Islamophobia Test in England. The Hijab Woman and Racist Abuse in Town Centre.


Staff member
[imgleft][/imgleft]The Islamophobia Test. Does wearing a Hijab affect the way people percieve Muslim Women? In this Test, 3 actresses re-enact a typical verbally abusive racist scene in a busy town centre. One woman is dressed as a Muslim, whilst the other two dress in typical western clothes. They shout racial abuse at her, to see if anyone pays attention or trys to stop it.......


New Member
it's a shame

that video surprises me, i did not think that there are british people who abuse muslims specially women mislim in this way, even a lot of muslims in UK are britain citizens .


Staff member
Assalamu Alaikum



:jazaak: for sharing the video with us.:)

Nowadays this happens alot!:frown:

May Allah(Swt) guide us all to the straight path. (Ameen)



New Member
Unbelievable !

Before I begin, let me just point out that I doubt very much that any of you will read my posting fully, nor make an effort to understand how, and why I am so disgusted by what I see here.

I am aghast at the stupidity and uselessness of putting this video on this website. All it is doing is pandering to the both the persecution-complex and the self-pitying propaganda that Muslims currently seem to be revelling in World-wide.

Can somebody please explain what purpose it serves , other than to inflame muslims into believing that they are the recipients of unfair treatment from "Joe-British public" ? There was absolutely no point to the "experiment". In the banner above this clip it says:

"Islamophobia Video Examples of Islamophobia, Ignorance and Racism Shown against people because they are Muslim." This video is NOT an example of that at all ! It is an example of several ACTRESSES ACTING : already several posters on this forum seem to have been fooled into believing that it was real.. IT WAS NOT and the narrator makes quite clear that the people involved are ACTING ! Although I am very much aware that there are people in EVERY country who display racist traits and views, this video is NOT an example of that.
In fact, if you bother to watch it and listen to it properly, you will see that out of 3 instances of "abuse" people stepped in on 2 occasions. So far that is 66.6 % of occasions where the abuse is STOPPED by members of the public. The narrator then says " Further exercises also resulted in intervention" ( although he doesn't tell us how many). However, he certainly doesn't mention any further incidents where the " abuse " was left unchecked. One can only conclude then, that no other instances of abuse being ignored by passers-by was filmed, as the makers would most certainly have shown it, or mentioned it ,if it had occurred.

So what "scientific" conclusion can be drawn from this exercise ? : Well , obviously the originators of this website would like you to draw the conclusion that the video shows that degenerate Westerners who don't "understand" Islam are naturally abusive to muslims. What it actually shows is that,statistically, British people are more likely to intervene and stop racial or religious intolerance. Also,I would like to point out that in NO WAY, can the " abuse" in this video be termed as severe. There is no swearing and certainly no physical abuse whatsoever ! I am quite sure that if the actresses had used stronger language then more people would have intervened.

I contrast the behaviour shown in the video to the behaviour of muslims in Afghanistan when I was flying humanitarian aid into their country. While walking through Kabul with a female journalist friend of mine, I asked her what the guards outside several of the houses were saying and sniggering about as we passed. My friend told me that they were saying " whore !". When I asked why they should say this, she replied that it was because she was an obviously single woman wearing no wedding ring, in the company of a man who was not her family or husband. I was amazed ! She was a British girl who had learned to speak the local language,and who was showing full respect for local custom by wearing long clothing and a head-scarf. I was walking beside her showing no affection or untoward attention. Yet the muslims perceived her as a "whore". Islam certainly has a long way to go as far as tolerance is concerned !

To sum up : (1). This video DOES NOT show British people being abusive to a muslim. It does show British ACTRESSES PRETENDING to abuse another ACTRESS who is dressed as a muslim.
(2). It shows that in the majority of cases the British public INTERVENED to STOP the " abuse". ( I fully realise that abuse of muslims occurs, but so does muslim abuse of non-muslims )

I have no idea what the video is designed to do, as it seems to fail on all counts. I await your replies with baited breath !


New Member
Gadzooks, I read your reply and respect the point you're trying to get at, as everyone is entitled to their opinion.
You seem to be an educated individual with a seemingly broad knowledge of different societies and cultures, yet as always, individuals like you seem to blur the line between cultures, society, and opinions and Religion.
I would like to quote you, "Yet the muslims perceived her as a "whore". Islam certainly has a long way to go as far as tolerance is concerned !" You mentioned ISLAM in this notion twice, yet we all fully know that ISLAM is not to blame. Yes these men were Muslims, but they were also cultured men, you have no right to say ISLAM is to blame for what these men had to say.
It frustrates me to have to tolerate this constant abuse on ISLAM when people blame the Religion and not the Culture or society. When will you understand that these two aspects are different on their own grounds.
Christianity or Judasim is never a mention on peoples lips when someone of that religion commits a crime, or says something offensive. So why is ISLAM so easy to point at whenever something goes wrong.


Staff member
Before I begin, let me just point out that I doubt very much that any of you will read my posting fully, nor make an effort to understand how, and why I am so disgusted by what I see here.
So you come with preconcieved notions about Muslims already. Perhaps you should read the description before writing in huge capital letters that there are actresses involved. :confused: By the way, writing in capitals means shouting according to nettiquette.

Its clearly called a "Test" .. Also the Description mentions that actresses were used. Nobody said it was a scientific survey. Although, various studied suggest that there is a lot of discrimination against Muslims.

Nobody is denying that a group of Muslims might say racist stuff against others, but that has nothing to do with Islam or Muslim people.

[SIZE=-1]Although belonging to the fastest growing religion in the world, Muslims in the UK are more likely to face discrimination based on religion rather than race. That's according to a report, by the Open Society Institute (OSI).[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]It says eighty percent of UK Muslims had reported being victims of Islamophobia since September 11 and more than a third complained of being singled out by authorities while using UK airports.[/SIZE]

'Shocking' racism in jobs market
As for whether you went to deliver humanitarian aid in afghanistan, i will give you the benefit of the doubt, although i do wonder with all your sweeping statements about Muslims and Islam. Sound more like a Fox News addict rather than someone who cares about people.

Yvonne Ridley was in Afghanistan too, kidnapped by Taliban, Two of her interviews are on this site:
Yvonne Ridley Explains the Role of Women in Islam and how she became Muslim

Muslim in the Family UK


Building Bridges

It's hard to believe, unless you are in that situation. I am a Muslim woman, living in EU. Time to time, I have exactly the same experience! But somehow, I know when I should shutdown my brain not to think about it or my ears not to care or listen about those words..:biggrin:

I just ignore them, or just turn to them...give them a smile...(as a gift) I would suggest those Muslim women who face such people to ignore them. You know your value. We know our value! :biggrin:


Junior Member

To all of you, may the peace of Allah rest on you. I found this video not pleasant to watch, even though it was performed by actors, because it hurt my heart to watch violence towards a woman wearing a hijab.

The muslima women represent good in my eyes, and when people misunderstand them, this is really sad.

Can there be videos made to 'encourage' the hijab for people to be accepted of others? There needs to see an 'acceptance' of muslim people more and more in the world of differences.



New Member
I really dont think this amounts to racism.
20/20 did a show (not long ago)that showed people WOULD NOT help a woman being abused by her boyfriend in public. People walked right pasted them and never doing or saying anything. I think people in general just lost their humanity! No one wants to get involved anymore. I dont think this test was about religion or racism, it was about "not" getting involved. We all need to get involved more no matter what the situation is.