Egypt to face its first Tunisian-inspired protests


Junior Member
Message from USA to Egyptians:

"I just wanted to say if your in contact with them would you send them best wishes from here in the US. I've been following this pretty closely and honestly thought this was doomed to failure but I have renewed faith after reading this post. I pray they are organized and commit to the long haul even if it takes some time. Do what you need to do, stay safe take care of your families, work together. Egypt could lead the world here!"


Beautiful.. :)

Here's a very good article. Translated from Arabic.

Why they killed your people?
الكاتب Author
بلال فضل Belal Fadl
Thu, 03/02/2011 - 08:00 Thu, 03/02/2011 - 08:00

سيدى الرئيس، بطل الضربة الجوية، لماذا أمرت بالضربة البرية التى سقط فيها أبناء شعبك قتلى وجرحى فى شوارع مصر طيلة الأيام الماضية. Mr. President, the hero of the air strike, why ordered the strike, which hit land where children of thy people dead and wounded on the streets of Egypt over the last few days. إذا لم تكن أنت الذى أمرت فمن الذى أمر بذلك إذن؟، كانوا دائما يقولون إنك لست مسؤولا عن أى كارثة تحدث لأبناء شعبك، لست مسؤولا عن غرق ألف ومائة مصرى فى عبارة الفساد، لست مسؤولا عن احتراق الأبرياء فى قطار الصعيد ومسرح بنى سويف، لست مسؤولا عن نزيف الدماء فى حوادث الطرق، لست مسؤولا عن الفساد وخراب التعليم وانتشار التطرف والمرض والفقر، أنت فقط مسؤول عن الإنجازات والسعادة والفرحة والبهجة، أنت لا تخطئ، فنحن لم نرك ولو لمرة تعتذر لشعبك كما يفعل كل الزعماء فى العالم المتقدم الذين يعلمون أنهم ليسوا آلهة ولا أنصاف آلهة، بل بشر يخطئون ويصيبون. If you were not, who ordered it, who ordered it, then?, They always say you are not liable for any disaster occurring to the children of thy people, I am not responsible for the sinking of a thousand and one hundred Egyptian in a corruption, I am not responsible for the burning of innocent people in the train level and a theater in Beni Suef, I'm not responsible for the bloodshed in road accidents, I am not responsible for the corruption and the destruction of education and the spread of extremism, disease and poverty, you are only responsible for the achievements, happiness and joy and delight, you're not mistaken, we no see, even for a time, apologize to your people as it does all leaders in the developed world who know they are not gods and semi-gods, but human beings make mistakes and injure.

هذه المرة، أنت تعلم بأن شعبك كان يُقتل ويُهان ويُقمع ويُسحل فى شوارع مصر، إذا لم تكن قد أمرت بذلك فلابد أنهم نقلوا لك ما حدث فى التقارير، وإذا كانوا لم ينقلوه لك فلابد أنك شاهدته فى الفضائيات والصحف المصرية العربية والأجنبية التى قاومت قمع أجهزتك ونجحت فى تسريب بعض الصور بعيدا عن أيدى رجالك، إذا كنت تعلم فتلك مصيبة، لأنك خالفت ما أقسمت عليه بالحفاظ على أمن وسلامة المواطن، وإذا كنت لا تعلم فالمصيبة أعظم، لأنك عندها لا تستحق أن تكون رئيساً لنا. This time, you know that your people were killed and humiliated and oppressed and abrade the streets of Egypt, if you were not been ordered to do so, they must be transferred to you what happened in the reports, and if they did not transmit it to you should you have seen on the satellite channels and newspapers, the Egyptian-Arab and foreign, which resisted the suppression devices and successfully in the diversion of some of the images away from the hands of your men, if you know That calamity, contrary to what you swore him to maintain the security and safety of citizens, and if you do not know Valmuseibp greater, because then you do not deserve to be president for us.

