Beginning my reading of the Qu'ran...

Tonight I am going to begin reading the Qu'ran. This thread will contain all of my subsequent questions as to the meaning and understanding of the Qu'ran by me.
My first question is:

Does everyone have a unique experience with reading the Qu'ran, in which each individual can form his/her own opinion or is it more rigid and identical for everyone?


Junior Member

from what i hear all muslims have a very similar feeling when reading it. Generally most muslims feel there hearts soften when reading the quran...


Assalaam walaikum,

The Quran is the revealed word of Allah.

Our relationship with Allah is not rigid nor is it stationary. We are always in motion. Our faith requires active participation; daily acts of worship including and beyond prayer.

As we desire to come closer to Allah we have different emotions and situations on our path. We read daily. It is not a three year cycle. We are advised to read/recite the Quran within a two week period.

Each encounter with the Quran brings to light our path. We are given guidance and are questions are answered. It is a very personal journey at times and at other you understand the requirements for stoical structure.


Junior Member
I would say for me personally it depends on the section of the Qu'ran I am reading, how firm my Iman is that day and how it touches me. I always feel a bit lighter and more at peace when I read the Qu'ran but it can vary from day to day.