Question about addopting


New Member
Salam my brothers and sisters,
I am seeking truth and understanding about our guidance from Allah when it comes to the adoption of a child. I am single mother of two children born of wedlock. Acts of which I have prayed Allah to forgive me for even though I do not deserve his forgiveness for the sin of sex before marriage. These acts took place before I become Muslim and yet these acts eventually helped me to seek Allah and become closer to him and live my life in a way that would be right by Allah.
Sorry I became side tracked from my question but I thought it important to provide some background before asking my question. When it comes to adoption when I marry is my husband allowed to adopt my children? I know they will not take on his name for he is not there true father. I also know that is important that they are to know of there true fathers yet I read article that said when child is born from wedlock the child is complete cut away from the father meaning the child is to carry the mothers family name which my children do and have no connection with their biological father. This then makes them fatherless in the eyes of Islam correct. so then being fatherless would it be right for my husband or okay for my husband to adopt my children, even though I know they would still keep my families last name could he adopt them and it not be against Islam?
Please help or send me sight to go to and to learn more for right now I am in true need of truth in this matter as well as a better understanding. Inshaa Allah all that you share with me will help.
