Wa alaykum salam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuh
If people have issues with him, and they know manhaj, then they should call him and talk to him and give him advice.
In my experience, most the youth in the West who speak about this person and that person make no effort at all to actually give advice. Nor are they strong in manhaj themselves, and mostly they are the type who never turn up to the masjid for Fajr, yet, busy themselves with jarh wa ta'deel, which is something should be left to the ulema'. Saying that this person is ON and this is OFF the Manhaj
If that person does not listen and is arrogant, then it is another issue. We should look into the context of things and the danger posed to the Ummah. Every person and situation dealt in a different way.
When some brothers and sisters start practicing the Deen, then they go all out, trying to do things which they should not be doing, ending up becoming extreme and harsh in their stance.
People need to understand who are the scholars, the senior scholars and to get their knowledge from them, and their books. Understand the deen and manhaj how Shaykh Albani, ibn Baz, ibn Uthaimeen rahimahumullah understood it. How the Salaf saalih understood it, rather than how brothers and sisters and the self-appointed leaders of Salafiyyah in the West understand it.
Khalid Yassin and others are good for those who are not Muslims and new to Islam, but I do not see people using them for actual knowledge seeking as in being his students or to seek knowledge as in, in depth aqeedah, fiqh, tafsir etc from him or other speakers.
We should be careful at pointing fingers and also to those who go around labelling people and being very harsh. If there is indeed some sort of problem with a person, then they need to be spoken to in nice way, and there should be a real effort made to help that person. Scholars should be used, meetings arranged with the real intention and love that every Muslim deserves!
and Allaah knows best
assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh