Man Is In Need Of A Woman (And Vice Versa)


Assalaamu 'alaykum!
Marriage is a universal sunnah as well as mankind’s fitrah (innate nature). Allaah says:

[Adhere to] the fitrah of Allaah upon which He has created [all] people. No change should there be in the creation of Allaah.” [30:30]
If man was created alone, then he would be in need of a woman who would join him to form a family. He would also need her so that he could be at ease with her, take repose in her, and be in relaxation with her.

And if Allah created the woman alone, then she would need the man so he would protect and defend her under his care and concern.

And no matter how much of money, status, authority and position a woman may have, she still would need a man. And the man, as well, is in need of the woman and both of them complete one another.

[Taken from "The Prophet (saw) At Home" by Shaykh Muhammad Moosaa Nasr, p.7]


Junior Member
Assalamu Alaikum: Br.

ya, very correct.

Getting bored with almost everything...............with passage of time is also human Fitrah. :) :) :)
