Anyone here speak fluent Arabic?


Junior Member

I was wondering if anyone here spoke fluent Arabic as I need a translation of a girls name I have seen. I am due to have a baby soon and I like the name "Inara" for a girl, but could someone here help me and tell me what it means? I would be very grateful.

Thank you



Junior Member
Waalaikim alsalam wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatuh dear sister , may Allah make everything easy for you and bless your coming baby. Since no one replied I shall tell you what I know . In Arabic Inara means making light , I never heared such name in Arabic but the name Noor is familiar which means light.


Junior Member
I really like this name. It means ray of light, shinning, illuminating. It basically has to do with light. Very beautiful! Let me know if I can help you with any other translation :)


Junior Member
Assalamu alaikim wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatu
Dear sister what I understand is that Inara is something artificial like the light by electicity while Noor is something coming from ubove.