AN Advice from me and a poem from the internet.....


Im Proud 2 B Me!

An advice from Albint_Almuslima to all: Care for your parents as they have always cared for you. Always make Dua for them as they always do for you. Dont raise your voice, or roll your eyes because they will be the cause of your burning in Hell. Dont say OO'ff because to Allah that means alot. And if your parents pass away, you must make Dua for them and visit their closest friends. In addition, care for them as if they were still there.

This is a poem i found on the internet so read and try to understand it clearly.

Mum & Dad

Jazakallah for the Islamic upbringing
Teaching me to refrain from sinning

Showing me right from wrong
Tarbiyyah provided all along

Saving me from doing misdeeds
Guiding me to increase good deeds

Instilling in me the desire to seek Allahs pleasure
Mum and Dad, what you did for me I cannot measure.

Oh, Allah, Look after my parents as they looked after me*
My Lord, make Jannah for them Your decree.

*My Lord! Have mercy on them as they did care for me when I was little. (Quran, Al-Isra' v. 24)

Waathilah (Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (pbuh) said: “Four [types of people’s] du’a are accepted: The just leader, a man who prays for his absent brother, the prayer of the oppressed person and the one who prays for his parents.” (Kanz-ul-Ummaal 423)


beautifl muslimah
from a fellow sister

could you please read my threads: big? and many questions and get back to me with a summarized response via pm? thanks! also loved your poem you threaded. have you read the one thread called i never made time(or something like that)? it is very good!


Staff member
Assalamu Alaikum


Jazzak-Allah Khair sis for sharing this beautiful poetry with us.

:wasalam: :SMILY346: