Osama bin Laden is dead, says US

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Lil' Muslimah

Something tells me the whole plot is to do with elections..
A conspiracy but, could it be that Obama "served justice" so that he gets the votes on election day (which is in November but it doesn't really change things)?

I'm sure every American will love him now since it seems as if he's the one who's given justice to America.


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Even respected agencies have noted that this image is fake. Apparently only a few have used this image.


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ShahnazZ said:
Again, I literally have no feelings when it comes to this situation. I have no idea who this individual was, who told the truth, who lied. I just hope the hostilities amongst Muslims die down because this "War on Terror" needs to end.
There are a few simple facts which should not have escaped your attention:-

- He was Muslim
- The war on Afghanistan was launched because the Taliban refused to hand over a Muslim to the Americans based on such a wild accusation of 9/11 guilt on this one man.
- The taliban did offer him on the condition he be given a trial, this was rejected by the Americans, if their stupid story was true about 9/11 being orchestrated by this one man then they should have done the trial and finished it off back then. But no, they had to kill hundreds of thousands instead.

The skeletal facts of the situation are clear, its just a cop out to claim otherwise.


Junior Member
The United States has killed way more people than Osama did. The US has killed lots of innocent Muslims. Those Muslims who were killed by these oppressors will get their justice on the Day of Judgment. These proud tyrants think they will get away with their crimes but they will know their mistake on the Day of Judgment! Not only is America responsible for it's crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan, etc, but in my eyes, they are also responsible along with Israel for the murder of innocent Palestinians. Israel gets all of their money and weapons from America so they are just as guilty as Israel.

Allah will grant victory to the Muslims in the end.

May Allah protect us from the evils of the shaytan and from the kuffar, ameen!

Abu Talib

Feeling low

(AGI) Kuwait City - The Al Naba newspaper reports that Bin Laden is said to have advised his children "not to work with Al-Qaeda." His advice is apparently contained in a will dated 14 December 2001, which the newspaper says was typewritten and carries the signature of Osama Bin Laden. Several other Arab media have picked up on the story. . .

ABC news reports that the video of Osama bin Laden's body being buried at sea will be made public, though officials will do "cautiously".

Tehreek Taliban has confirmed the death of Osama


There are a few simple facts which should not have escaped your attention:-

- He was Muslim
- The war on Afghanistan was launched because the Taliban refused to hand over a Muslim to the Americans based on such a wild accusation of 9/11 guilt on this one man.
- The taliban did offer him on the condition he be given a trial, this was rejected by the Americans, if their stupid story was true about 9/11 being orchestrated by this one man then they should have done the trial and finished it off back then. But no, they had to kill hundreds of thousands instead.

The skeletal facts of the situation are clear, its just a cop out to claim otherwise.


Like I said: I have no idea who this individual was, what was true and what was false.

I'm not at liberty to believe the justification behind the slaughter of millions, irrespective of who was doing the slaughtering. Murdering in masses has no justification, whether it's the US or Osama Bin Laden. You stated he's Muslim - really? Is he now? How do I know that he's even real? How do I know he's not just some average Joe walking around who happened to annoy some people in power and now his picture's being paraded around as The Most Wanted Man in the world? Guantanamo detainees have been incarcerated for far less. Am I supposed to believe everything that's said about them as well?

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala is the ONLY Knower of why the war in Afghanistan was launched. I'm not going to claim to know the facts simply because it's what the media is saying. What you say may be true. Then again, it may not be. Who knows? The world is far more complex then that and the minds of human beings go beyond the range of comprehension sometimes, to the point where one is left completely baffled.

There's a reason why I said I'm doubting everything relevant to this situation. It's because I don't know whose right and whose wrong. Is it because I'm doubting the facts? No, it's because I believe this is all beyond me. It's alot bigger than I am and so there's no way I can truly comprehend any of it because I don't know how far people in power are willing to go, regardless of whether they're Muslim or non-Muslim. I'm not a mind reader, a psychic or someone who saw all of this play out and so I'm not at liberty to say what's fact and what isn't.

That is not a cop out, that is sheer common sense.


Staff member
If you have believed anything the media ever said to you, that means even listening to the weather forecast to find out if its raining tomorrow or not, then you should at least accept that the man exists/existed and was used as a premise to stage a war against Islaam.

Do you accept that Israel currently occupies much of Palestine or is that also a leap of blind faith because the only place you've ever heard it or read about it is your TV screen or the newspaper? Or some other conflict you have known about only through these mediums also doubtful to you?

Im not denying the inconsistencies you have highlighted, however the 100% sitting on the fence atittude in all of this is ..entirely your choice I suppose! It must be comfortable sitting on the fence, I don't blame you.

Abu Talib

Feeling low
Its been reported that one of his wife and children are under custody of Pakistan Government. As per his wife and little daughter account Osama was fighting with the Americans until they last saw him.

US may release photos of Osama bin Ladens burial at sea on Tuesday,but no final decision has been made - US official tells Reuters.

Afghan Taliban claims evidence not sufficient to prove Osama is dead


If you have believed anything the media ever said to you, that means even listening to the weather forecast to find out if its raining tomorrow or not, then you should at least accept that the man exists/existed and was used as a premise to stage a war against Islaam.

Do you accept that Israel currently occupies much of Palestine or is that also a leap of blind faith because the only place you've ever heard it or read about it is your TV screen or the newspaper? Or some other conflict you have known about only through these mediums also doubtful to you?

Im not denying the inconsistencies you have highlighted, however the 100% sitting on the fence atittude in all of this is ..entirely your choice I suppose! It must be comfortable sitting on the fence, I don't blame you.

Who said anything about him not existing? The human being with the face, hands, arms, and legs existed but does that mean I have to believe that the terrorist known as Osama Bin Laden existed? Whether this figure did or didn't, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala knows that. Was there a war waged on the purpose of finding this supposed terrorist? Sure, that was what the rest of the world was supposed to believe. Was that the real reason the war was waged? I don't know I'm not God. I don't know what's in people's hearts or minds.

Weather forecasts? Seriously? Weather forecasts based on meteorology and satellites that have been proven true time and time again? If it's going to rain and I didn't believe it the first time, and it indeed rained and I know it because the raindrops fell on my face....well golly gee I guess that makes me a believer!

Israel oppressing Palestine? Yes. Why do I believe that? Because it's a COUNTRY on a MAP ordained into INTERNATIONAL LEAGUES, ORGANIZATIONS, and CONFERENCES. It has VARIOUS eyes on it, not that of just one group saying just one thing. There are pro and anti arguments for its existence and actions. How am I supposed to deny the atrocities or benefits being committed by a geographical entity and then compare that to the actions being committed by one human being in a world full of billions? Just like asking if 9/11 was committed. Uh yes? Why do I believe that? Because I live in New York and the attack was so bad, the black smoke clouded even the skies in Brooklyn that I looked up and saw for myself?

And I'm sorry but who said anything about having a "100% attitude of sitting on the fence"? Did I say that? Really? I don't recall saying that anywhere. I said I didn't know anything about who this figure truly was. This is a discussion on the man considered to be the number one enemy of America and the atrocities he committed. I question the simple fact that not all is as it seems, not at ALL saying who is right and who is wrong and suddenly I'm on this lovely fence.

Definition of sitting on the fence: undecided as to which of two sides to support; uncommitted or neutral
Believing media reports without question: blind following

I do believe I prefer this fence.

Abu Talib

Feeling low
There are just endless reports coming out

One says he was actually killed by his own bodyguards as per his will to avoid being captured by Americans.

The US officials just now said he was not armed while they shot him.

Some Pakistani reports suggest he is still alive.
he killing of Osama bin Ladin, may Allah have mercy on him, if proven to be true, may either be a coincidence or part of a strategic manoeuvre by the US and its allies to justify the adoption of new tactics in their ‘war on terror’ that has clearly proven to be counterproductive. It may be alleged that he was killed a long time ago but the killing was only now announced as a justification for the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan. All of these are possibilities that no one can emphatically confirm, and indeed, there need not be an exertion of effort to confirm or disprove the claims as wisdom dictates that we deal with facts and realities whilst planning for the worst of scenarios.

Whatever the case may be, Osama left this worldly life to meet his Lord who is the ultimate judge. Almighty Allah knows everything about him, his actions, and the conspiracies that surround his life. He knows what Osama did, what he didn’t do, and what we were made to believe that he did. In any case, he died as a Muslim and it is an established part of our Islamic creed that every Muslim, unlike the disbelievers, will eventually enter paradise. According to a number of scholars, the Muslim killed by the enemies of Islam is considered a martyr, regardless of whether he died during combat or simply in a state of non-combative military engagement such as being killed whilst sleeping. Other scholars limit the title of martyr only to those Muslims who are killed during active combat. Whatever the case may be, all scholars have agreed that mistakes made by a Muslim fighter in combat do not deprive him of his rights, whether it be the right of regarding him a martyr or any other Islamic right. The Prophet (peace be upon him) became very angry at his close companion Usamah ibn Zayd when he killed a disbeliever after he had said “there is no God but Allah”. The Prophet furiously repeated, “have you killed him after he said: there is no God but Allah!” However, the Prophet (peace be upon him) continued to appoint Usamah ibn Zayd as the general of the Muslim army and actually appointed him to lead the biggest military expedition that was undertaken during the Prophet’s life.

