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New Member
hi i play the piano,some brothers & sister say i shouldn't some say i can..whats the facts on musical instruments are they allowed in Islam or not???



New Member
im not quite sure but i think piano is a string instrument therefore were not allowed to play the piano.


New Member
hi thks for reply,that site seems to imply u cant play musical instruments

"This hadeeth indicates in two ways that musical instruments and enjoyment of listening to music are haraam"

its kind of complicated..mannnn thats tough if ve read that right..


Junior Member
Prayerbone, I know some muslims who were brought up taking piano lessons. Even some of the most conservative ones asked if I would teach their daughters how to play the piano. (does this contradict the teachings of Islam???)
Because the 'gift' of knowing how to play the piano since very young, I feel that if I give this up to become a muslim, would be like cutting off my hands. I have no opinion in this area, because it is so alive inside of me, when I play the piano to worship God.
I can understand this thread of concern.
Rules are rules, and am if I better off not ever playing the piano again? I have to leave this one up to God.


New Member
hi kristina i read ur intro it was really touching,ive been having a rough time of late it was a real blessing !! we seem to come from the same back ground christian faith etc..
i have a real problem with this question..i read some article by yusuf islam (cat stevens) to get some answers,hes gone back to playing certain music now,but its been very controversial..i dont think i could give up i really dont (not that i'm any good haha)!

ps why would God mind if were playin music for him?? birds sing!!


Junior Member
salam aleikoum,

i also have been playing piano since a kid, 13 years... i stopped 2 years ago. First, i continued listening to CDs, concerts... Now i can say i'm off.
It was clear to me : piano or.. Allah?

Insha Allah, you'll be able to stop

fee amanee Allah


Building Bridges
The best gift that Allah has given us is to know Him, to Know Islam. If you have to give up something to become a better Muslim, I am sure you are going to receive something much better than that.


New Member
hi its not so much the giving up,its the interpretation of that verse “And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks (i.e. music, singing) to mislead (men) from the path of Allaah…” [Luqmaan 31:6]
if ur playing music to Allah how can that mislead people away from him?


Junior Member
I think forms of dancing, worldly pleasures, would be more frowned upon than the beautiful music of piano which is a stringed instrument.


Smile you are @ TTI
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الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين إن للشهوات سلطانا على النفوس ، واستيلاء وتمكنا في
القلوب ، فتركها عزيز ، والخلاص منها عسير ،ولكن من أتقى الله كفاه ....ومن استعان به أعانه ..
.وإنما يجد المشقة في ترك المألوفات والعوائد من تركها لغير الله ، أما من تركها مخلصا لله فإنه لا يجد في تركها مشقة إلا أول وهلة ،
ليمتحن أصادق في تركها أم كاذب ، فإن صبر على تلك المشقة قليلا استحالت لذة ، وكلما ازدادت الرغبة في المحرم وتاقت النفس إلى
فعله...عظم الأجر في تركه وتضاعفت المثوبة في مجاهدة النفس على الخلاص منه ...​
The desires (it can be anything) accompanied by wider images which can possess the souls, and takeover our hearts, leaving and salvation of our soul and heart from theses desires is very very hard

But a person with Taqwa (God Consciousness) which allows him to constantly a ware of God presence and his ability to be present in every place at any, and/or every, time help the person in leaving the desire.
We find hardship in the leaving our desires when we leave them for other than Allah, but when we leave them sincerely for Allah we might find it hard only for the first glance, this hardship is a test from Allah to see our sincerity in leaving our desires.
If we stay strong and patient on these hardships the desire will not find its way to our hearts.
And when ever our desires increase to commit moharam.
The reward from Allah are doubled in the striving for salvation of the soul to leave this desire...

We need to remember the hadith:

نبي الإسلام قد قال : " من ترك شيئا لله عوضه الله خيرا منه "

The Prophet peace be up on him said: “Whoever gives up something for the sake of Allaah, Allaah will compensate him with something better.”​

May Allah Help us in to stay a way from evil of our desires.

wa salaam alikom


New Member
Music and musical instruments


I was moved with the discussion on piano or perhaps "music". I am not a musician and I do not play any musical instruments either. I supposed I have to disagree with most of you here. Brother Mabsoot has given a very lengthy explanation on the fatwa regarding music. In short the fatwa has clearly said "the view that music is permissible has no firm basis". Meaning that there is a second view on the matter that maintains it as permissible.

