Congratulation kosovo ....

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New Member are u muslim ? Because i am Muslim and i live in kosovo i see that you are not my brother you are against your brothers you have reason for that ? our opinon against 90 % of Muslim population in kosovo i dont understand why you are against your brothers?? i hope god will help you in the future to be with our brothers and not against


New Member
selam alejkum te gjitheve kecman muslimani ne lazu kao prvo a kao drugo brate nemoj da uvelicas broj bosanaca na kosovo ne zive 200.000 bosnjaka ni sa srbima turcima zajedno nisu 200.000 e sad ja ne znam da li ti lazes ili si lose informisan. brate bosanci su glasali za nezavisnost kosova imas li pojma u tome ili nemas i jos nesto Albanci su pomagali bosancima u ratu sa srbijom znas li to i ja kako vidim ili nemas pojma sta se desava ovde ili nisi musliman ??

Alejkumu selam brate, ta brojka je vezana za 1981. godinu i mnogi Bošnjaci su od tada napustili Kosovo i Metohiju, moguće da su neki Bošnjaci za nezavisnost Kosova i Metohije ali kako stvari stoje sa novom vladom nemaju ni pola prava koliko su imali u sastavu države Srbije. Na zadnjem popisu 1981. mnogi Bošnjaci su se morali deklarisat drugim imenom, stanovništvo u oblasti Gore i Župe u prošlosti se različito deklarisalo: kao Turci, Srbi, Staro Srbi, Makedonci, čak i kao Bugari; a nazivani su i drugim imenima: Torbeši, "našinci"; tretirani kao "neopredijeljeni", kao Muslimani (ili kao slovenski muslimani), mada ne i jedan manji dio koji se orijentiše prema Srbiji i srpskoj nacionalnoj opciji, a u zadnje vrijeme i prema turskoj.
Imam prijatelja koji u Prištini mora pričat engleski da bi sačuvao živu glavu, šta da kažem više..
Da li ćemo vas bratski voljeti to ne zavisi od nas nego od vas


Junior Member
We all pray that Kosovo will live in peace with its neighbors and vice versa. We also pray that you remember that United States is the one that gave you your freedom and your country. Next time someone wishes death to America and americans remember that they sacrificed their blood to create your country.

Assalaam Aleykum,

Kosovars are greatfull to America for their help during the war. When the whole world looked without aiding the Kosovars, America decided to gather a coallition and bomb Serbia, and liberate Kosova. Yes we are Muslim, but that doesn't equal hating America! We can hate Bush for all the idiotic things he does, but not whole America. Just like we don't like to be generalized, they don't like it.
We have to be greatful for their help, and for their recognition of our nation amongst the first nations to recognize us.

I hope that the Arab countries will follow, and actually I'm quite surprised that they haven't recognized us yet. We deserved this independece and fought hard for it. May Allah bless all of those who died, and grant them jennah.


New Member
Esselamu Alejkum Dear brother and Sisters

i'm from Kosova, i'm in this foum long tima ago.

I Wanna say something, Kosova is 96% and even more Muslims, but Europian and American Govermant thay used to tell us thet KOSOVA must be a secular
Country. u see 96 percent muslim and is secular country... May All-llah Help Us, bcoz Islam has going to grow up here like everywere else.

May All-llah Loves me and u And All Muslims Selam Aeljkum


Staff member
Alejkumu selam brate, ta brojka je vezana za 1981. godinu i mnogi Bošnjaci su od tada napustili Kosovo i Metohiju, moguće da su neki Bošnjaci za nezavisnost Kosova i Metohije ali kako stvari stoje sa novom vladom nemaju ni pola prava koliko su imali u sastavu države Srbije. Na zadnjem popisu 1981. mnogi Bošnjaci su se morali deklarisat drugim imenom, stanovništvo u oblasti Gore i Župe u prošlosti se različito deklarisalo: kao Turci, Srbi, Staro Srbi, Makedonci, čak i kao Bugari; a nazivani su i drugim imenima: Torbeši, "našinci"; tretirani kao "neopredijeljeni", kao Muslimani (ili kao slovenski muslimani), mada ne i jedan manji dio koji se orijentiše prema Srbiji i srpskoj nacionalnoj opciji, a u zadnje vrijeme i prema turskoj.
Imam prijatelja koji u Prištini mora pričat engleski da bi sačuvao živu glavu, šta da kažem više..
Da li ćemo vas bratski voljeti to ne zavisi od nas nego od vas

Radovane zasto izmisljas i zasto govoris u ime Bosnjaka kad si ti Srbin a ne Bosnjak ?

To sto ti pricas je cisto srpska propaganda i ti to vrlo dobro znas kao i mi svi ostali koji citamo ovo sto ti ovdje pises.

Ako si musliman kao sto tvrdis zasto si onda protiv nase brace muslimana Albanaca sa Kosova i njihove drzave ?


Junior Member
Salam alaikum, you know that Kosovo is false state(лажна држава на тлу Србије) and Hašim Taći was leader of Commununist party, and his sister is married for one of the biggest criminals in the Balkans. In islamic concept of state there is no place for false state as Kosovo is.

You write like Serbian no like Bosnjak.You are so shady kecman :astag:


Junior Member
Esselamu Alejkum Dear brother and Sisters

i'm from Kosova, i'm in this foum long tima ago.

I Wanna say something, Kosova is 96% and even more Muslims, but Europian and American Govermant thay used to tell us thet KOSOVA must be a secular
Country. u see 96 percent muslim and is secular country... May All-llah Help Us, bcoz Islam has going to grow up here like everywere else.

May All-llah Loves me and u And All Muslims Selam Aeljkum

Ve Selam!

Secular country like Turkey :astag:


New Member
kecman idi u neki srpski sajt covece u neki sajt o kom mozes da nadjes svoje ljude Voju kallasnjikova ti je tamo pa idi kod njega i nemaj ovde da pricas gluposti ljudima bez ikakvog argumenta tebi su srbi ubijali sve ako si bosnjak u sto ne verujem a Albanci su pomagali vama u rat sa srbijom zato sramota ovde bosanci zive super nikom en fali nista u mom gradu zive i rade bosanci i niko im nista nije do sada zlo uradio jer oni su nasa braca a ti Kecman idi sa Vojom Kallasnjikovom nemoj da lazes ljude jer u islam je greh da lazes imas li ti pojma u tome da jedan musliman ne treba da laze u Kosovo ne zivi ni 200.000 srba a kamo li bosanaca i ako su bosanci u kosovo ovakvi kao si ti onda i ne treba da zive na kosovo jer mi ljude ka ti ne volimo ili su prodali dusu za pare ili nisu muslimani zato pazi sta pricas u buduce



If this Kecman is the one who uses nick name "Кецман" on part of forum on Bosnian language then,

i don't even think that KECMAN is muslim, sipmly because not even one muslim uses "cyrilik" writing, like he does. Serbs are proud of that, and we all use latinik writing. It's not nice that someone "other" comes here and clames that he is muslim, but tryes to destroy Islam in core, being a hipocrat. Or, maybe you are muslim , "mixed" and grown in serbs part and got what they serve to him.

But, Allah knows best !

My advice is:"Repent and Learn about Islam" !

Kecman, ako imash zhelju uchiti o Islamu, onda uchi. Ako imash neku drugu namjeru, pokaj se Allahu dragome dok josh imash vremena.


Salam alaikum, you know that Kosovo is false state(лажна држава на тлу Србије) and Hašim Taći was leader of Commununist party, and his sister is married for one of the biggest criminals in the Balkans. In islamic concept of state there is no place for false state as Kosovo is.

Since when is muslim proud to write in cyrilic scripture ? May Allah s.w.t., shows us your real face insha'Allah ! Why r u writing in cyrilik when writing in Bosnian ? You have much agaist Kosovo, that's what serbs feel... I wish Serbija is going to end up just on "Beogradski pashaluk" like it used to be before.


:) Death to America
Average Serbian is better than the best American,
regarding to Checniya, Checniya will remain in Russian Federation.
All the time I ask myself why we muslims dont change our retorics, we should try partnership with Ortodox, we are tyred from Vaticans liers.

Sobhan'Allah, another think that points you are the Serb ! What a hipocrate !

Serbs believe that America did agression on on Serbia ! They were bombing Belgrade and other serbians town, but bombing only bridges, factories of weapons,Belgrades televison, and never before warning you, NEVER ! But you wanted to play victims in the eyes of world, what was very cheap lie nothing else. One is being victim and another is being killer !





May Kosovo have most peaceful and prospers years ahead

and may Chechnya and Kashmir and Palestine and all Muslims for the world get independence and make their country an ideal Islamic state.

Congratulations again.


New Member
Good luck to Kosovo and the future of all of the muslim brothers and sisters there. I understand that many on the forum may feel that the government there has problems, however this is common among newly independent governments and inshaAllah will be worked out in time.

And yes Shari may Islamic regions such as Chechnya one day inshaAllah gain their independence from their oppressors as did Kosovo.



May Kosovo have most peaceful and prospers years ahead

and may Chechnya and Kashmir and Palestine and all Muslims for the world get independence and make their country an ideal Islamic state.

Congratulations again.

Ameen Ya Rabbi


Junior Member
Assalaam aleykum wa rahmetullahi wa barakatu,

Dear brothers and sisters, the Serbs (like Kecman) have tried to make the Albanians look bad whereever they are, and in every possible way. To the western world, they say that the Albanians are extremist, fundamentalist Muslims. To the Muslim world, they say that Kosova is an American puppet... They've surpressed the Muslim Albanian population for long enough, and now we're finally free! The joy my grandparents, who have lived under oppression for their whole lives, felt, is undescribeable... I was there, and they both cried.. Elhamdulillah!

Allahu Akbar! Allah is the greatest.. without Allah we're nothing!

We changed our condition, like it's said in the Qur'an:

"Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves (with their own souls)."
no offence to the kosovo people here or albanians( i dont get the relationship).........but i saw there ceremony of independence and i didnt hear them read a dua or any1 having a beard or wearing a hijab?.....what was that then??........


Junior Member
no offence to the kosovo people here or albanians( i dont get the relationship).........but i saw there ceremony of independence and i didnt hear them read a dua or any1 having a beard or wearing a hijab?.....what was that then??........

First of all, Albanians and the ones you call "kosovo people" .. are the same. We're both Albanians.

Second of all, Kosova isn't a Muslim country, it's secular - That's unfortunately why there wasn't any dua.

Third of all - There were plenty of men with beards! And besides that, what do you expect from woman with hijab? That they're out in the streets, and dance? .. It's a slow process, we've been through a lot. Give people the time, to find themselves again, after 50+ years of communism, and Serbian terror!
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