

Junior Member
The balancing of things, measurement of things/ie hence scales is a good example in english. If you put Abu Bakrs deeds on one side of the mizaan and the rest of the ummah's good deeds on the other side, the side with Abu Bakr would out weigh the rest of the Ummah. Thus he is ranked no1 after the Prophet.


New Member
Salam Alaikum,
I often hear these sentences in Salatul-Witr Dua, this the reason i wanted to know the meaning. Now that i got the sentence can anyone elaborate more on these.
"Waqina Azabal Mizaan"
"Fauza min Jannah"
Also does anyone know any website which translates the Duas especially the one recited in Sataul-Witr.

Jazakumalah Khair,


Junior Member
Assalamou Alikom Warahmatou Allah,

As it was pointed out above Mizaan means Scale but I've never heard of dua containing 'Wakina azaba Al mizaan'. It does not make much sense !
Please someone correct me if I am wrong.



New Member
I would like to know the meaning of the following sentence, if anybody could help me out.
"Musleemina(Muslim) Fe Kully Makaan"


Slave Of Ar-Ra7MaN

#Islam #Oreos

Okay, so here is the actual dua. "Allahumma atina fid-dunya Hasana, wa fil-akhirati hasana, waqina adhaba an-naar" which means "O our Rubb! give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and save us from the punishment of the Fire"

However, at the end of that du'a, some people add "waqina adhaba qabr, waqina adhaba hashr, waqina adhaba meezan" - which basically says "and save us from the punishment of the grave, the punishment of the [day of] gathering, and the punished of the scale (meaning, hypothetical scale used to measure good deeds against bad deeds on the day of judgement)" - I think it's an innovation though. I have yet to come across a hadith about that. But I could be wrong, so Allahu A'alm. salam

"Muslimeena fil Kuli makaan" basically means "Muslims everywhere" - so it's usually said when a dua is made, and it's basically for all of the entire Muslim Ummah.