as salaamu alaykum


New Member
As salaamu alaykum and a big shout out to all who read this!

Keep up the good work everyone! I'm 23 and from the Northeast of England, forever crusading for Jannah inshaAllah. I've just finished my PGCE in teaching secondary school English, and my passion is Islam and English literature!

Trust Allah, feel the fear!:D

Wa alaykum as salaam


wa aleykum salaam warahmatulaahi wabarakaatu

In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful,

Hello there, May Allah make this journey called life a bliss1 one for you.

Love fie sabililaah


Junior Member
Salam Aleikum!

InshAllah you will enjoy your stay here at this forum. Congratulations on the completion of your PGCE. We have things in common, I also share the passion for Islam as well as English Lit. Im majoring in English Literature and Secondary Education. I will be graduating next year InshAllah. :) good luck to you and may Alllah reward and guide you,

Wa Aleikum Salam


Appa BK

Muslimah Light
Asalaam Mu Alaykum...

Masha'Allah it is truly a magnificent thing to hear of all my muslim brothers and sisters empowering themselfs through education...

I' of the opinion that one can only win battles and unite the muslim ummah through education,as one should always work amarter and not harder..

I'm currently studying law and hope to be finishing off next year Insha'Allah.

May the Almighty make your career a fulfilling one Insh'Allah