How to convert your Qarin?


La ilaha illa-Allah.
Bismillah-ir Rahman-ir Rahim, Assalam Alaikum my brothers and sister. Anyone have any idea to how to convert your Qarin? I heard reading Al-Kursi, Al-Falaq and Al-Ikhlas will make her/him behave better.

Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال

Interesting question you brought up. I never thought about converting my qareen!

Anyways, the fatwa has provided sufficient answer.

It's your "partner" shaitan that stays with you where ever you go and whispers to you to sin.

Sometimes, we might have fears that our qareen will whispers doubts, sins, evil thoughts to us but so long that we guard ourselves with the weapons [du'a and adhkaar] taught by the Prophet :saw2: and ensuring ourselves constantly doing good deeds/optional prayers/keeping ourselves chaste, inshaa Allaah; He is Our Forever Guard.



Junior Member
Thank's for the clarification brother.

Also it may be better for you to not have your Qareen covert. As small bad deeds are amplified by your Qareen with emphasis to have you continue on to greater bad deeds. So when you sense this you know to correct yourself and return to la illaha il Allah and know that everything is recorded.

Just some thoughts not sure if it is helpful.



La ilaha illa-Allah.
What happens to the qareen after we die? They are jinn after all right?

Assalam Alaikum, you mean if they'll go to Jahannam or Jannah? I'm not sure it's only Allah Subhanau Wa Ta'ala's will, but if they aren't Muslim then I guess Jahannam. But what I do know is that if you do bad deeds then they will say they only helped you to do what you wanted but they didn't make you do it, so yeah they are like shaytan.


La ilaha illa-Allah.
Also it may be better for you to not have your Qareen covert. As small bad deeds are amplified by your Qareen with emphasis to have you continue on to greater bad deeds. So when you sense this you know to correct yourself and return to la illaha il Allah and know that everything is recorded.

Just some thoughts not sure if it is helpful.


Assalam Alaikum never thought about it like that, but you might be right.