Married to a Malay


Junior Member
Asalaamu Alaikum

Just wondering if I'm the only one married to a Malay (not including malays married to malays, lol).

Wa Salaamu Alaikum


Junior Member
Well they used to send them over here to study but now they ran out of money...but even back in the day nobody seemed to be marrying them. BTW Malays can be from Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore or Brunei.


Striving for Paradise
I am not married to a Malay.
But you married to a Malay because you are so special sister !!! LOL.


a lonely traveller
Guess I'm the only one as usual. Wonder why nobody marries malays...its always arabs or pakistanis.

The world is pretty big sister, you never know until you come across with a Malay couple. I know a lot of malays even though I am not in Malaysia or anywhere near it. So its not just with arabs or pakistanis. The Muslim Ummah crosses all boundaries and brings us all together irrespective of race or colour or ethnic backgrounds.


Junior Member
Asalaamu Alaikum

NOt looking for malay couples..they're all over the place..I'm looking for converts who are married to malays..specifically female converts. They are really rare. Female converts almost always choose arabs or pakistanis or according to them they are chosen by those two groups.

Wa Salaamu Alaikum


Junior Member
Salaam aleikum

I know a sister in Australia married to a malay, mashaAllah. She is not on here, but she is on a sisters-only forum I belong to.


Junior Member

I know a Malaysian lady at work married to an English convert masha'allah

But what this has to do with the price of peas Im not quite sure. In Islam we do not have nationalities in any real sense and we have muslim culture, not Pakistani, Arab or Malaysian culture. I also dont think we should be generalising about what is unusual and who 'gets picked' by who - its not helpful to the Ummah. We are all muslim - we are all united - but we are also all individuals.

And Allah swt knows best



Junior Member

I know a Malaysian lady at work married to an English convert masha'allah

But what this has to do with the price of peas Im not quite sure. In Islam we do not have nationalities in any real sense and we have muslim culture, not Pakistani, Arab or Malaysian culture. I also dont think we should be generalising about what is unusual and who 'gets picked' by who - its not helpful to the Ummah. We are all muslim - we are all united - but we are also all individuals.

And Allah swt knows best


Asalaamu Alaikum

Sounds like you are responding to that other lady's post. My post has nothing in common with hers. If I want to meet other women married to malays then that is my perogative.

Wa Salaamu Alaikum
