Muhammad SAW in dreams


New Member
Dear brothers and sisters, I need your help. For last one year I am visiting an institute dedicated to Our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW. They hold classes every week on one of the chapter's of Quran and discuss. And to be honest I have learned a lot about Islam and our Prophet Muhammad SAW. I have started loving our prophet through this institute and am grateful to it. But there is a problem. The teacher tells me that I will inshallah see Phophet SAW in dreams and he will tell me that the teacher is one of Allah's special persons, so I should obey him. There are many women in the class who claims that they have seen Muhammad SAW in dreams and even talked with him. They have seen him with the teacher sometimes that both of them are praying in Kaaba sharif or sitting side by side and chitchatting. One of the female students has performed namaaz with the prophet SAW also. They are not very strict about pardah (veil). I am confused whether to believe them. These students claim that these visions come to them often when they are in the class even they talk to the Prophet SAW. There used to be a student who could talk to Prophet SAW and know daily activities in advance. But she disobeyed the teacher and her visions stopped coming. Anyways otherwise the institute participates in different world class seminars and workshops. According to the teacher (the founder director) he is trying to bring Islam to the non-muslim world. But there are certain things which I don't like about him. For example he talks so many things which do not have any value or I specially do not expect anything like that coming from a person who claims himself to be Allah’s special person. What should I do? Sometimes I feel he is not in the right path but later I think I am just an ordinary girl, what I know about Islam and Allah knows better and I should obey him. (One more thing the teacher can tell many things about someone by just seeing someone, which actually amazed me in the first meeting)Please help. My question is do they really see prophet SAW? Is it possible to see him this often? Are these people really blessed?

Um Abdur Rahman

Sclava lui Allaah
As'salamu aaleikom

Sheikh Assim al Hakeem advise u:

Assalamu alaikum,

What you have mentioned about this institute raises a lot of questions about the founder and the participants.

It appears that this institute is a Sufi one and that they have a lot of innovations and fabricated things.

The issue of total obedience to the teacher is a very dangerous one. I would not be surprised to know that he talks to women freely and mix with them or be with them alone at some stages.

Usually, one would benefit from them emotional things as they play on the people’s sentiments and their love to our Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam. But they don’t have any proper knowledge from the Quran or Sunnah.

What makes me talk freely in this fashion is his claim that people will see him in their dreams and that the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam will tell people that this teacher is one of Allah’s special persons. This is nonsense and it is claiming to know the unseen that only Allah knows.

People can see the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam in their dreams. Most likely, what these women are seeing is the devil impersonating our Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam.

If what I have said is true, I advise you to leave these people as they will corrupt your belief. Try to be with people following the Sunnah and not individuals who are probably associating themselves with Jinn


New Member

its not that easy to see our prophet, for people who really saw our prophet in the dream they wont tell the story that easy to others and it will impact of their Ibadah to Allah. they will be deeper n deeper when they do Shalah or Ibadah to Allah....

Waallahu A'lam...

Abu uthman

New Member
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

I very much agree with you brother.

Abu Huraira (ra) narrates: The Prophet (pbuh) said: "Whoever has seen me in a dream, has in fact seen me, for Satan does not appear in my form" (Sahih Muslim, vol. 4 p 1225 no 5635)

This is an area of visions which has, to some degree, been a source of confusion and trials among muslims. People claim to have seen the Prophet (pbuh) and to have received special guidance from him. Some claim their visions were in dreams while others claim to have actually seen him in a waking state. Those who make such claims are usually revered by the masses. Following such claims, they often introduce a variety of religious innovations and attribute them to the Prophet (pbuh) instructions in their dreams. The basis of these claims rests in the aforementioned hadith. There is no doubt that this hadith is authentic and reliable, and thus cannot be denied or distrusted; but there are, however, some points which should be noted concerning its meaning:

(A) The hadith indicates that Satan can enter the dreams of human beings in various forms and invite them to misguidance.

(B) The hadith states that Satan cannot take the actual form or appearance of the Prophet (pbuh)

(C) The hadith also confirms the fact that the Prophet (pbuh) form may be seen in dreams.

Allah has denied Satan the ability of taking the actual form of the Prophet (pbuh). However it is possible for Satan to appear in the dreams of those unfamiliar with the Prophets (pbuh) appearance, and claim that he is Allahs messenger. [The narration of Ibn Abee Aasim from Aboo Huraira that the Prophet (pbuh) said, 'Whoever sees me in a dream has seen me, for I may be seen in every form' is not authentic according to Ibn Hajar - see fath al-baarree vol. 12 p400]. He may then prescribe religious innovations for the dreamer or inform him that he is the Mahdee (the awaited reformer) or even Prophet Jesus, who is to return in the last days.

The number of individuals who have started religious innovations or made such claims based on dreams, are countless. People are particularly inclined to accept such claims because of their misunderstanding of the above mentioned hadith.

Abu Huraira stated that he heard the Prophet (pbuh) say, "Whoever sees me in a dream will see me when awake, and Satan cannot imitate me in form" [Bukhari vol. 9 p 104 no 122]. Ibn Hajar and other scholars said 'will see me when awake' means that the one who saw the Prophet (pbuh) in a dream will see the interpretation of his dream come true because it was a true dream. [Fath al-Baaree vol. 12 p400].

Any visions of the Prophet (pbuh) in the waking state would no doubt be Satanic appartitions, regardless of the outcome. During the Prophets (pbuh) miraculous journey to Jerusalem and into the heavens, Allah did show him a number of the former Prophets and Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) communicated with them. Those who claim to see the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) in the waking state, in fact, attempt to elevate themselves to his level, since none of the companions or the early generation of the righteous scholars made such claims for themselves. And the Prophet (pbuh) dubbed them the best of generations.

Any innovations in the religion of Islam, whether based on visions of the Prophet (pbuh) or otherwise are totally unacceptable according to the many statements of the Prophet (pbuh) prohibiting them. For example, Aisha reported that Allahs Messenger (pbuh) said, 'Whoever innovates in this affair of ours (i.e. Islam) something not belonging to it, will have it rejected' [Bukhari vol. 3 p.535 no 861, Muslim vol. 3 p.931 no 4266] As the brother mentioned these people are mostly to be sufis.

So insallah I would advise you to stay away from these people as far as possible sister and we ask Allah to guide us all to the right path. (Ameen)



Be careful Brother, this "institute" doesn't sound very legitimate to me and I mean ISLAMICALLY legitimate. The Prophet SAW is not our tool and he can't appear to us whenever we want him to. This man sounds like a fraud to me and for him to tell you if and when you will see the Prophet SAW shows him to be an extremely presumptuous and arrogant person who has taken Islam and turned it into something ridiculous. Only Allah is Alim al-Ghayb and only He knows what will happen now and what is to come later.

This really does sound like some type of Sufi sect and I truly believe you should leave these people immediately.