Exposing The Sins of Your Fellow Muslim


New Member
Exposing the sins of other people can be called to fall in the category or backbiting or slandering may be if you are not completely aware of the situation. Who gives the right to involve into such moral trespassing? are we pure religious saints free from any dark spot of sin or are we angels incapable of sinning? Just be honest to your own self for once!!

Thanks so much for this post!!

ouddene bouziane

Junior Member
one scholars has said concerning this question
we know people. they had sins but they don.t expose others. sins . so Allah accepted their repentance
and we know others. they had no sins. but they exposed others.sins. so Allah punished them by doing the same.
muslim must be merciful with his brithers. if they are better than him he should get benifits from them. if they are like him. he must be modest with them seeing no difference. if they are less than him. he must help them.


New Member
i need help. last year my father died. i was the imam of his funereal prayer. i said thakbeer correctly but i couldnt pray sura/dua correctly. everyone thought that i prayed it correctly.6 months have passed. i know i did mistake but i didnt do it intentionally. now what should i do ?

candy candy

Junior Member
We all know very well that we are all sinners. No matter how good we think we are, how ‘religious’ we look, or how good people think we are, we are ALL sinners – without exception. Sometime or the other, be it in public, in private, in the darkness of night or in the brightness of daylight, we all commit sins. It’s an inherent part of human nature.

As far as our own sins are concerned, we should always try to hide them and not make them public. Of course, if we have done something which has hurt someone else or denied them their rights, then we should definitely fess up and ask them for forgiveness (such as stealing something or damaging someone’s property). But if we do something which we know we shouldn’t be doing (such as making out with a member of the opposite sex or looking at stuff we shouldn’t be seeing), we should keep quiet about it and sincerely ask Allah for forgiveness. Allah says in the Holy Quran:

Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly (for forgiveness) and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean. (Quran, 2:222)

If we see or hear about someone else committing a sin, we should always try to ignore it. Instead of spreading it, we should hide it and keep it a secret. It is reported that the Prophet :SAW: has said:

Whosoever covers (the sins of) a Muslim, Allah covers (his sins) on the Day of Judgment. (Reported by Bukhari)

If we find it too difficult to keep it secret, the most we are allowed to do is discuss the issue with the person, in private, and try to encourage them to stop committing the sin(s). Allah has said:

The believers, men and women, are Auliyâ' (helpers, supporters, friends, protectors) of one another, they enjoin Al-Ma'rûf (i.e. Islâmic Monotheism and all that Islâm orders one to do), and they forbid (people) from Al-Munkar (i.e. polytheism and disbelief of all kinds, and all that Islâm has forbidden). (Quran, 71:9)

The only exception to this is if we find out that someone has committed a crime that has left someone injured or killed, or in which something was stolen or someone was denied something to which they were entitled to. In these cases, we MUST make the information public so that the person is brought to justice.

One thing we must not do when we find out about someone else’s sins is discuss them and gossip about them. Why? Because doing so will considered backbiting, which has been compared to eating the flesh (meat) of our own dead brother. Allah Subhanahu wa T’ala has said:

O you who believe! Avoid much suspicions, indeed some suspicions are sins. And spy not, neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it (so hate backbiting). And fear Allâh. Verily, Allâh is the One Who accepts repentance, Most Merciful. (Quran, 49:12)

But what if what we’re saying is really true?

Allah's Apostle :SAW: said:

Do you know what is backbiting? They (the Companions) said: Allah and His Apostle (peace be upon him) know best. Thereupon he (the Prophet) said: Backbiting implies your talking about your brother in a manner which he does not like. It was said to him: What is your opinion about this that if I actually find (that weakness) in my brother which I made a mention of? He said: If (that weakness) is actually found (in him) what you assert, you in fact backbited him, and if that is not in him it is a slander. (Reported by Muslim)

If we enjoy spreading stuff about people, we must think about what we are doing. Allah says in the Holy Quran:

Those who love (to see) scandal published (and) broadcast among the Believers will have a grievous Penalty in this life and in the Hereafter: Allah knows and ye know not. (Quran, 19-24)

In the above verse, Allah is warning all those who like to spread scandals and gossip about other believing Muslims to be careful, because they “will have a grievous Penalty in this life and in the Hereafter”.

