Do you accept this?



For I am not satisfied to the already some sites and forums, whether a Muslim was supervised by Muslims or non-Muslim supervised by non-Muslims when you want to find options involving several options find religion, for example, a Sunni Muslim, Shiite Muslim
I feel some resentment that I want to say I'm Muslim, we are only one nation and not two or more
Is such as to create the difference between us and other communities

forgive me for my English it is not good



Subhana Allah!

you are right muslims are brthers and sisters,

i am muslima!! Alhamdulilah

jazak Allahu khayra for sharing




Please do not apologize for your English. The message is important. We must keep in mind it is entirely up to us. We, Muslims, are the ones responsible for keeping the ummath one. We must guard our faith and protect each other. We must be so cohesive that nothing can enter to attempt to divide us. We gain strenght in unity and spritual unity is the core of life.



Thank you for your replies
I already can not accept this behavior Unfortunately, in some Islamic sites
where is unity of ummah


Oem Soufiane

Junior Member
I do understand when it comes to racism, but I don't agree with you when it comes to sunni/shia etc. There is indeed only one way to interpret islam the right way, to practice islam the right way, and when it comes to differences in aqeeda and especially when shiites insult the sahaba and wife(r.a) of the prophet sal allahu aleihi wa salam, I will not integrate with them as if they are my brothers and sisters, because they aren't.


وَاتَّقُواْ اللَّهَ
Wa 'alaykumusalaam wa rahmatullaah,

:mashallah: a message to unite...i agree wholeheartedly....we mustn't let our differences in opinion divide us...whatever "type" of Muslim we say we are, we are Muslims nonetheless, who worship and obey Allah [ azzawajal] and follow the sunnah of His Beloved Messenger Muhammad [salAllaahu 'alayhi wa aalihi wasalam]

These names we put infront of "Muslim" should not divide us just as the members of one family have different first names yet the same surname binds them together...and alhamdulillaah, us Muslims are one big family.

But the conflict begins when certain individuals or groups claim to be Muslims yet their beliefs are out of the fold of Islaam and such individuals and groups do exist. These groups we cannot unite with.

jazaakAllaahu Khayr
Wassalaamu 'alaykum