Greetings From Virginia Beach, Virginia


New Member
I am very pleased to have the opportunity to post this message. I found some time ago that ISLAM is the ONLY true path. As there is an Old Testament and a New Testament - The Quran is the Final Testament and i can say with total conviction that " I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger,"
I invite and advice , comments, or guidance that anyone may wish to offer. I truly welcome all. If there is anyone on the list that is from my area of Virginia I would welcome them to contact me. In the meantime - Thank you


hi bro

salamu alakum
my dear bro welcome TTI
and keep prayer
:salah: :salah: :salah: :salah: :salah: :salah:
:tti_sister: :tti_sister: :tti_sister: :tti_sister: :tti_sister:


New Member
Most Wel Come

أسلأم عليكم

Dear Sir,

We are all muslim cordly wel come to you.

Also I would like to inform you that Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) is last & final messanger of Allah.

If you have any question please let us know.

Mohammad Khan
Jeddah Saudi Arabia


Junior Member
hi brother/sister in Islam,
You are among the luckiest people in the world who were chosen to see and follow the truth(islam).Praises to Allah.Wlcome to this big family(Islam)
And now I prayer to Allah to show you brothers and sisters around your area...inshallah.I got websites for you which might help yyou to gain more knowledge:


Greetings from Manchester,United Kingdom.


Junior Member
Dear altorres asalamu alykum !
firest of all , i want to wellcome you in TTI , and i wish you will enjoy with all the brothers and sisters in islam in this web site !
as for what follows : when you said the shahada , my tears are being poured on my cheeks and were filling up my eyes , so may Allah grant you the strong right Akeeda ( isalm religion ) n u will find inshallah that the isalm is the heart sernity , peace , brotherhood , assisstance , patience , knowledge , and the true life path way that Allah Taala ( the exalted ) ordered us to follow it and may he will gives us to meet each other in the Janna ( paradise ) with the prophet companioship and thos who follow him , ameen ameen ameen ya rab alalmeen !
asalam alykum !
greetins from palestine !


Junior Member
Welcome to the site brother

I hope soon I can also welcome you to the family

I will help you in any way I can possible

Take care



Welcome. I live in Wild and Wonderful West Virginia. If you take 460 West I am living in the mountains about six hours west of you. Yes, we have a wonderful community here. We have about 50 Musllim families. and we have our own masjid. I strongly suggest that you venture to the northern virginia area, there is a large international muslim community..and many masjids in each city/county.
The hearquarters of CAIR are located in DC;
I joined the website because I did not want to be isolated; I know you will benefit greatly,

miraj's mom