questions about islam


Junior Member
ok well i just have a few questions and maybe people can post islamic link and than maybe explain in a few short sentences. because there are certain things that i know that are haram that are first seem extreme, but do have some rationality behind it.

because when i first heard wearing perfume outside house makes you adulteress, i thought that was a little extreme. but than i sort of understand because if you ever been around guys who are trying to be abstinent, who previously werent they will go crazy in desire over almost anything.

and the singing/music thing. are these considered haram because this naturally entices people to dance and its haram to dance in front of non-family member of the opposite sex. so can someone explain the rationality without the super long page responses.



I am not a scholar. Try this: you spend time listening to a song. You dwell on the song. You can get stuck on the sensuality of the pulls you away from thinking ( which is a gift from Allah subhana talla) about spritual things. It is our duty to think and reflect and praise our Creator. Hope this makes sense.


Staff member
Assalamu Alaykum,

I am sorry, but this is not a one line answer. If you wish to know about something, you must spend the time to learn and understand it. InshaAllah, I hope this be of some benefit to you and other people reading. Especially, any non-Muslims.

Here is the main point!!

Stopping listening to music, is almost like an automatic thing. Its not like you just stop listening. We stop, because Islam fills that void that Music used to fill. (if music ever filled it in the first place.. ). When I listen to Quran, there is nothing that can ever ever compare. It fills me with tranquility and happiness. Plus, i know i am not listening to just anything, but the perfect words of Allah .

Everything in Islam has a sound rationale. This is because it comes from Allah, and so is perfect. Whether or not we can personally comprehend it or not. I want to go upon two things, quickly.. One why music is seen as bad... and Secondly... why it is not too important for a Non-Muslim person or new Muslim to be troubled by this!! Why you dont have to worry about these issues just yet.

Another, similar thing to this music question you put is that many non-Muslims often ask, why do the Muslims pray 5 times a day? Isnt that really Hard?? Why Muslims Fast in Ramadhan... Why they have to starve themselves?? And what is all that difficult looking Hajj pilgrimage about?

Yet, what they have not understood is that we do these things out of the Love of Allah. These things are not difficult. We enjoy doing them. We find them peaceful and wonderful ways of worshipping our Lord, Allah. It is a way of making us closer to Allah, the One who Created us, it is a way for us to increase our Iman (faith) and to do more for Allah, the Most Generous, the Most Gentle, the Bestower of Mercy.

So, is Music haram? Yes. Is it something that should cause you to not accept Islam, or find Islam difficult?? No. And I will explain later on why.

With regards things like music. If a person such as a non-Muslim or someone new to Islam asks me about whether it is haram or halal, I tell them that it is haram. This is due to the overwhelming evidence in the Quran and Sunnah and from what the Scholars of the past have said about it.

I will not go into the evidences about this, as it has already been done, please see the following Article for that>>
Evidence that Music and Singing are Haram

Music often contains bad lyrics, just think about the Hiphop songs, Gangster rap, rnb love songs, madonna etc. If anyone had unfortunate experience of ever listening to that. Then, you will understand what I mean about bad lyrics. They will have topics promoting drugs (and the criminal culture), killing people through to committing fornication.

Ahah, then you may ask, what about songs with good lyrics or without any lyrics at all?? The problem is that, we are created to worship Allah alone and to live our lives on this world with understanding of the purpose of why we are here. The music can divert ones attention away from Islam. It is a false way of getting rid of your anxiety, problems etc. Because, it will never be the complete solution of your problems.

Often, you will see a whole Genre/selection of music devoted to feelings, the Blues for example, or music to do with love, breakups, death....

But, in reality, this music does nothing good for people.

However, a person does not change over night. Nor, can a person truly understand the significance of Music's evil effect. Listening to music is not a sin that is at same level as other sins. --- It is not like fornication, adultery, alcohol or eating pork. These latter Sins... are not to the same level as the greatest sin of all, which is Shirk. Associating partners with Allah.

Islam might be seen as full of rules, strict and difficult. But, this is a view which is based without really experiencing or understanding how a Muslim moves gradually higher, when He or she gains more knowledge, more love for Allah and thus.. does things with their own will.. and in their own time. If a person just does things without having any love for their actions, then it will not be accepted from him. Islam is not just about doing deeds for the sake of doing them. We do them based on our love for God and because we wish to do it. Things are done on step by step basis.

