Is Movies and Dvd's Haram Too ?

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New Member

Dear Muslim Brothers N Sisters,
Now i know that music is haram,
Going to theatres and Cinemas are Haram too right...
How about watching movies on DVD's and Televisons..are they haram too ?
Recently i watched Transformers on DVD...izzit haram ?
Pls share according to islam knowledge.
Thank You

Waaalikum Salaam:)
ermm...i watched that movie too cause i really wanted to c that 1 for a long time...bit i dont know it was clean most of the way until the ending so i skipped the end.


Junior Member

Dear Muslim Brothers N Sisters,
Now i know that music is haram,
Going to theatres and Cinemas are Haram too right...
How about watching movies on DVD's and Televisons..are they haram too ?
Recently i watched Transformers on DVD...izzit haram ?
Pls share according to islam knowledge.
Thank You

Waaalikum Salaam:)

Asslamu alaikum,

I'm not the one who can say it's haram or halal,but I'll tell you just onething;
Time is your life so try to gain and collect as much as you can of the good deeds in this life for the next one.


Junior Member
The evil consequences of watching movies

What is the ruling on watching videos in general, and the movies that are called documentaries? Please advise us, may Allaah bless you.

Praise be to Allaah.

Watching movies includes looking at things that are haraam, such as seeing ‘awrahs, following immoral actions, or listening to things that are haraam such as music and obscene talk. Undoubtedly it is haraam to watch them in this case.

If the movies are free of such things, then there is nothing wrong with watching them, so long as that does not distract one from remembering Allaah or keep one from doing something that is obligatory.

No distinction is made between documentaries and other kinds of movies.

Watching movies has a bad effect on the individual and on the ummah. These include the following:

1- Provocation of desires

2- Propagation of immorality which is made attractive and easily accessible

3- Teaching and justification of crime, and making it familiar to young and old

4- Corruption of married life, by making the wife seem ugly to the husband and vice versa, by showing images of attractive girls and men

5- Spreading corrupt beliefs which are based on kaafir theories, such as the theory of evolution, or attributing the powers of creation and destruction to researchers and inventors, or propagating magic, soothsaying and claims to know the unseen, or making fun of religion and religious people, and other things which appear in movies that are shown to young and old.

6- Wasting time and draining away energy, living with illusions far removed from reality.

And there are other evil consequences.

Shaykh Ibn Jibreen (may Allaah preserve him) said: Another of the evils of looking at those beguiling images and enjoying watching them is those images which are shown in movies on videos and on the TV etc, which show images of adorned women, especially those which are broadcast from foreign countries, and those that are shown via satellite, etc.

They are a fitnah (trial, temptation), and what a fitnah. The one who looks at those images cannot be sure that he will remain uninfluenced by the image of this woman or this zaani (adulterer) or this one who is committing evil and showing him the way to do it. He may not be able to control himself and stop himself from looking for ways to fulfil his desire, if he does not have the faith to stop him looking at these images, whether they are drawings, photographs in the pages of newspapers and magazines, or they are shown in direct broadcasts or in movies and the like.

These sins and haraam things are prevalent everywhere, and they are calling people to commit immoral actions. When a woman watches these non-mahram men, she cannot be sure that her heart will not incline towards committing immoral deeds, and when a woman sees these immoral, adorned women she would be temped to imitate them because she will think that they are smarter and stronger than her. That will make her cast aside the garment of modesty and uncover her face, and she will show her beauty to strangers, and she will become a fitnah and what a fitnah. End quote from the website of Shaykh Ibn Jibreen.

For more information on the dangers of TV, see the essay al-Ijhaaz ‘ala al-Tilfaaz by Shaykh Muhammad Ahmad Ismaa’eel.

See also questions no. 3633, 3324, 1107, 13003 for the rulings on watching TV and movies.

And Allaah knows best.

Islam Q&A


Junior Member
Some muslims say that music is haram while others say it is not

Movies is for fun and if you say fun is a waste of time then why islam doesnt forbid fun?


Junior Member
The Islamic answer to the leisure problem

What is the Islamic answer to the leisure problem?


Praise be to Allaah.

The Islamic definition of spare time does not include the idea that there can be times when a person is absolutely free of any responsibility to do something useful and when he can waste time in ways that are of no benefit. He has duties which he must perform, towards Allaah, may He be glorified, and towards other people.

The Muslim has lots of ways in which he can fulfil these duties in the manner required by sharee’ah; these ways will bring him great rewards, and he is not hindered by difficult conditions or time restrictions.

