Brother Mezeren I agree with you but I would like to have more knowledge about this hadith. I found it in "Summarized Sahih Al-Bukhari by Dr. Muhammed Muhsin Khan". In the part "The book of Jihad", hadith number 1211. I would give you the link but it is not possible to link on this forum before you have had 15 posts so you can find the exact reference by searching on Google following search words, the top result will inshallah be a link to that book:
inform our people that we have met our lord 1211
So my questions remain:
1. Correct me if I am wrong but is not the Quran unchanged, how can then a verse have been removed?
2. Is this hadith true?
3. Are there more removed verses?
Jazak Allah khair
Asalaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu brother. This post has gone dead for some time, and I'm sorry to see that you never received a satisfactory answer. Please allow me to give it a try. I'm a beginning student of knowledge, so please forgive me for any errors.
1) The Hadith in question was about a time when the Qu'ran was changed during the life of the Prophet sullallahu alaihi wa sallam - he was still receiving the wahy, and the Qu'ran was still actively changing during that time according to the plan of Allah azawajaal. It was after his death that the Qu'ran was codified and written, and organized into the numerical system and juz system we have today. Since the time, there have been no changes to the Qu'ran - therefore, yes, the Qu'ran was unchanged once completed and has been perfectly preserved.
2) This Hadith is in Saheeh Bukhari, which is second in authenticity only to the Qu'ran - the study of the science of Hadiths will help you to understand how intensively these hadiths were verified. They are more intensely reviewed than any news, and even more than many scientific papers that are published today (who give no importance to the character, the honesty, the competency and memory of the one who carried the knowledge). It is almost certainly Saheeh.
3) There are NO removed verses. There ARE abrogated verses. These were rulings that, by the decree of Allah, changed because of the special circumstances present for humans. The Messenger sullallahu alaihi wa sallam received pieces from Allah azawajaal, which sometimes changed, or were only revealed in certain circumstances over many years. Some will try to say this is a reason to doubt your faith, claiming it seems the Prophet sullallahu alaihi wa sallam made a mistake, or changed his mind, therefore claiming the wahy isn't from Allah. Subhanallah. Those who are misguided will only ever see the wrong way - they fail to see the ring structure of the Qu'ran, or how the Revelation would be in the completely perfect Ring Structure that it is in, with all of the hidden mysteries that are revealed within it upon further study? How is it possible that, bring revealed in pieces over years with no writing, that it would come together into a perfect book to guide mankind? How is it that this is the only book and sunnah ever to guide evil sinners in pre Islamic Arabia to become the best generations ever seen? A human cannot make or design that brother.
Other questions they do not answer:
How did the wahy come at the perfect time and place every time, but not when it was convenient for the Prophet, sullallahu alaihi wa sallam? Why did he refuse to act, even to defend himself, without the guidance of Allah? If he invented verses for his own gain, why wouldn't the verses come immediately to him? Why did he suffer the worries concerning his wife Aisha RA and remain tortured for so long?
Moving on, there are other abrogated verses, but this is something that you should not delve into deeply without a strong background already. Why? Will you feed a young baby meat? No, because you might kill it. Wait to develop properly before you move to higher level things, because you can accidentally kill your faith and your understanding of Islam. Grow progressively, learn from a Shayk, learn in the way of the Prophet and his companions, refuse any bidah or innovations, and seek the path of the righteous predecessors.