hitting a car


New Member
Salaam brothers and sisters

I need advice as to what i should do....... couple of months back, i was reversing my car and without realising hit the side of a parked car, i panicked and drove off without leaving any details......an hour later once i came to my senses i went back to leave my contact details for the owner, by the time i got there the car was gone.............ever since i have felt really guilty..... i have made lots of repentance...........what should i do to seek Allah swt's forgiveness????????????

help me!



Bismillah Alhamdulilah,

You can keep coming to the place and try your best to find the car. Place an ad at the location of incident and include your contact number.

If you still cannot find the car, dont worry too much and have hope in Allah's forgiveness. Allah wont test you beyond what you can do . Make sure you do a lot of good deeds(Go for night sunnah prayers) to cover for this .

Above is what i will do.

Allahu A'lam.