Any position we adopt must be bound by the guidelines of the Shari’ah and free from emotions and personal whims. We should intend to say (and act upon) what pleases Allah and not what pleases certain individuals, groups or governments. Saddam Hussain, may Allah have mercy on him, was amongst the persons most hated by Muslims having committed many heinous crimes. However, when he was hung he proclaimed: “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger”. Based upon this, we have no choice but to ask Allah to bestow His mercy upon Saddam as he clearly died a Muslim. Allah informs us that he does not give the courage to any person on his/her deathbed to declare the testimony of faith unless he or she is a true Muslim. Allah says,

“Allah will keep firm those who believe, with the word that stands firm in this world and in the Hereafter. And Allah will cause to go astray those who are Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.), and Allah does what He wills.”[1]

Having said this, I would like to state that although these matters are in agreement with Islamic principles, the application of the principles in relation to certain individuals should not be a cause of fitnah and disunity among Muslims. Unity of Muslims and the purity of their hearts towards each other must be observed regardless of the scale of disagreements between them, as long as the scale of disagreement remains within the bounds of Islam.

Even though we fundamentally disagree with al-Qaeda and we condemn the unjustified killing that is attributed to them, it was very much instigated by the enemies of Islam themselves. In fact, I strongly believe that the presence of al-Qaeda is pleasing to the US especially as it allows the US justification for their crimes. In comparison, any amount of people killed by al-Qaeda has undoubtedly been trebled by the killing sprees of the US in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Gaza and other countries.

It is surprising how this major world Superpower was not only terrorized by a single man walking the face of the earth, but was also terrorized by him even whilst dead. President Obama declared that they would deal with the body of Bin Ladin in accordance with Islamic law and thus they threw it into the sea. This is the so-called respect that the US shows to Islam. In reality, these are the actual morals and values that America really calls for.

Whatever we say, Allah has the final say, and on the day of resurrection the truth will be revealed. Muslims will dwell in the delight of paradise and the disbelievers will be burned in the hellfire forever.

“These two opponents (believers and disbelievers) dispute with each other about their Lord; then as for those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be cut out for them, boiling water will be poured down over their heads. With it will melt or vanish away what is within their bellies, as well as (their) skins. And for them are hooked rods of iron (to punish them). Every time they seek to get away from it out of anguish, they will be driven back therein, and (it will be) said to them: "Taste the torment of burning!" Truly, Allah will admit those who believe and do righteous good deeds, to Gardens underneath which rivers flow (in Paradise), wherein they will be adorned with bracelets of gold and pearls and their garments therein will be of silk. And they are guided (in this world) unto goodly speech and they are guided to the Path of He who is Worthy of all praises.”[2]
Shaykh Haitham Al-Haddad on Osama's death http://www.islam21c.com/politics/2644-advice-to-muslims-on-the-death-of-osama-bin-ladin


Junior Member
They say they buried him, really I doubt they did. Anyways, there is so much contradictions I don't think we will really know what exactly happened. But now the news is saying that Osama was unarmed? The soldiers that killed him must have been really hungry for his blood, I'm sure. I was wondering before this revelation, if there was a firefight, how was it that none of the soldiers were injured in any way? I suspected that Osama may have been unarmed during that raid.

Abu Talib

Feeling low

One of clerics said 'I think the US was scared even after burying Osama so they threw him in the sea'..

They proudly showed Ramzi Yousef, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, Saddam so whats the problem showing Osama.


May Allah Forgive us

If someone is so sorry for being a Muslim then why be one? This is just stupid and crazy. I don't remember reading about the Sahabas being apologetic to the Mushriks of Makkah for being Muslims. SubhanAllah!


New Member

I have not read all the posts but i am sure this is all a lie! he might have died a natural death few years back or may be still live. I don't believe any of it. There is no evidence to prove his death and its quite funny that his family didn't want anything to do with his body so they decided to throw it in the river. I came across Banzair Bhutto's video on youtube where she accidently mentions that Osama bin laden was killed and that was back in 2007. They claim that they found him in a military controlled area and now this will put more pressure on Pakistan to give in to their demands and do as they say. This will mess up things for Pakistan, things are going to get worse! The war on terror is not over, this is just a battle they claim they have won. Now that America is celebrating this false news, they would want to carry out more operations in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen. As we all know these are few of the countries where they claim the Taliban and Al Qaeeda network is based! He is doing all this for political power and take the attention away from what happening in the arab world and create more fitna in the Muslim lands!

Now your probaly wondering why would they want to invade yemen, they wil use this whole fighting terrorism issue to their advantage! They already tried to make a military base in Scotra Jazeerah but here is an interesting video:


and have a look at this LOL:


May Allah unite the muslims haqq and protect the Muslim lands.


Junior Member

Okay, I have to do a Geography assignment on 'Usaama, but I don't know a single thing about him. I thought I did. He's the terrorist who was behind 9/11 but someone said Zionists are behind 9/11 and I'm convinced. And 'Usaama died a long time ago, that's what I heard. According to the video akh D.Ahmed posted, Obama announced the 'death' of 'Usaama because no one liked him. He's planning to run for president again. ahhh don't get it.

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