نحن لسنا شعباً من الخراف ياسيادة الرئيس لكى تدهس شبابنا عربات الأمن المركزى ويضربهم الضباط بالرصاص الحى والمطاطى والقنابل المسيلة للدموع، بعد أن زهقوا من ركلهم بالبيادات وهم يلقون بهم إلى سيارات تأخذهم إلى معسكرات اعتقال نجا منها الفاسدون والظلمة والفشلة، هل رأيت فى يوم 25 يناير كيف سحل رجالك الكاتب محمد إحسان عبد القدوس سليل العائلة التى لم تصل إلى مكانتها الرفيعة فى وجدان المصريين بالقمع والفساد، بل بنشر الصحافة والفن والحرية والحب؟، هل شاهدت كل هذا وارتاح ضميرك لمجرد أنهم قالوا لك إن الذين خرجوا فى الشوارع «إخوان مسلمين»، هل تأملت سيادتك فى وجوه ملايين المتظاهرين ولاحظت أن ملامحهم لا يجمعها أى انتماء سوى الهتاف ضد عهدك وسياساتك ونظامك؟، كيف رضيت بإطلاق الرصاص على مواطنين أقسمت على حمايتهم؟، هل قالوا لك، وهم يأخذون الأوامر، إن المتظاهرين قتلوا جندى شرطة ولابد من قمعهم، هل طلبت قبلها تقريراً عاجلاً من الطب الشرعى لتكتشف أن الجندى استشهد بسبب هبوط حاد فى الدورة الدموية كما تقول المنظمات الحقوقية؟، هل تعرف أصلا كم كان يقبض هذا الجندى وزملاؤه، وما هى أوضاعهم الصحية والنفسية والاجتماعية، وفى أى صف كانوا سيقفون لو أتيحت لهم فرصة الاختيار.. We are not the people of sheep, Mr. President, in order to run over our youth vehicles Security Central and beating officers live and rubber bullets and tear gas, after Zhqgua of kicking Balbiadat throwing them to the car taking them to concentration camps survived, including the corrupt and the darkness and Alvclp, have you seen in on January 25 how get rid of your men by Mohamed Ihsan Abdul Quddus scion of the family, which did not reach its high in the minds of Egyptian oppression and corruption, but the deployment of the press, art, freedom and love?, have you seen all this and rest your conscience just because they told you that those who went out in the streets «Muslim Brothers», you I pondered your Excellency in the faces of millions of demonstrators and noted that their physical appearance is not collected any affiliation but cheering against your custom and your policies and your system?, how I am pleased with the shooting of citizens sworn to protect them?, Did they say to you, they take orders, the protesters were killed soldier police should be suppressed, is requested before an urgent report from the Forensic Medicine to discover that the soldier was martyred because of a sharp drop in circulation, says human rights organizations?, do you know already how much was arrested the soldier and his colleagues, what are the conditions of health, psychological, social, and in what row they stand if they had the opportunity to choose .. هل سألت رجالك: هل كان غضب السوايسة العارم مجانيا أم أنه كان غضبا تلا سقوط شبابهم شهداء برصاص الشرطة؟ Have you asked your men: Is it anger was overwhelming Alsoaisp free or that it was anger followed the fall of the martyrs of their youth shot dead by the police?

هل قالوا لك ليلة جمعة الشهداء إن كل شىء تحت السيطرة فذهبت لتنام مطمئناً، لأنهم سيطروا على الأقلية المندسة المدفوعة، وأنت ربما تفكر فى إبداع جملة مليئة بالعنجهية من نوعية «سيبوهم يتسلوا»، ثم فوجئت بعد صلاة الجمعة بملايين الرافضين للتسلية وهم يخرجون ليهتفوا ضدك فى شوارع مصر فى مشهد لم يحدث منذ انتفاضة عام 1935 ضد عدو الشعب إسماعيل صدقى، وحتى بعد أن رأيتهم بعينيك واصلت على مدى أيام عنادك وتعاليك على شعبك، وحتى عندما أجبرك الشعب على ألا تظل رئيسا حتى آخر نفس كما كنت تقول، حتى وأنت تراهن على ضعف ذاكرة شعبك وأنه سينسى كم مرة وعدته وأخلفت، لماذا لم تفكر ولو من باب المصلحة فى أن تقول للناس إنك لست إلهاً، وإنك بشر يمكن أن يعتذر ويعترف بالخطأ، لماذا لم تتحدث بكلمة عن المئات الذين قتلهم وأصابهم رجالك، لم تعلن حتى عن إحالة القتلة إلى محاكمة عاجلة لكى تبرئ نفسك من دمائهم، للأسف لم تفعل يا سيادة الرئيس ولذلك ستظل دماؤهم فى رقبتك إلى أن تعتذر وتحاكم من سفكوا دماء الأبرياء. Did they say to you Friday night of the martyrs that everything is under control so I went to sleep at peace, because they took control of the minority shabby paid, and you probably think of creativity phrase full of haughty quality of «Sebouhm Itsilwa», and then I was surprised after Friday prayers, millions of opponents of the entertainment and they are coming out to cheer against you in the streets of Egypt in the scene did not happen since the uprising in 1935 against the enemy of the people Ismail Sidqi, and even after that I saw your eyes, and continued over the days Enadk and Taalik on your people, and even when they force you people not to remain as president until the last breath as you say, even when you are betting on the weak memory of your people and that he will forget how many times promised and made false, why did not you think if only from the interest in to tell people you are not a god, and you humans can be to apologize and admit error, why not speak a word about the hundreds who have been killed and got your men, did not announce until the referral of the killers to speedy trial in order to exonerate yourself from the blood, unfortunately, do not you, Mr. President, and that their blood will remain in your neck to apologize and try to shed the blood of innocent people.

تحيا مصر، ومبروك لأحرار المصريين أنهم استعادوا وطنهم من جديد. Long live Egypt, and Congratulations to the Egyptians that they are free to have regained their homeland again.

Link of original article:لماذا-قتلت-شعبك؟

sister herb

Official TTI Chef
Lol, a couple are getting married now in Tahrir!

What "hippies" at 1960's said? Make love not war.



Junior Member
Today was a really emotional day. It was named the Day of the Martyrs and Coptic Sunday. It was in memory of those who lost their lives, most of whom all died on Friday the 28th and who the government sill won't even make a memorial and say sorry for their deaths. So the memorial was done by the people in Tahrir square, and by the non-national TV channels. Such young and innocent people. We saw their photos hung all over the square, and aired by the decent! TV channels, and their relatives came to talk on TV of what happened to them exactly, all of whom killed by the police. Heck, even one person from the ARMY was killed by the police, so it would look like the citizens are the ones who killed him so that there would be a fight between the citizens and the army! And a ten year old child.. I don't know how I expect the police to protect me in the future. I think if I see one I don't know what I'd do. I would be afraid for my life, not feel protected!

Other than that, I quote the news: the Christians pray Sunday mass under the watch of the Muslims, Christians wake up Muslims for Fajr prayer. So beautiful. The Egypt they have for so long tried to hide.

At the square, our numbers were less than before and the streets were starting to get busy like everyone was going back to their lives, but for sure the ones in Tahrir Sqaure are not moving. Inshaa Allah the day will come soon. Half an hour after we arrived at the square, we hear.. gunshots. Live gunshots from a distance, loud and clear! It lasted for like 30 seconds. For a few minutes, there was clear panic. I had to shrug off any thought due to my faith in my brothers securing the entrances. Sure enough, they had everything under control and the guy in the mic asked for a big number of people to go there so nothing happened.

The very good news, Wael Ghonim, an activist who has been missing since Jan 27 is alive and expected to be released tomorrow! Alhamdulela. It is said that Wael Ghonim is behind the Facebook page that created the event for the 25th of Jan protests and started the whole thing. Still rumors, no confirmed news.


Assalaam walaikum,

Just read this:Senior US Marine Says "Multiple Platoons" Are Headed To Egypt

Read more:

A senior member of the US Marine corps is telling people "multiple platoons" are deploying to Egypt, a source tells us.

There is a system within the US Marines that alerts the immediate families of high-ranking marines when their marine will soon be deployed to an emergency situation where they will not be able to talk to their spouses or families.

That alert just went out, says our source.

This senior Marine told our source that the Pentagon will deploy "multiple platoons" to Egypt over the next few days and that the official reason will be ‘to assist in the evacuation of US citizens."

Our source was told that "the chances they were going over there went from 70% yesterday to 100% today."

We're keeping these people anonymous because both would get in trouble for sharing this information with the press.

On Friday, the Pentagon announced it would move "U.S. warships and other military assets to make sure it is prepared in case evacuation of U.S. citizens from Egypt becomes necessary," according the the LA Times.

We've reached out to the Pentagon.

Read more:


Other than that, I quote the news: the Christians pray Sunday mass under the watch of the Muslims, Christians wake up Muslims for Fajr prayer. So beautiful. The Egypt they have for so long tried to hide.

So amazingly beautiful mashAllah. I hope the world (particularly the US) sees this and learns what brotherhood in humanity is truly about.


Pearl of Islaam
Egypt: Mubarak forms reform committees

CAIRO – In its latest effort to defuse public anger amid mass protests, embattled President Hosni Mubarak's regime set up a committee Tuesday to recommend constitutional changes that would relax presidential eligibility rules and impose term limits.

Mubarak's decrees were announced on state television by Vice President Omar Suleiman, who also said that Mubarak had decreed the creation of a separate committee to monitor the implementation of all proposed reforms. The two committees would start working immediately, but Suleiman did not give details about who would sit on the panels or how they would be chosen.

