i like all of them but whenever i download any of them it stops in between. i never get them full please tell me where is the problem.
ramadhan mubarak to all, hope u all have a blessed month, pls make duas for those especially suffering around the world. check out bhukatirs nasheeds i think they are so cool...
walaikum salaam ramdhaan mubarak to u too..yes ahmad bukhatir's nasheeds r very very nice..nd the suffering of muslims around the world is increasing day by day..lets pray to Allah for His mercy..nd magfirah..
walaikum assalaam sister, well its the blessing of Allah the almighty that i was able to find these nasheeds.. thnx for encouraging..i'll keep on trying to find more useful links..
i tried 2 download ahmed bukhatirs nasheeds but i fail 2 download full nasheeds it jus downloads few seconds i want 2 download full nasheeds pleaseeeeeeeeeee help.jazak allah.