I just took the Shahadah


Junior Member

Brother Erik...well what can i say
:mashallah: :allahuakbar: :allahuakbar: :allahuakbar: :shahadah:

May Allah keep you on the straight path and keep you strong and give you what you want in this life and the next insha ALlah

Take care Bbrother Erik

Your sister in islam



Im Proud 2 B Me!
Asalam Alakum,


Congratulations!! Wallah u dont know how happy i am to hear that u have chosen Islam!!

:tti_sister:May Allah always guide u to the right path, and never let u go astray!!:tti_sister:



New Member

Alhamdulilah bro Eric, I am very happy for you, this is a great website to gain more information about islam. Where ever you are may Allah swt protect you from evil, shaytaan, and all harmfull things that try to misguide us all. The more you learn about islam, the more you will have tears of joy.

Asalamu Aleykom Warahmatullhai wabarakatuh
Brother Erick.


New Member
Masha Allah Tabarok Allah

Salaam Alikom brothers and sisters.

I could not wait any longer.
I felt in my heart for quite some time now that I wanted to embrace Allah.
It was at times very hard when your cultural herritage mainly beliving something else and you grow up with that.
Thank you all so much who replied to my questions before and realy trying to quide me and explane.

I hope it is enought that I belive in my heart that Allah is the only God and Mohammed is his profet for taking the Shahadah?

I took the Shahadah alone along to this video.


Peace be upon you all.

Allahu Akbar, Praise to Allah who decided to give His rahmat to you, Brother Erik.

You are one of the luckiest.

If we go back to the history, Prophet Muhammed pbuh used to pray to Allah asking Allah to give His rahmat to one of the Umar, Umar Bin Abdul Mutalib aka Abu Lahab and Umar Ibn Al-Khattab. And Allah chose the later.

Umar Al-Khattab was promised heaven and Abu Lahab was labeled to be in hell.

You are the chosen one.


Junior Member
assalammualaikum bro erik,

Alhamdulillah. Sincerely happy for you, for the new path that you have taken. Persevere & steadfast in your taqwa. Your journey has just begun as a muslim.:tti_sister: Welcome to Islam.


Junior Member
Salam brother
I need to make a public apologies to you for the past remarks...
You are indeed a brother to all.
Again, please forgive for my past remarks, if anything bothered you before.
Thanks for an eye-opening experience.
Your reversion proved to be a real miracle to me and all the friends in here.


Junior Member
Salam brother
I need to make a public apologies to you for the past remarks...
You are indeed a brother to all.
Again, please forgive for my past remarks, if anything bothered you before.
Thanks for an eye-opening experience.
Your reversion proved to be a real miracle to me and all the friends in here.

Salem, I dont think there is any need for that, Allah knows our hearts.
I should actually be the one to public apologies to all for past threads and comments and questions in the past, well some I didnt write but most I did.
I replied perhaps to some members in private but I sould have to all.

Hard to explane but picture yourself as a muslim, what would it take for you to become christan? Lots of questions, lots of cant be so, etc.

I am not sorry for giving all a hard time, I doupth I did but if so that is what it took for me to become a muslim and thats what Allah wanted.

:salah: /Erik


~*~I Love Islam~*~
mash'allah, alhamdulilah, subhan'allah, la ilaha ila lah subhanaho wata'ala...
congrats brother (MABROUK!!!)
i pray that allah will protect you from any danger and sin and keep you safe and on the right path. i'm not joking but as soon as i saw the title of the post i couldn't wait to open it, i'm so happy for you!!!
jazakallahu kheir for sharing this, i'm still smiling cuz it's a huge step & i'm very happy that you accepted our religion & way of life!!!:D


Junior Member


Allah's Apostle said, "Every child is born with a true faith of Islam (i.e. to worship none but Allah Alone) but his parents convert him to Judaism, Christianity or Magainism ... Then Abu Huraira recited the holy verses:

"The pure Allah's Islamic nature (true faith of Islam) (i.e. worshiping none but Allah) with which He has created human beings. No change let there be in the religion of Allah (religion of Allah: i.e. joining none in worship with Allah). That is the straight religion (Islam) but most of men know not." (30:30)

Alhamdulillah that Allah has guided you to our blessed deen. I urge you to go out and find a good teacher to help you along the path to Allah. Alhamdullilah there are many great lectures, books, video. But If you teach yourself you might come to a pitfall. classical Islamic education was taught through direct contact with teachers. Also bro be sure to surround yourself with good company. The Prophet (pbuh) says in a Hadith “The man is on the religion of his friends”. Bad company could lead you ashtray so surround yourself with practicing Muslims. May Allah bless you and guide you further in your journey. And may He (swt) make us among the people of jannah al fardous. If you have any questions or need any help though your journey I'll be more than happy to help for the sake of Allah.



Junior Member
subhahAllah brother

what good news!! i am so very happy for you...may Allah swt keep you strong in your imaan and shower His blessings on you Ameen