Asalamu Alaikum


Asalamu Alaykum!
Asalamu Alaikum,

I havent been on this forum properly for a while now, im back just to get back in touch with my deen and benefit once more from the knowledge filled articles, videos and members inshAllah. Please make Dua for me that i become steadfast on my deen and that i stay on the right path. And you'll all be in my prayers too :)

Look forward to being here more often.

Wassalaams :)

Your sister, Muslimad.



Asalamu Alaikum,

I havent been on this forum properly for a while now, im back just to get back in touch with my deen and benefit once more from the knowledge filled articles, videos and members inshAllah. Please make Dua for me that i become steadfast on my deen and that i stay on the right path. And you'll all be in my prayers too :)

Look forward to being here more often.

Wassalaams :)

Your sister, Muslimad.


So happy and glad to have you around
here often.

~May Allah swt help,protect and guide you and all

Take care,
~Wassalam :)


Junior Member

You are most welcome sister.

Dear I like to reminde you of the following Hadith:

Allah says, ‘O, Son of Adam! Say four raka’ats of Salat in the early part of the day, I shall help thee in accomplishing all thy jobs during the rest of the day
