Duas from the Quran and Sunnah


New Member
Assalam-u-alaikum everyone

I wish to start off a thread dedicated to authentic duas/supplications from the Quran and Sunnah. The idea is to learn as many of these as possible, in Arabic with their translation, so that these can be read during our daily prayers as well, as well as repeated often so that Allah may accept them at any given time when He pleases (inshaAllah). One should never forget to pray, since Allah is As-Samee'u (The Hearer) and Al-Mujeeb (The Acceptor of Supplications), and He is All-Powerful...

The idea is for the users on this forum to keep this thread going so that it may benefit us all. Learning one dua per day is not much, and inshaAllah this is something that can be accomplished here.

Here is one dua that is concise and complete...May the Ever-Living and Ever-Existing bless us, rectify all our affairs for us and not leave us incharge of our own nafs for even the blink of an eye...

Here is the link to the text in Arabic with its English translation: http://www.makedua.com/print_dua.php?duaid=89