Jesus and Mary Magdalene


New Member
Assalam Walaikum to all.

Muslims believes that Jesus was just a prophet. What then do they say about the theory that Jesus had an affair with Mary Magdalene?

Jazak Allahu khairan.
As salaamu alaikum, good question and an array of interesting answers. There much speculation about Ms. magdalene and Isa PBUH...this speculation is not new. it has been around for centuries. Many books such as; "the jesus scroll", "the holy blood& the holy grail",and "the woman with the alabaster jar" just to name a few. Also, the latest and currently most famous, "the Da Vinci Code". I would also like to emphasize that much of what is written in these books has been historically documented and authenticated; such as, The Council of Nicae and Constantines desecration of the Gospel of Isa and the subsequent development of the Nicene Creed. That being said: Ikrah! Read! my brothers and sisters. Starting with the premise that Allah is Infallible And the Quran is HIS Truth, so that which doesn't jibe with the Quran is suspect. Nevertheless, the stories are fascinating and should be stimulating reading if nothing else. Enjoy! Ma'Salaams

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
If I can add to the discussion, in Islam when something is not specifically mentioned historically and is said to be connected to a Prophet, we are asked to not speculate, think about, comment or infer anything that cannot be verified with accuracy.

As Prophets are the models of perfection, it is beyond doubt that those attributes attached to piousness such as faithfulness to God, chastity, honesty, sincerity and the like are suited and firmly grounded in the life and qualities of these great figures. Anything outside of or opposed to godliness is diametrically impossible to see, think about, reflect and believe could exist with a Prophet. This is the teaching of Islam.

Second, where themes like the marriage of a Prophet to someone else namely Mary Magdalene, the much spoken of migration of Jesus and his family to Egypt in his childhood and other such stories are not mentioned in the Qur'an for a reason. Allah has not deemed it as important for us to be concerned with in contrast to the message that Jesus and other Prophets actually brought and taught, namely what Our Creator wants for us, how to achieve them and the implementation of Divine guidance.

What Allah has not told us now, we may be given answers in the afterlife and as someone has already said, responses by those directly involved, namely Jesus himself, may be forthcoming when the time and circumstances are ripe, relevant and responsible to receive them.


Assalam Walaikum to all.

Muslims believes that Jesus was just a prophet. What then do they say about the theory that Jesus had an affair with Mary Magdalene?

Jazak Allahu khairan.

Assalam alaikoum
Brother, the Bible does not even suggest the above. What you hear or see it's all man made stories and the problem is that people who do not seek knowledge believe these.