Can we weep when in grief?

Umm Aysha

*Strive for Jannah*
Life is about trials and tribulations and we as servants of the All Mighty have to bear it all with patience. But when in pain, sorrow and grief, can we still cry and pray to Allah with tears of hurt in our eyes or can we not do this, as that is considered being patient?

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, The Merciful.

Asalaamu 'Alaikum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu -

Allah Almighty sends us trials and tribulations for an outstanding wisdom, of which we will never completely understand the reasons for, and the effects of, until the hereafter.

Allah Most High says, "Blessed is He in Whose hand is the Sovereignty, and, He is Able to do all things. Who hath created life and death that He may try you which of you is best in conduct; and He is the Mighty, the Forgiving." (67: 1-2. Trans. Picktall)

Through this exalted and merciful speech, we understand that Allah sends us trials and tribulations in order to test our actions and behavior.

We may be tested with death, sickness, oppression, a broken heart, or confusion about the world around us. These experiences can inspire feelings of shock, fear, pain, and sorrow. Such strong emotions may cause us to weep.

Weeping is a natural response the powerful emotions we feel during trial and tribulation and do express our complete neediness and dependence to the Lord Almighty, when accompanied by the attitude of submission to the Will of Allah. In this way, weeping certainly does not contradict the act of patience.

However, weeping bitterly and with anger over destiny is not consistent with patience and would not be praiseworthy in the sight of Allah.

The Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, whose behavior and life are an example of patience and submission, wept in the time of trail and tribulation. There are a number of examples from the noble Seerah that highlight this, and we will include a few here. These narrations display how the Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, wept out of pain and sorrow, but with the highest level of submission and reliance on Allah Almighty.

It has been narrated in Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abi Dawood and Sunan Ibn Majah:

Anas bin Malik reported that: The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) entered the room and we accompanied him... And Ibrahim breathed his last. The eyes of Allah's Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) were filled with tears. Abd al-Rahman Ibn 'Auf said: 'You are weeping, O Messenger of Allah'. He (Allah bless him and give him peace) replied: "Ibn 'Auf, This is mercy". Then he (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: "Our eyes shed tears and our hearts are filled with grief, but we do not say anything except that by which Allah is pleased. O, Ibrahim we are sorrowful due to your separation."

Another narration that mentions the Prophet's noble weeping, Allah bless him and give him peace, is in the Tabaqat Ibn Saad, Maghazi of Waqidi, and the Musnad Ahmed Hanbal:

After the Battle of Uhud, the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) passed by a house of Ansar. He heard the wailing of the people for their martyred family members. The eyes of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) filled with tears and he began to weep. Then he (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: "But there is no one to weep for Hamza." When the ladies of the family of Sa'ad bin Muadh and Usayd bin Huzayr al-Ashhal returned they told them to go and weep for Hamza, the uncle of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). Then from that time to date none of the women of Ansar have wept for their dead ones before weeping upon Hamza (Allah be pleased with him).

In the Shama'il al-Tirmidhi we find the following narration:

'Abdullah bin Mas'ud, Allah be pleased with him, says: ''The Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, once asked me to recite the Qur'an to him. I said: ''O Messenger of Allah, should I recite it to you when it has been revealed to you?' The Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, said: 'I love to hear it from another person'' Thereupon I began reciting Surah Nisaa. When I reached this aayah: ''But how (will it be with them) when We bring of every people a witness, and We bring thee (O Muhammed) a witness against these?'', I saw tears flowing from both eyes of the Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace."

It has been noted that in the above narration the Messenger of Allah may have been weeping for a number of reasons, Allah bless him and give him peace. Of them, it is mentioned he may have wept from hearing the recitation of the Holy Qur'an, or due to the remembrance of the difficult times of the Day of Judgment (as mentioned in the ayah), or due to his fear of being called to witness on that Day, or due to the sins of the Ummah, Allah bless him and give him peace. He may have been crying for other reasons, Allah bless him and give him peace.

The refined, submissive, and reliant attitude exemplified by the Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, as he reflected upon such massive trails to come are evident from the above narration.

If one weeps with this attitude, seeking the help of Allah and relying upon Him, such tears may be rewarded by Allah Almighty.

Allah Almighty says, "Weeping, they fall on their faces in prostration, and it increases them in humility," (W17:108; H17:109)

We ask Allah to grant us the blessings of patience and submission throughout the trials of this world, and freedom from tribulation in the world to come.

And Allah Knows Best.

May allah (swt) help us all through our difficult times...:inshallah:


Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

I'm glad to hear that Muhammad PBUH wept for such reasons; I have an emotional disposition, myself, and am often brought to tears when I am touched. In the past, I have wept in bitter anger, but thankfully I am long past those days of my life. I will remember this for the future, should I become extremely angry at destiny/what's going on again. Thank you, Sister Muslima. =D



Bint Abdulkadir
:salam2: I just wanted to ask is it haram to weep when you remember someone who passed away from your family..not because they passed away but because you miss them?:confused: :frown: :wasalam:


Junior Member
It is fine to weep, but what is not allowed is to whale and start pulling on your cloth and rolling around on the ground and saying why did this happen, because you are blaming Allah. But to have some tears come to your eyes that is fine it is not something you can control and Allah does not burden a soul more then it can handle and Allah knows best.


Junior Member
:salam2: I just wanted to ask is it haram to weep when you remember someone who passed away from your family..not because they passed away but because you miss them?:confused: :frown: :wasalam:

I think it brings us closer to Allah as we realise that we too have to go back to Him & it is up to Him what to do with us.

The point ibnAbdullah87 makes is extremely important because some women & men in our society tend to not be able to control themselves during emotional moments.

I think also the prophet :saw: wept one day because Allah SWT did not allow him to visit the grave of his mother.
does someone know this hadith?
I hope i am not saying something wrong!