Hulporganisatie's die nog vrijwilligers nodig hebben???


Junior Member
Assalamu3alaykoum wa rahmatu Allaahi wa barakatoeh

insha allaah verkeren jullie in een goiee staat van imaan, taqwa en gezondheid...
Ik had een vraagje voor de mensen uit belgie; meer bepaald omgeving sint-niklaas; antwerpen...
Hoe meer beelden ik terugzie van palestina en andere landen, hoe meer mijn hart breekt dat ik hier gewoon thuis zit! Wallaahi ik wil iets nuttigs doen om die mense te helpen bi idhini laah...

Zijn er hulporganisatie's die jullie kennen en die nog hulp zouden kunnen gebruiken?


Staff member
Wa alaykoem salaam warahmatoellaahi wabarakaatoeh.

Het beste is het correct bestuderen van de Dien, het verspreiden van de kennis, het leren aan anderen. Dit opent de weg om de hele Oemmah te helpen, echter weinigen beseffen dit. Wij, moeslimoen, moeten onze tijd nuttig gebruiken. Allaah schenkt overwinning aan Zijn oprechte dienaren.

Billaahi tawfieq, met Allaah is het succes.


Junior Member
Wa alaykoem salaam warahmatoellaahi wabarakaatoeh.

Het beste is het correct bestuderen van de Dien, het verspreiden van de kennis, het leren aan anderen. Dit opent de weg om de hele Oemmah te helpen, echter weinigen beseffen dit. Wij, moeslimoen, moeten onze tijd nuttig gebruiken. Allaah schenkt overwinning aan Zijn oprechte dienaren.

Billaahi tawfieq, met Allaah is het succes.

Na3am, baraka Allaahu fiek...
Walakin daar moet je elke dag, dag in dag uit mee bezig zijn uiteraard.
Heb eens rondgehoord en insha Allaah heb ik gevonden wat ik zocht...


Staff member
assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

Those who have the right understanding of the Manhaj and patience, will work hard and sincerely in order to fix the problems of the Ummah. All the problems, from Palestine through to Muslims suffering in Belgium or China will be fixed, by Allah subhana wa ta'ala, this is Allah's promise for the Muslims.

There is much to say about this,


. The people have NO Electricity, some of them have no windows even.... and they have little to no food.. and go hungry. The money helps with reconstruction for the poor people's homes, food and clothing for the children and the widows..


Junior Member
Wa3alaykoum salaam wa rahmatu Allaahi wa barakatoeh

Djazaak Allaahu khayran... Is their an email of this that i can send to all of my contacts with the required information?


Staff member
Barak Allahu feek, I had to remove some of the things here, unfortunately..

THe Long term solution, is how brother Muhammad suggested. Getting the priorities straight.

With me, you and all the Muslims uniting upon the Deen, and helping everyone to it, as One body, one family, upon the right understanding based upon the Qur'an and Sunnah. The pure Da'wah is the Key to Success for the whole Ummah.

When you or anyone else calls people to Islaam, when you tell people about our beautiful Deen, you are making the Ummah stronger.

You are doing a job, that is greater than any other job in the whole World! This job, of seeking knowledge and Giving knowledge, is following in the footsteps of the greatest people ever, not just the Tulaab al Ilm, or our Ulema', but that of the Companions of the Prophet and the Prophet Muhammad (salallahu alayhi wa salam) himself.

Our Mission, our goal, our vision is all based upon this, and we have to have strong belief in Allah, full, total Submission to Him, to know that all our success is from Him alone.

Imagine, there are many Muslims, Millions and Millions. So many doctors! So many engineers, so many who are educated and who have done so much. BUT, it is not really changing the state of the Ummah at all.

Infact, we have Muslim countries which have many advanced weapons, even the atomic bomb, but it is of No Use at all. Why? because people are away from the Deen.

Often, people say, Oh we need more Muslim doctors. Or, we need Muslim businessmen, Or they complain about the Muslim rulers. - Its true, these things are problems. A Muslim doctor is indeed needed.

But, people stop using the Qur'an and the Sunnah to find solutions to the problem of the Ummah. They would know that Allah has promised the Muslims Victory, if they come close to Him and Obey Him. If they unite upon the pure Tawheed. If they put their whole lives to Him.. because, this true belief Unites all Muslims together, it stops people from being selfish, from being cruel and from neglecting the Rights that others have, especially that Muslims have.

Islam is the Deen of Rights. We all have rights to each other, and the Muslims have the greatest of Rights in this world. Without knowledge, we do not know what Rights they have. - It is from true love in Allah, that we love Muslims and give them their rights. That is why, Jihad can be an obligation upon all the Muslims if the Muslim lands are invaded. If we did not have sincere knowledge of our Deen, then how could we do good?

There are Muslim people, who live inside Palestine and who do not think Islam is a solution! There are Muslims inside Palestine, inside Jerusalem, who pray in Masjid al Aqsa everyday, and who will not support their Muslim brothers because of various disagreements or issues!!

There are Muslims, who are very religious and who say they are upon "salafi manhaj", yet who critisise and speak ill of others and who do not care about praying in Masjid al Aqsa.

What does all this show? It shows that people are weak when it comes to Walaa wal Baraa. Loving and Hating for Allah's sake. People can never totally submit to Allah subhana wa ta'ala, until, they do things totally for Allah's sake and with sincerity.

This is from our belief. We know that nothing else matters. This is the true Foundation we must be upon.

And, this should be in every single part of our lives and be constantly aware, that Shaitan is our enemy.

So, the early Muslims, they gained strength because of Islam, because Allah gave them the Support, when they fulfilled their obligations to Him and had their full trust in Him.

The only way we, as an Ummah are going to succeed and get strength, is by copying the way of the Prophet Muhammad (salallahu alayhi wa salam) and his companions and the Muslims who came after them. They were strong because of using Islam and staying united upon that.

Now, like I mentioned before about Muslim doctors. A Muslim doctor can do many good things such as heal people and make them better, or even by Allah's help he can save lives. But, there is no difference in what he does and what a non-Muslim doctor does, it will make exactly same difference to the status of the Ummah.

But, what about the Scholars? the great Imams of Hadith, or the scholars of the Qur'an and Tafsir?? the Tulaab al Ilm and the people who give Da'wah!? -- They are changing the way people think.. away from Darkness into Light !! They are the ones that are making the real change... by Allah's Help and Mercy!!

This is why, we need to be really sincere, committed to the Deen of Allah. We must never ever ignore Islamic advice, because, it may just be, that one advice helps save us from hellfire! It may be, the advice makes us better and stronger as Muslims. This is the Deen of Advice, as our Prophet Muhammad (salallahu alayhi wa salam) said, in famous authentic hadith.

Our intention is total reform of the Ummah, through the use of Da'wah. This is how it should be. This is what we must make "Turn To Islam", to be.

Why Muslims are Weak Today

Importance of Tawheed in Reviving the Ummah

People of the Sunnah, be Kind with One Another

Reviving the Ummah and regaining it's Lost Honour and Glory

Strangeness of Islam and Muslims

The State of the Ummah

The Key to the Ummah's Victory

Important Advice to the Muslim Ummah Concerning Palestine by Shaykh Hussain Aal Shaykh

Give your fellow Muslims their rights