America's War on Islam.


Striving for Paradise
Recently I read this article about The "Fort Dix Five". It was eye opening and and very sad to read that article. How these people were entrapped is a crime itself. But criminals are running free and innocents are in the jail.

America's War on Islam - The "Fort Dix Five"
by Stephen Lendman

Read it here:

If you find other articles like that then please feel free to share it.



This should be in News & Current Affairs section.
This is nothing new, similar thing happen with James Yee of Guantanamo Bay.
They eventually had to drop all the charges on him.




Brother, today I came across New American Century. It is worth a look. The names and titles all add up to one is a war.



Brother, today I came across New American Century. It is worth a look. The names and titles all add up to one is a war.


Yes, I'm aware of those scums.
Allahu Alam,
I'm not sure there is a religious reason to their initial proposals but it doesn't take a genius to see the political and imperial reasons behind them.
I personally think their ambitions are mostly political in nature, however if they meet any opposition they won't hesitate to 'declare war on Islam' and I think that's exactly what happened. All Muslims who oppose them will be their enemy (technically all Muslims should oppose them ).

For those who are not aware what type of people created "the project for new American century". This 'think tank' includes some of the most influential academics, business men, bankers, , military leaders, and political leaders of the United States.

Basically "Al Mala" of the society as it is stated in the Quran.

Just to give you some quick names [ Bush, Cheney, Paul Wolfwitz, Bernard Shaw, Steve Emerson, etc... you can include all those who share the same neo-conservative ideology of the republican party].
These are the people responsible for the war in Iraq, Somalia, and Afghanistan.
They are also responsible for 'faulty intelligence' and 'lying' to American people to reach achieve their objectives.

Don't believe in that nonsense that War in Iraq and Afghanistan are response to "9/1". The above people I mentioned had this agenda way before 9/11 and in fact in one of Paul Wolfwitz's papers he said we need "something dramatic like Pearl Harbor" so we can justify "intervention" on those respective [Muslim] countries.

If you go through their 'research papers' they make no secret of their intentions in the Middle East and other parts of the Muslim world.
Their ultimate goal is to create an "American hegemony" in the Middle East.
I believe they have achieved much of their goal as most of the countries are Led by Murtads and are American allies.

Reflect for a second. America of today is Great Britain, of yesterday.
I don't need to lecture anyone on how much harmed Great Britain caused to Muslims and how much harmed those traitors [Muslim] caused who collaborated with the British.
