My Little Heart


No God but Allah
]My Little Heart

O my Lord, this is my little heart calling on You.

Who else can know but You?

O my Lord, do I need to explain?

Don't You know how much I feel of pain?

Don't You know all the secrets and what's plain?

O my Lord, whatever You decree on me, I'll never complain

I just beg You to strengthen my heart to sustain

Let him realize and appreciate all Your graces and never disdain

Let him see the wisdom in everything You ordain

Grant him the ability to love, to give

And show him all the righteous deeds to obtain

O my Lord, my only wish is to keep my little heart so pure,

So innocent and never, never let him be vain


Junior Member
ALLAHUAKBAR. LAAILAHAILALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH SAW. ALLAHUMMA SOLLI ALAA MUHAMMAD WA ALAA ALI MUHAMMAD. SUBHANALLAH WALHAMDULILLAH WALAAILAHAILALLAH WAALLAHUAKBAR SUBHANALLAH WA BIHAMDIIHII. My dearest ummat muhammad, may Allah swt bless us all always in all ways. please can you join and ask, seek help from ALLAH SWT to bless us all ummat muhammad, to guide us to the right path and unite ummat muhammad as one unique ummat muhammad. insyaallah. Subhanallah.


Junior Member

:tti_sister: ALLAHUAKBAR. LAAILAHAILALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH SAW. ALLAHUMMA SOLLI ALAA MUHAMMAD WA ALAA ALI MUHAMMAD. SUBHANALLAH WALHAMDULILLAH WALAAILAHAILALLAH WAALLAHUAKBAR SUBHANALLAH WA BIHAMDIIHII. My dearest ummat muhammad, may Allah swt bless us all always in all ways. please can you join and ask, seek help from ALLAH SWT to bless us all ummat muhammad, to guide us to the right path and unite ummat muhammad as one unique ummat muhammad. insyaallah. Subhanallah.