.
we hope this has helped you understand the subject a bit. And may Allah make us all one of His grateful servants, and make us one of those who will be re-united with His beloved prophet on the day of judgement! Amin