Problem with my family and hijaab/jilbaab!


New Member
I'm on the edge of converting to Islam and recently I discussed this with my family. No problem there.

But my problem is this: they HATE my jilbab and hijaab. When I wear my jilbab outside they try and make sure they're not seen walking with me, or talking to me. In the house they're constantly berating me, telling me to take that 'silly thing' off (their exact words).
They also dislike me praying openly in a place they might have to come into (such as the living room) and I'm forced to pray locked up in my room all the time.

They seem to frustrate me all the time in my effort to follow the words of Allah (SWT). Anyone got any advice? I'm finding it so hard...! :girl3:


Junior Member
Sorry sis but I am not very good at dealing with those kind of problems. But I will keep you in my duas. And InshaAllaah everyhting will be alright for you in the future.


Oh sister am very sorry for your situation! :(
I can only sympathize with you, and feel your frustration. Myself i started to wear the headscarf this week, but am living along Alhamdulillah, and in a different city from my parents. Am scared of what they are gonna say when they see me, but i pray for strenght from Allah.
I hope your parents will see what they are doing with this behaviour, pushing you away, inshAllah they will see that they are doing wrong things. Just keep on talking to them, and inshAllah they will come around :)

Keep making your duas, and ask Allah to soften your family :)
You are in my duas Inshallah :)


Junior Member
As a convert at first my husband said he would not walk near me in public wearing hijab. My mother was not really mad at me but could not understand why I would do such a thing. Over time things have gotten much better. My mom now reads the Quran and says she believes in the Muslim teachings. My husband took shahada not long ago. So see sis Allah will make it easy for you. It may just take some time for your family to get used to the idea. I hope that gives you a little hope.

Abd El Rahman

proud to be a Muslim
go on sister,don't let this matter influence your decision
i think it is a matter of time and everything will go better in shaa ALLAH
ask ALLAh to help you stick to his way
i will pray for you to.

sis khadidja

proud to be muslim
:salam2: inshallah sis you sort out all your problems but just try to explain it to them that what you are wearing is part of your deen (religeon) and they have to exept that! keep you in my duas sis :blackhijab::SMILY335:

sanan khan

Junior Member