Most Merciful


New Member
Every step you take He watches you
Every thing you say He knows what's true.
At times of need to Him you call,
Once it's answered you forget it all.
Your appreciation is but few
Your times running out if only you knew.

Message of warning spread far and wide.
Those who take heed are humble, while others full of pride.
Your blinded by your one enemy
Who wants you to do no good.
If destiny was something you could see
You would do what you truly should.

You think we're here just to laugh and have fun
When your enjoyment will soon be a memory
Open your eyes, wake up and learn
Before its too late for you to plea.

This worldly excitement it's not worth the pain
That you will be faced with the moment you die.
For all the gold and riches you've gained
Wont stop you from burning while you cry!

Mend your ways for the One who watches you
The One who is ever forgiving
Though you were forgetful your whole life through
He is always most merciful to the living.

Hope you like what i made helps me when im forgetful :hijabi:wasalam


Servant of Allah
i gotta applaud for this. mashallah. keep up the good work. inshallah make more religious poems like this one. it could change someone, you never know. asalamu alaykum.
love your sister in islam.


Junior Member
Yeah. We all like it. A good form or advice and reminder. And ya..two thumbs-up for your effort in inserting rhyming words. Heheh. Good job! Wassalam..

Sis Aisyah. :blackhijab: