

New Member

Hello everyone

My name is Ahmad and I am a senior lecturer at university in Malaysia. I am teaching Islamic studies, including Islamic banking and finance. I am glad to be part of the team and looking to join in the discussion.

Thanks. Wassalam.

ahmadyaacob:bismillah: :wasalam:

Appa BK

Muslimah Light
As Salaam Mu Alaykum

Welcome to the site Brother, wwe can all surley learn lots from you.. Insha'Allah..

Sister Nooriah


Staff member
Wa alaykum Salam Wa Rahmatullah,

welcome to the website brother Ahmad. I hope you can help us by contributing new threads and topics.. utilising your expertise.


welcome brother Ahmad

Wa Alaikoum Assalama brother Ahmad
Welcome to the website and as brother Ameer said, we hope that you will contribute with us by threads etc.


New Member


Thank you very much for the nice welcome from everyone. I am just an ordinary person and there is lot more that I need to learn. I am sure nobody is perfect and we in need of others. Surely, we can learn a lot from each other and I am glad to be here, insyaAllah I will try to make some time to participate in the forum.

Thank you. May Allah guide us to His way. Sorry I need to give a lecture now, bye. :wasalam: