Male Hijaab (Funny)


Junior Member
Asalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

Wow- Mash'Allah! I couldn't have said it better myself! FINALLY I see other people paying attention to one of the topics of my constant rants. That instead of placing a huge burden on the sisters shoulders, the brothers should also be considerate in controlling themselves and reminding themselves to remain modest in BOTH dress and behaviour. There are too many sisters nowadays that have dwindling ambition because they're afraid they'll be a temptation to men if they get involved in the community. The fact that they are modest is great, but they need to remember their responsibility only goes so far, and they shouldn't let the weaknesses of others get in their way of doing something Islamically great. Jazak'Allah Khayran brother!

Salam :D