The government has promised several concessions since an uprising began two weeks ago but so far they have fallen short of protesters' demands that Mubarak step down immediately instead of staying on through September elections. Tuesday's decision was the first concrete step taken by the longtime authoritarian ruler to implement promised reforms.

Mubarak also ordered a probe into clashes last week between the protesters and supporters of the president. The committee would refer its findings to the attorney-general, Suleiman said.

"The youth of Egypt deserve national appreciation," he quoted the president as saying. "They should not be detained, harassed or denied their freedom of expression."

Thousands of protesters, meanwhile, remained camped out in the central Tahrir Square, many hoping for an appearance by Google Inc. executive Wael Ghonim, who has emerged as a rallying point after he was released Monday after 12 days in custody.

About 90,000 people have joined a Facebook group nominating Ghonim to be their spokesman. Many demonstrators reject a group of officially sanctioned and traditional Egyptian opposition groups that have been negotiating with the government on their behalf in recent days.

Some on the square chanted "Wael Ghonim is coming today," although his planned afternoon appearance couldn't immediately be confirmed.

Tuesday's announcement came two days after Suleiman met for the first time with representatives of opposition groups, including the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood — the country's largest and best organized opposition group — to debate a way out of the ongoing political crisis.

The fundamentalist Islamic group issued a statement before Suleiman's announcement Tuesday calling the reforms proposed so far as "partial" and insisting that Mubarak must go to ease what it called the anger felt by Egyptians who face widespread poverty and government repression.

The Brotherhood also accused pro-Mubarak thugs of detaining protesters, including Brotherhood supporters, and handing them over to the army's military police who torture them.

"We call on the military, which we love and respect, to refrain from these malicious acts," said the statement.

The protesters have said they would not enter negotiations with the regime before Mubarak's departure. Mubarak insists that he intends to serve the remainder of his current, six-year term, which expires in September, and that he would die in Egypt, thus rejecting any suggestion that he should leave the country.

The president went on with official business Tuesday, receiving the foreign minister of the United Arab Emirates. The official Middle East News Agency said Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan delivered a message from the UAE's president but gave no further details.

By HAMZA HENDAWI and MAGGIE MICHAEL, Associated Press – 58 mins ago


Junior Member
I love you Egypt. That is the dominant feeling right now since Wael Ghonim spoke on TV yesterday. He refuted any claims of him being a spy to the US or Israel (one of the many Egyptian television lies). His love for this country emanated from his face to the extent that one cannot help but feel so ashamed of himself. When he saw for the first time the pictures of those who have passed away (since he's been kidnapped and blindfolded for the past 12 days, the government didn't tell him anything about what's going on in the country), he cried and we cried with him and he said, "I want to tell every parent who has lost their child that I'm sorry but it's not our fault. It's the fault of those who have been in post for so long." He couldn't control his tears, so said he wanted to leave, got up and left the show abruptly.

Right now you can tell that there are many of the people who said before why not wait for the 6 months to be over change their mind and now lots of people are heading to Tahrir. I am pretty sure today the numbers will be huge!

I am so happy that I and everyone around me finally love our country sincerely. Egypt. <3


Junior Member
Assalaam walaikum,

Sister what is the atmosphere in the tent cities?

All the tents are situated mainly in the middle of the square, and those who sleep in the tents are mostly men of course so I just don't come near this part of the square at all. So I don't know, sorry.

Today was the largest number of protesters EVER. Mashaa Allah!!!! It was so crowded that I got separated from the people I was with even before we passed the entrance! There was one guy who had a suitcase with him like he had just come from the airport straight to the square. Amazing.

Abu Talib

Feeling low
The Associated Press news agency has reported that a former Israeli Cabinet minister who has long known Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian president, says Mubarak is looking for an honourable way out.

Binyamin Ben-Eliezer of Israel's Labor Party says he spoke with Mubarak just hours before the president's speech yesterday in which he transferred authorities to his deputy but refused to step down.

Ben-Eliezer told Army Radio that Mubarak knew "this was the end of the road" and wanted only to "leave in an honorable fashion."


Junior Member
ALLAHU AKBAR! Egyptian TV sided with us for the first time ever and supported us and asks Mubarak to leave.

Inshaa Allah we are expecting good news soon!!!!!!

sister herb

Official TTI Chef
Yesterday, Mubarak share in sieging Ghaza
Today, Egyptian demonestrators siege presidential palace in Heliopolis
In the past, Mubarak 's siege causes Ghaza people to use tunnels to earn their living
Now, the only way out of palace for Mubarak to escape is through underground tunnel