Pregnant Muslim woman stabbed 18 times in German courtroom


Subhana Allah!
Asalmau alaykum

Please watch this sad clip:girl3::girl3::girl3:

May Allah protect the muslims amiin




New Member
Astagfirallah!!! evil ppl

Salaam, i havent the strength in me 2 watch this clip but i wnted 2 ask u wat it is all about...?? i jus rd the title an was very curious.....


Junior Member
its really heart paining to hear such incident , how can the police personnel be seating like that , they couldnt stop that man before stabing her 18 times what where they doing sleeping ????? its so horrible , and they shot her husband , what kind of sense does it make , it looks as though they were with that guy,

and for that guy inshallah allah will punish him like hell inshallah and he'll realise what he did is something so criminal and so horrible ,

lets just pray to allah for the sister , amy allah give her janna, she was really brave women , she died in the cause of islam , she is really brave women , my respect for women wearing hijab has now increased even more , cos they are the one who have the tag of being a muslim , and inshallah allah will reward them all ameen .


Junior Member
Wa alaykumus salam.

My hearts really bled when I listened to this incident. May Allah swt grant my sister the highest level in jannah. Ameen.