And I am not sure why that does NOT cover meat in the United States, which is classified as a Christian country. Allah knows best.
Because the majority of the Christians don't consume slaughtered meat anyway. The meat sold in groceries here are most likely stunned and not slaughtered.
As brother thariq pointed out that the fatwa puts a condition in which is applicable to the US ie to kill the animal by electric shock, strangling or striking it on the head.
My Imam stated in one of his rulings :-
Eating meat that has not been slaughtered in the prescribed Shari’ manner is forbidden. This is because the general ruling for animal meat is that it is haram unless it has been slaughtered in the prescribed manner.
This would make it prohibited for us muslims to consume such meat. If there is an absence of halaal meat available, people should avoid eating meat altogether (and get on a vegetarian or seafood diet). This is what I have heard from my Imam and teachers.
Wasalaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi