Junior Member
Assalamou Alikom Warahmatou Allah,
Dear brothers and sisters,
It goes without saying that islamophobia is a very fast spreading phenomena in the western societies. Hence, Muslim communities should and must be aware of this fact. Personally, I think that this trend should trigger very loud alarms since the number of islamophobic incidents have dramatically increased lately to reach disturbing proportions!
Anyone of those incident should not be taken lightly and should be strongly condemned and punished!
In this thread we should report all islamophobic incidents.
Dear brothers and sisters,
It goes without saying that islamophobia is a very fast spreading phenomena in the western societies. Hence, Muslim communities should and must be aware of this fact. Personally, I think that this trend should trigger very loud alarms since the number of islamophobic incidents have dramatically increased lately to reach disturbing proportions!
Anyone of those incident should not be taken lightly and should be strongly condemned and punished!
In this thread we should report all islamophobic incidents.