For this reason, everyone has to start with learning about Allah. Learn about how we worship Allah properly, Who is Allah? What does the Quran say about Him, The Most Exalted, the Most High, the Most Merciful!!?? See here for more information> Fundamental Beliefs in Islam Tawheed and Aqeedah

So, we must spend our time, Always, benefitting ourselves with knowledge of Tawheed. This is the foundation that everything in Islam is based upon. It is not something we study one day and then discard and think "easy peasy", it is something we are always studying , pondering upon and believing in. All our actions are for Allah the Most high. This does not mean we dont relax or have fun. We do, but in a way that is acceptable for a Muslim. Something, that falls inside the boundaries of what is acceptable. -

To be a Muslim a person must believe in Allah alone and worship him alone. He must follow his blessed Prophet Muhammad :saw:. Then we do the other obligatory actions such as prayer, fasting, etc. Those duties that are compulsory upon us.

With our love for Allah, ta'ala (the Most high), we learn more and want to implement more of Islam in our lives. So, we will try our best to have good character and be kind to our family, to our neighbours, to our friends and so forth. The Prophet :saw: instructed us many things, such as visiting the poorly, looking after the sick and homeless, to look after the orphan. Indeed, these are all things that Allah, the Most high mentions in the Quran. To care for the Yateem (orphan) and fuqara' (poor).

There are many things that are also condemned, such as bad behaviour or abusing one's parents, children or marital partner.

Music is also condemned and is not good for us to listen to. But, until we get our level of Iman (faith) to be high and for us to understand the underlying reasons behind it, it will be difficult for us.

Stopping listening to music, is almost like an automatic thing. Its not like you just stop listening. We stop, because Islam fills that void that Music used to fill. (if it ever filled it in the first place.. ). When I listen to Quran, there is nothing that can ever ever compare. It fills me with tranquility and happiness. Plus, i know i am not listening to just anything, but the perfect words of Allah . When a Muslim stands to prayer, they feel at peace. They are standing infront of their Lord and are able to pray directly to Him. We understand our purpose on this world and also our ultimate destination, which is, may Allah make it easy for us >>> Jannatul Firdaus. (Heaven!) . This life is but a short journey. We must make the most of it, by following what the One who created it, (Allah!) has commanded for us. For he sent down many Prophets and Messengers to teach people Islam, from Adam through to Jesus and finally the Prophet Muhammad :saw: peace be upon him.

If we have true belief in Allah, then we are in no need of drugs, music or anything else. So, Islam is definitely not extreme. Infact, we are against extremism in all things. If a person neglects their family and just is excessively praying all day or even reading the Quran, in Islam this would be a sin. Because, it is just goinig to excess and not fulfilling other duties.

Islam, the Religion of Ease and Moderation



Assalamu Alaykum,

The subject of permissibility of music in Islam is one in which many Muslims currently have varying points of view. Blackivy - you are an intelligent young lady and I strongly encourage you to continue on your path of learning and wrestling with your beliefs, seeking truth and rejecting falsehood. I like that you do not merely accept blindly what someone tells you as fact, you search for the logic and proof behind it. I encourage you to learn and read as much as you can directly from original sources of Islam - such as the Quran, the collections of authentic Hadith, and biographical information regarding the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. In this way you can better draw your own conclusions and compare your ideas with the Islamic scholars' opinions on various matters.

From my understanding of what I have studied in the Quran and Hadith, singing is allowed in certain circumstances: for example, when it is not accompanied by musical instruments (the only exception I am aware of is the instrument known as "daff" is permissible), when the subject matter of the song is not haram, when the singing is not conducted in a manner that is seductive, among others. In some situations singing is actually encouraged, such as during celebrations such as Eid or weddings.

The following are some links where you can read more about the subject of music:

Regarding the impermissability of musical instruments, this is actually a rule which I do not fully understand, but I do fully agree and comply with. For me, this is an example of fully trusting the messenger of God and what he has ordered to be obeyed, whether or not I fully understand the reasoning behind it. I know that it is God and God alone who has full knowledge of the seen and unseen, and I trust in what he has instructed as halal and haram for human beings. Especially because we are in a time when many haram activities have become seen as "good", simply because people have become accustomed to practicing them (sexual promiscuity is a prime example of this).

Certainly a person can recognize the overt problems with music in our society today which have mentioned in the above posts. One can recognize that a majority of today's music just serves to excite people's base passions & desires and does not serve any higher purpose. But perhaps, and I am just speculating here, musical instruments also have a negative affect in some way that we are not aware of - like maybe it affects the jinn/shaitan or the "unseen" world in a way that is evil. In any regard, I consider musical instruments haram simply because I believe that Muhammad was the final messenger of God, and he said that they are haram.

I apologize for such a long response, but I hope it may be of some benefit to you.

God bless