There is a tradition of the Prophet Pbuh that permits singing on Eid festival and also a tradition of the Prophet Pbuh to proclaim the wedding by playing a musical instrument of dubb (If I not mistaken, please correct me if I am wrong). The idea of string instrument came about during the times of Syakh al-Islam Imam al-Ghazzali, who prohibits the playing of musical instruments and even he asked them to be destroyed. This can be found in his famous work of Ihya Ulum al-Din. I did some research on the matter, and I asked some of my friends regarding this as well. In short, Imam al-Ghazzali's opinion was based on the conditions of the times, whereby music is always be associated with zina and musicians played their instruments at "this place".

My view on the matter would be the reason for allowing and disallowing the playing of musical instruments. If music is associated with haram activities, then it is haram. "Ma adda ila haram fahuwa haram" (Things that leads to haram is considered as haram) and based on the Sadd Dzara'i (blocking the means).

On this point, I would agree to some of the opinions of "moderate Muslims" of allowing the playing of musical instruments (although I did not play any) and listening them if the reasons of disallowing is not exist, such as
a) it does not lead to haram activities,
b) the songs or lyrics are not contradict to Islam
c) the playing/listening of music did not put you away from carry out your duty to Allah and to others
d) Islamic ethic is preserved.

As a human being, we need entertainment. Life is dull without it. I am not an artist, but I love to hear nice Islamic songs like brother Yusuf Islam and Raihan (Malaysia) as well as other groups. I am sure music can play a part in dakwah especially for the kids and the youth today.

:astag: I beg forgiveness from Allah for my mistake. Allah knows best.



New Member
interesting issue.
I hope there are more views that come up

I my self thought that nasheed without instrumental music is only allowed but I am not completely sure about it.



Smile you are @ TTI
Staff member
ahmadyaacob said:

I was moved with the discussion on piano or perhaps "music". I am not a musician and I do not play any musical instruments either. I supposed I have to disagree with most of you here. Brother Mabsoot has given a very lengthy explanation on the fatwa regarding music. In short the fatwa has clearly said "the view that music is permissible has no firm basis". Meaning that there is a second view on the matter that maintains it as permissible.

There is a tradition of the Prophet Pbuh that permits singing on Eid festival and also a tradition of the Prophet Pbuh to proclaim the wedding by playing a musical instrument of dubb (If I not mistaken, please correct me if I am wrong). The idea of string instrument came about during the times of Syakh al-Islam Imam al-Ghazzali, who prohibits the playing of musical instruments and even he asked them to be destroyed. This can be found in his famous work of Ihya Ulum al-Din. I did some research on the matter, and I asked some of my friends regarding this as well. In short, Imam al-Ghazzali's opinion was based on the conditions of the times, whereby music is always be associated with zina and musicians played their instruments at "this place".

My view on the matter would be the reason for allowing and disallowing the playing of musical instruments. If music is associated with haram activities, then it is haram. "Ma adda ila haram fahuwa haram" (Things that leads to haram is considered as haram) and based on the Sadd Dzara'i (blocking the means).

On this point, I would agree to some of the opinions of "moderate Muslims" of allowing the playing of musical instruments (although I did not play any) and listening them if the reasons of disallowing is not exist, such as
a) it does not lead to haram activities,
b) the songs or lyrics are not contradict to Islam
c) the playing/listening of music did not put you away from carry out your duty to Allah and to others
d) Islamic ethic is preserved.

As a human being, we need entertainment. Life is dull without it. I am not an artist, but I love to hear nice Islamic songs like brother Yusuf Islam and Raihan (Malaysia) as well as other groups. I am sure music can play a part in dakwah especially for the kids and the youth today.

:astag: I beg forgiveness from Allah for my mistake. Allah knows best.


salaam alikom brother,
Well yes its in tradition of the Prophet Peace be up on him that permits singing on Eid for ladies and kids in thier own area and with the Duff (drumps)
it was never for men or with instrument.
from the site which brother Mabsoot posted you find this hadith

As for instrument there is Hadith of the prophet Peace be up on him said
“Among my ummah there will certainly be people who permit zinaa, silk, alcohol and musical instruments…”
This hadeeth indicates in two ways that musical instruments and enjoyment of listening to music are haraam. The first is the fact that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “[they] permit” which clearly indicates that the things mentioned, including musical instruments, are haraam according to sharee’ah, but those people will permit them. the second way it said it might associated with zina.

