Making a decision


New Member
Hello Everyone
A little over a week ago I joined this site seeking answers and understanding. I am finding the answer that I seek about God/Allah. Having been raised a Christain I always thought what I was told in church and bible school to be the whole truth. I have now found that to be false. Which brought me great sadness. I feel in many ways that I have been lied to by the church and parts of the bible. When I found out about how much the bible has been altered I was deeply hurt. That scholar and men of the church felt they had a right to choose what went into the bible and what was kept out. I spent time this last weekend reading and watching videos on Islam and becoming a Muslim. In talking with my fiance who has always been Muslim I have told him that I would like to convert to his religion. I told him I want to continue to learn more about the religion though before I truly become Muslim. I am going to be with him in Morocco this June and we talked about doing my convertion then. I am not doing this for him or because it is his religion but because I have done lots of praying to Allah and feel this is the path Allah wants me to go in. Thank you all that have sent me information to further my understanding I greatly apperciate all that I have learned so far and pray that I continue to learn more. Any more help and guidance would be graetly appreciated! Inshaa Allah!
God Bless you all


Here to help

Allah Himself has guaranteed that He would guard the Qur'an from corruption (see Qur'an 15:9). Hence, the real and pure words of Allah are found in the Qur'an, which was revealed in Arabic, the language of Mohammed's people. Since then, not an iota has changed. This is unlike what has happened in the other religions. For example, if you look at the Bible, you find a lot of versions; the name Bible itself is indicative of those changes because Bible means a collection of books from different writers.

Staff member
Welcome Sister,

In my humble opinion you should explore the below Link "Introductory Articles About Islam"


Also, I would request you to always read authentic information about Islam.

Simple way to ensure that is to check that the information being provided is backed up by references from Qur'an and hadeeth...


Servant of Allah
i'm so happy for u mashallah! but i have one suggestion. say your shahadah now because u don't know what ur future holds for u. then when u go to morocco say it again if you'd like. that's all, maybe later salam and love ya sis for the sake of allah.
sincerely ur sister in islam


Junior Member
Palestine was reading my mind....alhumduillah

Salam aliakum sister Shannon. I, too, am a fairly recent convert. I have been muslim 8 years this last January. Alhumduillah. When I made my shahada with the sisters in my community, they told me that I should say shahada right then because I believed it and if I walked out the door that night and died as a nonmuslim, that is pointless(because I believe and I am a muslim). Every muslim I think learns something new about his/her religion every day inshallah. We are all learning and shouldnt wait for the time know everything..You will never know everything and why waste the time now when you believe?! Inshallah you are believing in Allah as 1 and prophet Muhammad(saw) as his final messenger.....say it inshallah now. and then start learning and practicing the faith from there.
If you have any questions as a convert.....just IM me or leave a message. I would be happy to help inshallah. I will make dua for you.
Inshallah, Your sister in Islam,


Junior Member
Now one shanon left and the other comes subhan allah.

you welcome sister to TTI and to islam sooner.

let me know when u come to morocco i may witness ur shahadah :)

may allah help you in seeking knowlegde and strengh ur imaan. ameen



Junior Member
mashaallah sister ... May Allah guide you in the right path and give you the courage ... but it is always better to take shahada at the earliest ... you never know what holds tomorrow ... and inshallah will keep u in our prayers .... jazakallahu khairan


Junior Member
am really happy for you both, its a true delight having a new brother/sister added to our nation of islam each and every second, and bounding together by love and faith.. i wish you good luck!


Make dua for us all
Salam sister SAEG

Happy to hear what you said...
Morocco is a beautiful country, inshaAllah, you'll love it... i am also a Moroccan

BUT, WHY delay to be a Muslim until June... I would highly suggest to pronounce your Sahada as soon as possible as one doesn't know when he/she dies...


Junior Member
Selaam Alaykum,

My name is Tiffany I am a american revert to islam. I was also raised as a christian. I also went down a very similair path to islam. To make a long story short I know a muslim and we are very close. As he began learning more about Islam, I felt like I should learn more about my own religion. I went to church more and even in high school I was part of the christian learning program. We would talk together about what I learned at church and what my muslim friend read or heard at the mosque. I asked him to bring me a Koran so I could see the similarites in the two religion. One day he asked me what I thought about the trinity. I told him that I was part of a nondomination church that only believed in God and all the prophets. So he asked me to go on my church website to show him about this type of a church. In general what I believed my whole life is not what christian is based on. My belief was in one GOD ALLAH. Even though I knew that my belief was the same as Islam I took about 4 months to continue learning about Islam. Just keep making dua for guidence. You are there on the right path don't let shaitain distract you any longer. I reverted to Islam on sep 4th 2007 al humdillah. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.