May Allah protect us all, and may He forgive all our sins.



'Abd Allah reported that the Prophet of Allah, upon him be peace, said, "A believer is not a fault-finder and is not abusive, obscene, or course."
(Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners 313, Ahmad, Ibn Hibban, and Hakim)

... Ibn 'Abbas said, "If you wish to mention the faults of your friend, mention your own faults first."
(Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners 329)

... Ibn 'Abbas said on the following verse of the Qur'an, "Nor defame one another" (49:11), "Do not spend your time finding fault with one another."
(Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #330)

Jubayr ibn Nufayr reported that Mu'adh ibn Jabal said, "If you love someone, do not quarrel with him and do not annoy him. Do not ask others about him, for the one you ask might be his enemy and thus tell you things about him that are not true and thus break you apart."
(Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners 545)

'Amr ibn al 'As said, "...I am amazed at one who spots an impurity in the eye of another but is unable to detect it in his/her own eye, or who attempts to remove a grudge from another's heart while making no attempt to remove grduges from his/her own heart. I have never blamed anyone for the confidences of mine that they have betrayed. How could I, when already they have given me reason for pause?"
(Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #889 and Ibn Hibban)

Bilal ibn Sa'd al Ash'ari reported that Mu'awiyah wrote to Abu Darda' "Write to the wrongdoers of Damascus." So he asked, "What do I have to do with the wrongdoers of Damascus? How will I know them?" Abu Darda's son, Bilal said, "I will write to them," which he did. Then Abu Darda' said [to Bilal], "How did you know to whom to write? You could not have known they were wrongdoers unless you were one of them. Begin with yourself!" So he did not address the letter in anyone's name.*
(Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners 1295)

·i.e. he didn't single out a specific person as a wrongdoer, but spoke about wrongdoings in general, to come as a reminder (of Quran and Sunnah) to the people.

Oh God....I have done this too :(
I have done alot of backiting for few of my friends and cousins and even my own siblings just for the sake of fun...
but after reading it, I have realized that how will i face my Allah on the day of judgement :(
I know Allah is most merciful...but still i would have to suffer the part of my punishment :(

How can i repent to Allah regarding this?


Awesome thread. May ALMIGHTY ALLAH(SWT) Increase your iman and course you to die as a muslim. Jarzakun LLAHU KHAIRAN.


What if someone goes out looking for your sin. i.e. has hack your private stuff e.g. Facebook/ phone etc
Make you feel really crap without taking into consideration that you may already be repenting for what you have done. then tell you its from a good place, and they only want you to be a better muslim and they did that to help you because they care yet they completely cut you off from their life although they claim it was to help you and they aren't judging you nor think any lower of you.

Are you allowed to spy on people for the sake of 'Good'?
What if the person justifies that it was ok to do what they did because they didn't expose your sin to people and instead approached you?


Junior Member
What if someone goes out looking for your sin. i.e. has hack your private stuff e.g. Facebook/ phone etc
Make you feel really crap without taking into consideration that you may already be repenting for what you have done. then tell you its from a good place, and they only want you to be a better muslim and they did that to help you because they care yet they completely cut you off from their life although they claim it was to help you and they aren't judging you nor think any lower of you.

Are you allowed to spy on people for the sake of 'Good'?
What if the person justifies that it was ok to do what they did because they didn't expose your sin to people and instead approached you?

That what happened to you or..?

I don't think some other person should or can do that, maybe it's to be expected if say your parents spied on you. But in general they have no right to expose your sins or privacy invade.


Junior Member
Nice article brother, thank you for sharing.
Inshal allah, we will become more practicing Muslims.


Junior Member
Hello everyone. With all this talk about sinners I just had to point a few things out to you all that you might find of interest.

Al Ilah is Arabic and it means supreme God.

Muhammad was from the Quraysh Tribe. They tended to their altar for their deity the moon god hubal al ilah at the market place known as the Kabba. It was the only place around that desert region that had a good supply of water. There were other religious altars of course from other religions but the worship of the moon god hubal al ilah was the main deity in that region of the desert. Muhammad used to play about this moon god altar when he was a small child because he was from the Quraysh tribe. The god of Muhammad was hubal al ilah the moon god. The Quraysh tribe being the main religious community leaders had a lot of power and influence with their tribe because of that fact.

Muhammad thought that merchants’ travelling from distant lands to the Kabba to sell their goods might laugh at them if they discovered that they worshipped the moon god hubal al ilah. So using his influence with his tribe leaders he convinced them to drop the name hubal and shorten then name al ilah to Allah. Meaning supreme god. The Quraysh tribe saw the point of view to them the supreme god was hubal al ilah so they did not need to use hubal in the title as they all knew who their supreme god was and also did not want to be laughed at for worshipping the Moon. So they dropped the name hubal al ilah and began saying Allah. The god Allah of Muhammad was the moon god hubal al ilah. That is what and why you and all muslims bow towards mecca and the Kabba. You are all bowing to the moon god hubal al ilah to this very day. The "Living God" says we must not follow false prophets or false gods of mans imaginations.

The Moon god hubal al ilah has other names. It was originally called the moon god Sin. The desert Moses walked the freed slaves of Egypt into was called the desert of Sin after that moon god. Mount Sinai was also named after that Moon god Sin. This was worshipped throughout Mesopotamia and the middle east. Of course as dialects differ the name changes and in the region where Muhammad lived the moon god Sin was called hubal al ilah.

Without realising it you are worshipping the moon. I have met many Muslims on other websites who are fully aware of this moon worshipping. Just thought you should know. Type it into your search engine if you doubt me. It is documented in a lot of places.

Also note something else interesting in Deuteronomy law.

Deuteronomy 19:15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.

Starjade says; In any Sin that they sinneth. This was a reference in "Deuteronomy Law" to the worship of the moon god Sin that was frowned upon by the Israelites especially as Moses was walking them all around in the Desert of Sin. This was the origin of the meaning of the word “Sinner” to worship the moon god Sin.

The Crown of the "Living White Sphere" of Kether.


Junior Member
I ask that you have some kindly consideration for the believers in this moon god because the believers of the moon god were in fact desert dwellers. During the day the morning Star would rise and its heat would dry out water wells and literally kill people. So the Sun was considered to be a Devil.

At night however the desert was cool and the moon shone brightly and looked magnificent. In a desert environment the night times was a much better time to be up and about and we all know how good the moon looks in the dark of night. Furthermore its light lit up their way in the desert. One cannot blame those desert dwellers for being grateful to escape the heat from the morning Star. Of course for some they began to worship the moon, as it was their saviour from the intense desert heat. It also lit their path whiles they travelled at night and so it was a big part in their life. So do not think of them so harshly. They were not living in a kind environment.

I myself am used to existing in sub zero temperatures and in a desert I would only move about at night time just as those desert dwellers would. I do understand where they were coming from. I have no doubt the heat of those deserts would melt my bones and I would also smile if I saw the moon lighting up my paths during the night.

It does not alter the fact however, that the god of Islam is the moon god “Sin” in the region of the Kabba where the Quraysh tribe lived, in their dialect it was called hubal al ilah and was still "Sin" full. Now understand why the moon is always displayed on Islamic flags and above mosques. The moon worshipping may be silent but it is still displayed all over Islam. Muslims should always remember that Muhammad originally was from the Quraysh tribe and their god was the moon god hubal al ilah also known as the moon god “Sin”.

The Crown of the "Living White Sphere" of Kether.

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Junior Member
New Muslims, and sometimes children, are frequently curious about the qualities and values of Surah Fatiha and why it holds such a prominent place in Quran Kareem, and therefore in Islam. One often asked question is, “Is Surah Fatiha compulsory in salah (prayer)?”

Well, if you want to know more about the detailed answer, keep reading!

What is Surah Al Fatiha?

surah al fatihah (Arabic: سورة الفاتحة, IPA: [ʔal faːtiħah]) is the first surah (chapter) of quran kareem. It consists of 7 ayat (verses) with one hundred and thirteen letters,

which are a prayer for guidance and mercy.

But, why is this surah given the name Al-Fatihah? The literal translation of “al Fatiha” is “The Opening” or “The Opener”.

Since it’s the first chapter of the book, it’s called its opener.

The most widely recognized opinion concerning the surah’s origins is that it is a Meccan surah, according to Ibn Abbas and others,

but, some say it is either a Medinan surah or was revealed in both Mecca and Medina.

According to most narrators, al Fatiha was the first complete Surah given to Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

Ascertain scholars have argued that this chapter is a summation of the whole Quran, it seems to be an exact table of contents of the Quranic message.

When the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) promised a companion that he would teach him the most important chapter in Quran Kareem,

he read Surah Al Fatihah (Narrated by Abu Said Al-Mu’alla).

What Is The Meaning Of Surah Fatiha?


Surah Al Fatiha has been split into two halves between Allah and His servant (the one reciting),

with the first three verses being Allah’s part and the latter three verses representing the servants’ part.

Surah Fatiha Tafseer

The chapter opens with thanking Allah with the phrase ‘Alhamdulillah’ and declaring that it is Allah who has full control over all creatures,

that He is Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim or the Most Gracious and Merciful, and that till the Day of Judgement,

He is and will be the rightful owner of everything and everyone.

The following three verses begin with the servants declaring that they worship and seek solely Allah’s aid,

asking Him to direct them to the Sirat al-Mustaqim (the Straight Path) of those to whom Allah has been generous,

rather than those to whom Allah has been wrathful.

What Is The Translation Of Surah Fatiha In English?

  1. In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.
  2. [All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds
  3. The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful,
  4. Master of the Day of Judgement.
  5. It is You we worship and You who we ask for help.
  6. Guide us to the straight path
  7. The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked [Your] anger or of those who are astray.

Surah Fatah Transliteration

  1. Bismillahi ar rahmani ar raheem
  2. Alhammdulillahi Rabbil aalameen
  3. Ara-Rahmaanir-Raheem
  4. Maliki Yawmi-Deen
  5. iyyaka na’budu wa iyyaka nastaeen
  6. Ihdina as-Siraatal Mustaqeem
  7. Siraatal lazeena anamta alaihim ghayril maghdoobi alaihim wala ad-daaalleen

Is Surah Fatiha Compulsory In Salah?

Al-Fatiha is recited in obligatory and voluntary salah. The first thing you do in salah after saying Allahu Akbar,

then reciting Surah Al Fatihah then reciting surah after fatiha. In 4-rakaat prayers, you recite only al Fatiha starting from the third and fourth rakaat.

On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (May Allah Be Pleased With Him) from the Prophet (Peace And Blessings Of Allah Be Upon Him), who said:

“A prayer performed by someone who has not recited the Essence of the Quran during it is deficient (and he repeated the word three times), incomplete.”

Surah Fatiha Hadith

Surah al Fatiha was mentioned in the Prophet’s Hadith. Abu Hurayrah said that the Messenger of Allah said:

“Al-Hamdu lillahi Rabbil-Alamin is the Mother of the Quran, the Mother of the Book, and the seven repeated Ayat of the Glorious Quran.”


Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that Allah said in hadith Qudsi al Fatihah:

“Allah had said: ‘I have divided prayer between Myself and My servant into two halves, and My servant shall have what he has asked for’.

When the servant says : ‘Al-hamdu lillahi rabbi l-alamin’, Allah says: – ‘My servant has praised Me.’

says: ‘Ar-Rahmani ar-Rahim’, Allah (mighty and sublime be He) says: ‘My servant has extolled Me ,’

and what time he says: ‘ Maliki yawmi d-din’, Allah says : ‘My servant has glorified Me’ – and on one occasion He said: ‘My servant has submitted to My power.’

says: ‘Iyyaka na’budu wa iyyaka nastaeen’, He says: ‘This is between Me and My servant, and My servant shall have what he has asked for.’

And when he says: ‘ Ihdina s-sirata l- mustaqim, siratal ladhina an amta alayhim ghayril-maghdubi alayhim wala ad-dallin’,

He says: ‘This is for My servant, and My servant shall have what he has asked for.”

(Muslim, Malik, at-Tirmidhi, Abu-Dawud, an-Nasa’i and Ibn Majah)

Surah Fatiha Benefits

  • It is a cure for diseases
A companion once recited surah al Fatihah over a scorpion bite, to which the Prophet responded to him saying

“How did you know it was a Ruqyah (cure)?”

(Sahih Al Bukhari)

According to some additional narrations, reciting this Surah 70 times on any area of the body that is in agony would cause the pain to disappear.

  • It prevents misguidance
This surah offers a prayer for protection from misguidance and Allah’s wrath. As a result, the heart is protected against tainted knowledge and bad intentions.

The passage also contains the hidden remedy for both of these diseases.

“You (Oh Allah) we worship and from You do we seek help”.

  • It completes our Salah
Salah (prayer) is invalid without reciting al Fatiha in every rakaat (unit). Ubadah bin As-Samit said that the Prophet of Allah (PBUH) said,

“There is no prayer for whoever does not recite the Opening of the Book.”

According to the commentary of Majma’ul Bayan, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that whoever recites Surah Fatiha,

that will receive the reward for reciting two-thirds ⅔ of the entire al Quran al Kareem,

as well as the reward equivalent to what would be gained by giving charity to all believing men and women all around the world.

Surah Al Fatiha Best Recitation

Here’s Surah Al Fatiha with Tajweed by Mishary Al Afasy’s best recitation so you can listen to it repeatedly,

and notice tajweed rules in Surah Fatiha in order to recite it perfectly.

If you want to listen to it online, click here to start the Quran Fatiha download to listen to it whenever you want.

Here’s also Surah Fatiha Ahmadiyya with Urdu translation to check out.

You can learn surah Fatiha step by step with online Quran learning classes at Noor kids.

With Noor Academy, your kids get to learn with online kids Quran tutor specialized who know how to simplify Quran recitation, memorization,

also, sign up for Quran learning for kids to raise them up on the correct recitation and Tajweed of the whole Quran, not just surah al Fatiha.

and Tajweed for children of all ages to understand and digest.

Noor and Nora ( House of Quran ) will be their friends during this amazing journey.

surah al fatiha written in arabic​

الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ

الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

مَالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ

إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ

اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ

صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ غَيْرِ الْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا الضَّالِّينَ

Related Questions

Where was Surah Fatiha revealed?​

the scholars say Surah Fatiha is revealed in Mecca and some say in Medina and some say it’s revealed twice: once in Mecca and again in Medina.

why did Iblis cry when surah Fatiha was revealed?​

Iblis use to stick mud in his ears when Surah Al-Fatiha was revealed as it is a surah that holds a great blessing for the Ummah of the Prophet SAW

Which Surah is Known As Asas Al Quran?​

Surah Fatiha is known as Asas Al Quran. The reason is that it’s considered the summary of the whole Quran. Quran Kareem starts with it,

and there’s no Salah (prayer) accepted before Fatiha is recited following another Surah from the Holy Quran.

What is The Other Name Of Surah Fatiha?​

Surah Al Fatiha’s other names include Umm Al-Kitab (The Mother of the Book), Umm Al-Quran (mother of the Quran), Saba al Mathani (Seven repeated [verses],

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What Are The 5 Pillars of Islam For Kids?​

  • August 5, 2021
  • 9:00 am

5 Pillars of Islam For Kids

What Are The 5 Pillars of Islam For Kids?​

Muslims worldwide embrace the 5 pillars of Islam, regardless of ethnic, regional, or sectarian diversity. To be a real Muslim, you must adhere to the Muslim five pillars and never, ever disregard them.
Noor Academy will walk you through a simple tutorial of the 5 pillars of Islam and their meanings in order to teach them to you kids, despite their age.

What Are The Five Pillars Of Islam And What Do They Mean?

The five pillars of Islam are the fundamentals of Muslim beliefs that we should all commit to and teach our children at a very young age.
When your kids learn about the pillars of Islam, they grow up to commit to them and pass them on to other generations of Muslims.
So, what are Islam’s five pillars and what do they imply? The five pillars of Islam are the profession of faith (shahada), prayer (salah),
alms-giving (zakat), fasting (sawm), and pilgrimage (hajj).

Upholding the pillars is regarded as necessary for all serious followers of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), male and female,
Sunni and Shi’a, although it does not imply that all Muslims do so regularly.
Circumstances change, as they do in all religions, and some people are more dedicated than others. Age, stage of life,
employment, family obligations, health, and money all have a role in how much you commit to these practices.

What Are The 5 Pillars of Islam In Order?

The 5 pillars of Islam in order come as follows:


Muslims’ foundational declaration of faith and commitment:
“There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger.”
“Ash-hadu alla ilaha illa Allah, wa ash-hadu an Muhammadan rasulu Allah”
It differentiates Muslims from followers of other religions. It is necessary to recite it three times in front of witnesses before becoming a true Muslim.
It’s the number one step in becoming a Muslim, so it comes first in order.


Salah is the Islam rituals prayer in which all Muslims submit to Allah’s will. Five times a day, prayer is offered in the direction of Mecca.
Friday is designated as a day for congregational salah (Juma).
It’s one of the things that crucially set muslimeen and non Muslim apart, as the Muslim who doesn’t perform salah is not considered a true Muslim.
On the authority of Jaber bin Abdullah Al-Ansari and his father, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
“Between a man and disbelief and polytheism is leaving prayer.”


Zakat is an alms-giving compulsory contribution from Muslims to people in need. There are 8 categories for which we can pay zakat.
“Zakah expenditures are only for the poor and for the needy and for those employed to collect [zakat] and for bringing hearts together [for Islam]
and for freeing captives [or slaves] and for those in debt and for the cause of Allah and for the [stranded] traveler – an obligation [imposed] by Allah. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.”

(Surah At-Tawbah)
Islamic charities encourage supporters to use their services to alleviate suffering and help refugees, victims of natural disasters, the urban poor, and individuals in conflict zones.
Dismissing Zakat is a huge sin in Islam. Abu Huraira (May Allah Be Pleased With Him) reported that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
“There is not a day upon which the servant awakens but that two angels descend. One of them says: O Allah, repay one who spends in charity!
The other says: O Allah, destroy one who withholds charity!”

(Bukhari and Muslim)


Sawm is fasting in English. During Ramadan, the ninth month of the Hijri calendar, Muslims are expected to fast. It holds a great position in Islam. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
“Fasting is a shield or protection from the fire and from committing sins.”
Muslims should abstain from eating and drinking, sexual activity, and smoking during daylight hours,
which vary depending on the time of year in which Ramadan falls. After sunset, Muslims break the fast with a meal (iftar).
It is critical to explain to your children that the old, sick, pregnant, or breastfeeding women are excluded and that children, like themselves,
are not forced to participate until they grow up.


Completing the Hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca, is an obligation that Muslims should do at least once in their life.
Before embarking on the journey, all pilgrims should be in good bodily and spiritual health.
muslimeen execute a sequence of individual and group acts on the several days of their pilgrimage in Mecca,
following a pattern established by our glorious Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

How Does The Quran Support The Five Pillars Of Islam?

The five pillars of Islam were mentioned in the Holy Book of Allah SWT since al Quran al Kareem was sent down to establish the religion of Islam and its fundamentals that we’re living on till now.


Shahada was mentioned in all Quran al Kareem in several positions, directly and indirectly. Some of these positions are:
“When the hypocrites come to you [O Prophet], they say, “We bear witness that you are certainly the Messenger of Allah”—and surely Allah knows that you are His Messenger—but Allah bears witness that the hypocrites are truly liars.”
(Surah Al Munafiqun)
Say, “He is Allah, [who is] One,
(Surah Al Ikhlas)
“Say, [O Prophet,] “I am only a man like you, ˹but˺ it has been revealed to me that your God is only One God. So whoever
hopes for the meeting with their Lord, let them do good deeds and associate none in the worship of their Lord.”

(Surah Al Kahf)


Salah was also mentioned in more than 60 verses in all Quran al Kareem, being the second most important pillar of Islam. These verses include:
“Who believes in the unseen, establish prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them, And who believe in what has been revealed to you, [O Muhammad], and what was revealed before you, and of the Hereafter, they are certain [in faith].”
(Surah Al Baqarah)
“Your ally is none but Allah and [therefore] His Messenger and those who have believed – those who establish prayer and give zakah, and they bow [in worship].”
(Surah Al Maida)
“And to establish prayer and fear Him.” And it is He to whom you will be gathered.”
(Surah Al An’am)
“But if they repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, then they are your brothers in religion; and We detail the verses for a people who know”
(Surah Al Tawba)


Zakat comes in directly after Salah which is one of the fundamentals of Deen. it’s also mentioned right after Salah in al Quran al Kareem as a part of Surah Al Ahzab. Read the following verse:
“Establish regular prayer and give Zakat, and obey Allah and His messenger.”
(Surah Al-Ahzab)


Fasting was mentioned in parts of the first chapter (surah) of the Quran. It was mentioned in this ayah:
“O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous.”
(Surah Al-Baqarah)
The fasting rules and regulations were described later in the same Quran chapter as well:
“[Fasting for] a limited number of days. So whoever among you is ill or on a journey [during them] then an equal number of days [are to be made up]. And upon those who are able [to fast, but with hardship] – a ransom [as substitute] of feeding a poor person [each day]. And whoever volunteers excess – it is better for him. But to fast is best for you, if you only knew.”
(Surah Al Baqarah)


Hajj was also mentioned in Surah Al Baqarah along with its laws and regulations.
“Hajj is [during] well-known months, so whoever has made Hajj obligatory upon himself therein [by entering the state of ihram], there is [to be for him] no sexual relations and no disobedience and no disputing during Hajj. And whatever good you do, Allah knows it. And take provisions, but indeed, the best provision is fear of Allah. And fear Me, O you of understanding”
(Surah Al Baqarah)
And from Surah Al Tawba:
“So travel freely, [O disbelievers], throughout the land [during] four months but know that you cannot cause failure to Allah and that Allah will disgrace the disbelievers”
(Surah Al Tawba)
“And proclaim to the people the Hajj [pilgrimage]; they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel; they will come from every distant pass.”
(Surah Al-Hajj)
Do you want your kids to learn more about their religion through al Quran al Kareem? Sign them up for online Islamic studies for kids courses on Noor Academy and watch them grow on the love of Allah, His Prophets, and al Quran al Kareem.

What Are The 6 Pillars of Iman?

Iman means ‘faith’ in English. After learning the five pillars and fundamentals of Islam, your kids need to learn the six pillars of Iman.
The pillars of Iman are essential in strengthening our faith in Allah SWT and His religion.
  • Belief in Allah’s Presence And Glory​

Believing in Allah is believing that there is only one God worthy of praise, with no partner or son. This is referred to as Tawheed.
It is also to believe totally in the manner he is depicted in al Quran al Kareem, Sunnah, and Allah’s 99 names.
  • Belief in The Existence of Angels​

The belief in Allah’s angels is the second pillar. They are not his children, contrary to popular belief.
They were formed from light before humanity for the sake of worshipping Allah SWT.
  • Belief in The Books of Allah
The third pillar is to trust in Allah’s writings, which are transmitted to the world through the messengers.
Books were revealed to Allah’s prophets as a source of instruction and proof for mankind.
These books are The Scrolls, The Psalms (Zaboor), The Torah (Torah), The Gospel (Injeel),
and al Quran al Kareem which was sent with the last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
  • Belief in Allah’s Messengers​

The fourth pillar is to believe in all prophets and messengers sent by Allah SWT and admitting that the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the last of them all.
Except for Prophet Muhammad, who was sent to guide all of mankind, most of Allah’s prophets were assigned to a single nation.
When reciting the names of any of the Prophets, Muslims are obligated to give salaams (Peace and Blessings of Allah).
  • Belief in the Day of Judgment​

Allah has set a time frame for the entire cosmos, the conclusion of which will be the last hour.
Humans will be questioned by Allah SWT about their actions in this life during the final hour.
Those whose good actions outnumber their evil actions will be admitted to heaven,
while those whose evil deeds outnumber their good ones will be condemned to hellfire unless they died in the state of Islam.
  • Belief in the Qada’ and Qadar, Whether It’s Good Or Bad​

Doom (Qada’) is Allah’s general decree that every human will die, but a divine decree (Qadr) is a specific decree of Allah or the implementation of Qadhaa’,
that a specific individual would die at a certain time and place.
As a result, believing in this pillar implies believing that Allah created everything and predetermined its correct proportion.

The 5 Pillars of Islam For Kids Activities

You can teach the pillars of Islam to your kids in fun interactive ways that can encourage them to learn more.
You can also sign up for Islamic studies for kids online courses at Noor Academy and let them learn all about their religion with Noor Kids!
Noor and Nora ( House of Quran ) will be their friends during this amazing journey.
These activities can include:
  1. Writing each pillar on a piece of colorful paper and whoever withdraws a paper should explain the pillar of Islam it represents.
  2. A puzzle about the right order of Islamic pillars.
  3. Watching cartoon videos about each pillar.
  4. Holding a game night where the whole family answers questions about Muslim pillars.
  5. A guessing game where they guess which pillar you’re talking about.
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NextWhat Is Idghaam With Ghunnah And Idghaam Without Ghunnah?

surah mudathir


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Junior Member
Hello everyone. With all this talk about sinners I just had to point a few things out to you all that you might find of interest.

Al Ilah is Arabic and it means supreme God.

Muhammad was from the Quraysh Tribe. They tended to their altar for their deity the moon god hubal al ilah at the market place known as the Kabba. It was the only place around that desert region that had a good supply of water. There were other religious altars of course from other religions but the worship of the moon god hubal al ilah was the main deity in that region of the desert. Muhammad used to play about this moon god altar when he was a small child because he was from the Quraysh tribe. The god of Muhammad was hubal al ilah the moon god. The Quraysh tribe being the main religious community leaders had a lot of power and influence with their tribe because of that fact.

Muhammad thought that merchants’ travelling from distant lands to the Kabba to sell their goods might laugh at them if they discovered that they worshipped the moon god hubal al ilah. So using his influence with his tribe leaders he convinced them to drop the name hubal and shorten then name al ilah to Allah. Meaning supreme god. The Quraysh tribe saw the point of view to them the supreme god was hubal al ilah so they did not need to use hubal in the title as they all knew who their supreme god was and also did not want to be laughed at for worshipping the Moon. So they dropped the name hubal al ilah and began saying Allah. The god Allah of Muhammad was the moon god hubal al ilah. That is what and why you and all muslims bow towards mecca and the Kabba. You are all bowing to the moon god hubal al ilah to this very day. The "Living God" says we must not follow false prophets or false gods of mans imaginations.

The Moon god hubal al ilah has other names. It was originally called the moon god Sin. The desert Moses walked the freed slaves of Egypt into was called the desert of Sin after that moon god. Mount Sinai was also named after that Moon god Sin. This was worshipped throughout Mesopotamia and the middle east. Of course as dialects differ the name changes and in the region where Muhammad lived the moon god Sin was called hubal al ilah.

Without realising it you are worshipping the moon. I have met many Muslims on other websites who are fully aware of this moon worshipping. Just thought you should know. Type it into your search engine if you doubt me. It is documented in a lot of places.

Also note something else interesting in Deuteronomy law.

Starjade says; In any Sin that they sinneth. This was a reference in "Deuteronomy Law" to the worship of the moon god Sin that was frowned upon by the Israelites especially as Moses was walking them all around in the Desert of Sin. This was the origin of the meaning of the word “Sinner” to worship the moon god Sin.

The Crown of the "Living White Sphere" of Kether.
Yeah its just as well you added the Islamic propaganda to hide the true meaning of "Sinners" and worshipping in sin writ above :) After all the origins of Muhammad's worship of the moon god Sin should remain hidden from the sheep. You need not have worried though it does not appear as if a lot of Muslims pass this way. :)

noor academy

Junior Member
Noor Academy is managed by a group of professors, who specialize in the sciences of the Quran and the Arabic language. Besides expert professors, Noor Academy employs a team of qualified lecturers in Arabic and English, who provide professional online education, in a variety of disciplines.


Junior Member
Yo ho ho all of yoos lot. Isnt it a Sin to give worship to the Moon god Sin also known as hubal al ilah? I say its more than Sinful but clear blasphemy.