Confused - Messiah, Jews, Oi


Lulu O' La Mer
Salaam dear brothers and sisters,

So I'm confused. I've been doing some research, and I've found out that Mashiach, or the Messiah, isn't explicitly stated in the Torah. It means "anointed one," which is similar to the idea of their kings. But apparently someone (Jewish) came up with this word and the characteristics of him (the Messiah) were assumed in the Torah. But the Bible and Qur'an state that Jesus (saws) is the Messiah. So we (Muslims) got this idea from the Jews who didn't actually get this word or idea from God, they (Jews) just made it up? Please help!




Salaam dear brothers and sisters,

So I'm confused. I've been doing some research, and I've found out that Mashiach, or the Messiah, isn't explicitly stated in the Torah. It means "anointed one," which is similar to the idea of their kings. But apparently someone (Jewish) came up with this word and the characteristics of him (the Messiah) were assumed in the Torah. But the Bible and Qur'an state that Jesus (saws) is the Messiah. So we (Muslims) got this idea from the Jews who didn't actually get this word or idea from God, they (Jews) just made it up? Please help!



My dearest sister,
If you want to do research.Stick to all about Islam.
Know our beautiful Islam for all there is.
And what there to research and compare?
Allah swt had send down this surah
Surat 109 Al Kafirun - The Disbelievers

Did you know that before the holy qur'an there were some few other
kitab(holy books) that Allah swt send down to the earlier messengers(rasul) before prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
The holy qur'an is the last holy book that Allah swt send to us(muslims) via the messenger(Rasul)Prophet Muhammmad s.a.w
Infact the torah that you find now is not the original but used the original name that was even picked up from one of Islam's respective holy books.
And you didn't know that did you?
I suggest you to take a course of learning Islam from the beginning.
Then you understand the whole beautiful history of Islam.

~May Allah swt help and guide you~Amin!

Take care!
~Wassalam :)


Lulu O' La Mer

Jazakallah khayr! Very helpful information. It's not that I was questioning Islam, I'm trying to make a connection for interfaith discussions.

As for studying the history of Islam, I absolutely love reading "The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an" by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. It has a lot of detail about what was going on in the world before, during, and after the Qur'an was wrote. Surat Al Kafirun is one of my favorites. :)





Jazakallah khayr! Very helpful information. It's not that I was questioning Islam, I'm trying to make a connection for interfaith discussions.

As for studying the history of Islam, I absolutely love reading "The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an" by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. It has a lot of detail about what was going on in the world before, during, and after the Qur'an was wrote. Surat Al Kafirun is one of my favorites. :)



as salam'alaykum

if you have Yusuf Ali translation with footnotes, you can have reference from Gospels, old and new testaments and others also like talmood etc.

it is really good, for some people they don't like this, but i think not to verify faith but to give them explanation or for the sake of knowing history.

but I don't believe in interfaith talks or something, because, we know they are false, so there is no place for us to agree, there can be debate or in a better mane a symposium can take place.

but really i dont believe and it is totally illogical to shake hands (to agree eachother's point i mean) and to live 'peacefully'....becasue it is actually keeping them away from the truth, at least the general people who are seeking knowledge and truth.

wa-llahu a'lam


Lulu O' La Mer

This is a valid point. The reason why I do interfaith discussions is for dawah. It's also a good opportunity to try to understand what another person is feeling and understands about Islam. This can lead to the people I'm talking to finding that we aren't so scary, which I have found to be especially beneficial for Muslims. I've had many people come to see the true beauty of Islam from theological discussions instead of what the media portrays us as, so I will continue as long as it is beneficial of Islam and Muslims. Someone has to be out there, spreading the word, saying we're not terrorists.

However, that being said, I also find interfaith discussions frustrating. For example, when I talk to my Christian friends, I nearly want to scream at them! Even I have read the Bible and can see that picking out parts of it doesn't mean anything! You have to look at the entire history, not just one sentence, or one section. It drives me crazy, but this also increases my own iman. :mashallah: Allahu akbar. :tti_sister: I'm so thankful to be a Muslim.

Allah knows best. :)



as salam 'alaykum

yes sister, this is what i said.
interfaith discussion is something like, honoring everyone's opinion, that what i dont believe.
like there are some muslim ''scholars'' who go and join Christmas and they talk about peace, like every religion spread peace, let laugh together, lets participate in cutting cake and enjoy food.

i'm in the side of debate, but sometimes people don't like debates (actually they see themselves loosing badly), however, thats why the sophisticated form is symposium, both will present their views and let the audience judge themselves, who are truthseekers.

however, i guess now it is clear, actually what i meant.

barakAllahu feekum


Striving for Paradise
Sister I see no confusion here. Even if Messiah means "anointed one," which is similar to the idea of Jewish kings, it works for us Muslims. You see Jesus (Essa - PBUH) was a Jew, and when he will come back he will fight against the Dajjal (Antichrist) and the after defeating Dajjal he will establish the global rule of Islam where he will be the ruler, he will be like a king in every way. As a matter of fact he will be more than a king, because he will be the head of the government as well as a religious leader, a prophet of Allah (SWT).

Don't let Jewish twists and alterations in their religion confuse you. You see the Jews lost Torah more than once so when they reconstituted their Torah they put in it all of their desires and wishes. That is why you see Torah is completely devoid of any preaching about the reward and punishement in the hereafter, as a matter of fact I haven't seen any warning to its reader about the Judgement Day in Torah or in Talmud when every one will stand infront of God and answer for their deeds. Therefore I don't think we should use current Torah or Talmud etc for learning purposes. If we will do that then it will no doubt create confusions, because the current Torah, and Injeel etc are written by humans, so it is bound to have mistakes which leads to confusions.

As far as the interfaith discussions are concerned. I think they are good opportunity to introduce Islam to those who know Islam only through CNN or Fox News etc. The flip side is that the general assumption is these discussions is that all religions are same and they are all good, whether you worship a cow, or a human (Jesus) or Allah, it is OK. And there are restrictions about what you can say about your own religion about other religion. But still, if one prepares the material properly, one can present it in such a way that any soul searching for truth be able to see the light and explore Islam. In that respect this can be used for Dawah.