Islam wants the Muslim, after fulfilling his obligatory duties, to use his spare time for beneficial and fruitful pursuits which will help him to draw closer to Allaah, from the moment he wakes until he goes to sleep. This will leave him with no free time to pose a problem whereby he feels a need to fill it with activities that will drain his energy or squander it in inappropriate ways.

This does not mean that human beings are to be kept busy in a way that will exhaust and drain them… that is not one of the aims of Islam, as Islam calls man to enjoy the good things and remember his share (of enjoyment) in this world.

Not everything with which a person may fill his time is exhausting and energy-draining. One thing we may do is to spend time in quiet worship, remembering Allaah in our hearts. Other things include taking a nap after Zuhr when it is hot; spending time chatting about decent topics with family or friends in the evening; visiting one another; joking in gentle and polite ways, and other forms of relaxation.

But it is important not to leave gaps where a person has nothing to do, or which may be filled with evil, corrupt or foolish things. Islam abolished the customs, festivals, celebrations and ways of life of the Jaahiliyyah, but it did not leave a vacuum which the Muslims would not know how to fill, or which they may fill with useless things without realizing it. On the contrary, Islam replaced those things with other customs, festivals, celebrations and ways of life to fill the gap. During the Jaahiliyyah, people used to gather to drink and gamble, or to worship idols, or to listen to misguided poetry which did not speak of any worthwhile human concerns. But Islam brought people together to worship Allaah by performing the prayer in congregation, to learn and recite the Qur’aan together, to listen to the teachings of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), to visit one another, etc. Previously, they had done evil and immoral acts during their festivals, but Islam abolished all that and gave them instead festivals which were noble, pure and filled with meaning and worthy aims.

During the early days of Islam, when family ties were cut with Mushrikeen who had not yet become Muslim, the gap was filled by the close ties between the believers, which took the place of kinship. The gap was truly filled, and the ties of faith became equivalent to the ties of blood for the believers. When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) established the mu’aakhah (brotherhood) between the Muhaajireen and Ansaar, it reached such a degree that the Ansaar shared everything they had with the Muhaajireen.

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning);

“… and [they – the Ansaar] have no jealousy in their hearts for that which they have been given (from the booty of Bani al-Nadeer), and give them (emigrants) preference over themselves, even though they were in need of that…” [al-Hashr 59:9]

It reached the extent that the people between whom the bond of Mu’aakhah (brotherhood) was established could inherit from one another, and so the believers did not feel that there was anything missing.

(Muhammad Qutub, Manhaj al-Tarbiyyah al-Islamiyyah, 1/206)

So this problem does not exist in the Islamic way of life. The one who constantly remembers Allaah and worships Him cannot find any empty time that needs to be filled. He is busy remembering Allaah and doing voluntary acts of worship after doing what is obligatory. He keeps himself busy memorizing Qur’aan and reciting it in worship of Allaah. He is busy visiting friends and loved ones, and visiting the sick among his friends and acquaintances, or spending time having innocent fun with his wife and children, or with fellow-believers.

From Qadaaya al-Lahw wa’l-Tarfeeh by Maadoon Rasheed, 63.

And Allaah is the Source of strength

Islam Q&A
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid



I love Allah

First off.....I dont necessarily believe that music is haram if it doesn't take you away from islam, and as long as there isn't implicted lyrics or faul language. Also I asked if music was haram on this website.....and I got info saying that the hadith that was stated that music was haram........was basically a weak hadith. Movies shouldn't be haram if they are not affecting your faith in islam and how much you consume in watchinmg tv or movies also makes a difference. You should be studying your religion and making sure that salat is being practiced daily. Basicallly, Allah makes the religion easy for us and I believe that we can enjoy ourselves once in a great while with going to the movies with a friend or family member. Muslims can have a social life just as much as anyone else can. But this does not mean that we go watch haram movies with sex, and very faul language in it. USE YOUR COMMEN SENSE WHEN WATCHING MOVIES AND LISTENING TO MUSIC. DA DA DA DA...............LOL Unless someone has a proof of some aligation, then say so, but otherwise then don't say anything at all.


First off.....I dont necessarily believe that music is haram if it doesn't take you away from islam, and as long as there isn't implicted lyrics or faul language. Also I asked if music was haram on this website.....and I got info saying that the hadith that was stated that music was haram........was basically a weak hadith. Movies shouldn't be haram if they are not affecting your faith in islam and how much you consume in watchinmg tv or movies also makes a difference. You should be studying your religion and making sure that salat is being practiced daily. Basicallly, Allah makes the religion easy for us and I believe that we can enjoy ourselves once in a great while with going to the movies with a friend or family member. Muslims can have a social life just as much as anyone else can. But this does not mean that we go watch haram movies with sex, and very faul language in it. USE YOUR COMMEN SENSE WHEN WATCHING MOVIES AND LISTENING TO MUSIC. DA DA DA DA...............LOL Unless someone has a proof of some aligation, then say so, but otherwise then don't say anything at all.

Sister, in islam you cannot use logic to derive a ruling on music and any other things . Some scholars especially contemporary ones say it is okay. But according to Sheikh Albani rahimahullah say , the 4 mazhabs or the 4 imams say it is haram


Junior Member

Music being haram is a questionable issue and scholars are divided but predominately most of them say it is haram.

As for movies they are permissible as long as it is not adult content and generally distasteful. Who ever says movies in general and dvd's and radio's and tv is haram is an extremist and has no understanding in Islam. Quite frankly many i know very extreme salaf's who hold such an opinion...


Junior Member
Sister, in islam you cannot use logic to derive a ruling on music and any other things . Some scholars especially contemporary ones say it is okay. But according to Sheikh Albani rahimahullah say , the 4 mazhabs or the 4 imams say it is haram

Brother please you are allowed using your common sense in the light of our times. Look at the case of qiyas which is the 4th principle in fiqh and how we use it intrepret the ruling of issues we cannot directly find in the quran and sunnah such as movies. How can the four imam may allah bless them make any ruling? Are you to say watching the movie "message" about the prophet mohammed is haram? What about watching convert movies clip > Do not be rigid and using logic in cases of doubtful matters is fine.


Servant of Allah

Dear Muslim Brothers N Sisters,
Now i know that music is haram,
Going to theatres and Cinemas are Haram too right...
How about watching movies on DVD's and Televisons..are they haram too ?
Recently i watched Transformers on DVD...izzit haram ?
Pls share according to islam knowledge.
Thank You

Waaalikum Salaam:)

Asalaamu Alaikum. unless the video or dvd is something religious like lectures that you gain knowledge from it is haram. Why? because gazing is one of the poisons of shaytan. Gazing at something for so many hours without any benefit, is considered a waste of time. If you want knowledge about something you have Islam-sunnah-quran so you shouldn't waste time on things that take away the time for u to remember Allah. and though it may not contain something "bad", your still watching men and women who are dressed unislamically. this isn't from my own opinion...there is a haditha about gazing and how it is the poison of shaytan. Alhamdulillah i quit tv now and dont' even watch it. anyways...hope i have been of help. and my brothers/sisters please provide the hadith for i can't say what number it was. salam.:hijabi:

abdul ghaleeb

i stoped watching tv for slavery's case at 16(im 17 now).
it was very hard(i
i also gave up playing guitar(i got pretty good but now i thnik im gonna burn it)lol
(its crap for your iman)
as ive gotten older elhemdulilah ive gotten a tiniy winy bit more religious
i aslo gave up listening to music( you wont hear the radio blasting in my room any more like i did before)lol
i aslo gave up video games(which i was a nerd before)
why did i give all these things up????????
just think of this fact that the span of this lifetime is only a blink of an eye compared to the millions and billions and billiuons and billlions and billions and billlions of years of the next life. and you will either spend it next to a beauitful hoooreee or having your skin roasted day after day( and i burnt my pinky yesterday and boy did that hurt!)i dont want to have my whole body shrivelled in fire for eternity.
put it this way and its easy to give up in islam(submission) for Allaah(swt)
remember again and again as it says in quran and hadith

this life is nothing but full of deception

we selaam


I love Allah
Sister, in islam you cannot use logic to derive a ruling on music and any other things . Some scholars especially contemporary ones say it is okay. But according to Sheikh Albani rahimahullah say , the 4 mazhabs or the 4 imams say it is haram

according to bla bla bla......telll me a proof of what you are saying is true, and please use a veryu authentic hadith to back you up....thankyou


I love Allah
Brother please you are allowed using your common sense in the light of our times. Look at the case of qiyas which is the 4th principle in fiqh and how we use it intrepret the ruling of issues we cannot directly find in the quran and sunnah such as movies. How can the four imam may allah bless them make any ruling? Are you to say watching the movie "message" about the prophet mohammed is haram? What about watching convert movies clip > Do not be rigid and using logic in cases of doubtful matters is fine.

Bravo! Brother this is what I am trying to explain. What about nasheeds? Thos have some music in them too...........Is that haram too!

abdul ghaleeb

according to bla bla bla......telll me a proof of what you are saying is true, and please use a veryu authentic hadith to back you up....thankyou

i know amirah it can be annoying to hear everythings haraam....
i remmeber when i first found out marshmellows were haraam i went nuts....
just calm down alittle before the moderators yell at you.
i typed blah blah blah once and they almost banned me...
:) :) :) :)

just be polite okay.. im not a moderator but just calm down your speech and dont lose your temper like i do.....
just some advise :)


according to bla bla bla......telll me a proof of what you are saying is true, and please use a veryu authentic hadith to back you up....thankyou

:salam2: sister,

The aayaat of the Qur’aan and the Ahaadeeth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) indicate that musical instruments are condemned, and warn us against them. The Qur’aan teaches that playing these instruments is one of the things that leads people astray and constitutes mockery of the Signs of Allaah. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“And of mankind is he who purchases idle talk to mislead (men) from the Path of Allaah, without knowledge, and takes it (the Path of Allaah, the Verses of the Qur’aan) by way of mockery. For such there will be a humiliating torment (in the Hell-fire).” [Luqmaan 31:6]

Most of the scholars interpreted lahw al-hadeeth (“idle talk”) as meaning singing and musical instruments, and every voice that diverts people from the truth.

Al-Tabari (Jaami’ al-Bayaan, 15/118-119), Ibn Abi’l-Dunya (Dham al-Malaahi, 33) and Ibn al-Jawzi (Talbees Iblees, 232) all reported that concerning the aayah (interpretation of the meaning):

“[Allaah said to Shaytaan;] ‘And istafziz [literally means befool them gradually] those whom you can with your voice, make assaults on them with your cavalry and your infantry, mutually share with them wealth and children, and make promises to them.’ But Shaytaan promises them nothing but deceit” [al-Isra’ 17:64]

Mujaahid said, “This refers to singing and flutes.”

Al-Tabari reported that al-Hasan al-Basri said:

“His voice is the tambourine.”

Ibn al-Qayyim said in Ighaathat al-Lahfaan (1/252):

“The grammatical structure here (idaafah – genitive or possessive) is used to make something specific (idaafat al-takhsees), and in all these words in the aayah it refers back to the Shaytaan [addressed here as ‘you’ by Allaah, may He be glorified]. Everyone who speaks about anything other than obedience of Allaah or plays a reed pipe, flute, tambourine or drum, all of this is the voice of Shaytaan.”

Al-Tirmidhi reported in his Sunan (no. 1005) from Ibn Abi Layla from ‘Ata’ from Jaabir (may Allaah be pleased with him) who said: “The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) went to to al-Nakhl with ‘Abd al-Rahmaan ibn ‘Awf, when his son Ibraaheem was dying. He took the child in his lap and his eyes filled with tears. ‘Abd al-Rahmaan said, ‘Are you weeping when you have forbidden us to weep?’ He said, 'I do not forbid weeping. What I have forbidden is two foolish and evil kinds of voices: voices at times of entertainment and play and the flutes of the Shaytaan, and voices at times of calamity and scratching the face and rending the garments and screaming.’”

Al-Tirmidhi said: this is a hasan hadeeth. It was also reported by al-Haakim in al-Mustadrak, no. 1683, al-Bayhaqi in al-Sunan al-Kubra (4/69), al-Tayaalisi in Musnad (no. 1683) and by al-Tahhaawi in Sharh al-Ma’aani, 4/29, and it was classed as hasan by al-Albaani.

Al-Nawawi said: “What is meant here is singing and musical instruments.” See Tuhfat al-Ahwadhi, 4/88


Al-Albaani (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: The four madhhabs are agreed that all musical instruments are haraam. (al-Saheehah, 1/145).

Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy on him) said, explaining the view of Imaam al-Shaafa'i: His companions who know his madhhab (point of view) stated that it is haraam and denounced those who said that he permitted it. (Ighaathat al-Lahfaan, 1/425).


No worries

i know amirah it can be annoying to hear everythings haraam....
i remmeber when i first found out marshmellows were haraam i went nuts....
just calm down alittle before the moderators yell at you.
i typed blah blah blah once and they almost banned me...
:) :) :) :)

just be polite okay.. im not a moderator but just calm down your speech and dont lose your temper like i do.....
just some advise :)

im fine with that. I know it is difficult to accept. Im still trying to convince my brothers :)

abdul ghaleeb

no problem as i said

the span of this lifetime is only a blink of an eye compared to the millions and billions and billiuons and billlions and billions and billlions of years of the next life. and you will either spend it next to a beauitful hoooreee or having your skin roasted day after day( and i burnt my pinky yesterday and boy did that hurt!)i dont want to have my whole body shrivelled in fire for eternity.
put it this way and its easy to give up in islam(submission) for Allaah(swt)

by thinking like that to me its easy to give everything up
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