there is another Hadith of the prophet peace be up him said

ماجعل الله لرجلٍ من قلبين في جوفه​

"Allah has not made for any man two hearts in his body"

so our heart either will be busy with Quran and hadith or with songs which now days once we listen to them it keep our toque and heart busy.
and there are many incidents and stories which will make us think twice,
One of these stories said by a police officer in Saudi and it was a reason for him to repent to Allah, one of the nights when he was in his shift he saw a car accident in which a group of friends were traveling he hurried with other officers to the accident scene where thy found most of the people were badly injured and the music was still running in the car one of them was in his last breath so he tried to help him to say the Kalima ( اشهد ان لا اله الا الله وان محمد رسول الله ) ) but the guy instead repeating the kalimah he started singing and he kept repeating the song till he died. :confused: :frown: may Allah portect us all

I didnt hear that the Islamic Nasheeds are Haraam,
but when the instrument get involved most of the scholars said its Haram,
some time yes we do listen to nasheeds which have instruments but that us we want to justify our actions by finding excuses to say its not haraam and that there is 2 opinion BUT the above Hadith is clear.(Among my ummah there )

Wallah Alam ( Allah knows the best)
may Allah forgive us all since we commit mistakes all the time.

wa salaam alikom


Junior Member
brother prayerbone, i am not the right person to explain this to you, but it's called "innovation"..
maybe im wrong

Maybe I am wrong but doesnt Allah SWT give us the gifts to do certain things, ie, playing an insterment, the gift to draw and paint or be artistic for that matter, or with a beautiful voice to sing and recite with? I feel I was blessed by Allah SWT with a beautiful voice. Before I converted to Islam I used it to sing Christian praise and worship songs to God. Now I feel that I still have this gift from Allah so I use it to recite and praise the all mighty Allah. I think that it is how you use your gift that becomes the sin. If we do not use the gifts that were given to us by Allah SWT to glorify Him the that is where the sin is. Once again maybe I am wrong. I am A new Muslim only for almost a year. If I am wrong please forgive my ignorance.


New Member
great post ahmadyaacob i agree 100%!!

to Mrmuslim you said

"so our heart either will be busy with Quran and hadith or with songs which now days once we listen to them it keep our tongue and heart busy."

what exactly is the diference between music and hobbies that arnt haraam?not all hobbies are haraam, but sill take the same amount of dedication as music..if we follow this logic all hobbies should be haraam then surely?? from flower arranging to calligraphy

ocene i will look up "innovation thks


edited this is a interesting topic,which also brings in the muslim in europe thread..as a reverts to Islam..i'm constantly reminded of the contradictions of what i'm told is being a Muslim and whats praticed by born Muslims,its very confusing..for example we revert and then learn the basic's no drink no music..but then i'm confronted by many Mulsim business that provide drink and have music constantly playing,its enough to make me think "ahhh there must be a middle rd after ive settled into Islam,between extreme to moderate,after all they seem content to bend the rules so why not me a revert"...very confusing


Junior Member
prayerbone said:
ps why would God mind if were playin music for him?? birds sing!!

Is it complain to God:astag: or suggestion to God:astag:

Atleast one thing is clear that one should not play music to worship Allah.
Because Messenger of Allah have told us how to worship him and he didnt mention in that of playing music to worship Allah.

But if you wanna play music for your soul that is a different thing.


Staff member
prayerbone said:
for example we revert and then learn the basic's no drink no music..but then i'm confronted by many Mulsim business that provide drink and have music constantly playing,its enough to make me think "ahhh there must be a middle rd after ive settled into Islam,between extreme to moderate,after all they seem content to bend the rules so why not me a revert"...very confusing

Assalamu alaykum,

Unfortunately some people being born Muslim do not implement islam in their lives. So yeah, some will sell alcohol, drink it even...or allow people to drink it in their restaurants etc.. but this is because they are away from Islam. Either it is deliberate or they never managed to experience Islam which was not just a "cultural" thing. Or perhaps they do not have so much faith that God will provide them with money and they dont need to allow Alcohol into their businesses.

Often, many people are raised up with Islam just being part of their culture. It was not something that was seen as a serious part of their life.

Islam in its true essence is about moderation in all things. Not drinking alchol or listening to music etc is not extreme :)

I believe it is important for you and for other New Muslims to work on the basics first inshaAllah. Such as Tawheed, prayer, fasting etc.

The answer to these questions about music are all in the first link i gave.

I ask Allah to help us and increase our faith.
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