Rabbis and Muslim against the existence of Israel


Jazakallah khair. There are many Jews that say the state of Israel should not exist. Jews were once scattered all over the world. It's the U.S. that has created Israel. The Christians believe, according to their Bible that if they save Israel they will convert all of them into Christianity. This is an ignorant, dubious and uncertain ideaology that Christians have embedded as part of their wild fantasy & imagination.


New Member

Jazakallah khair. There are many Jews that say the state of Israel should not exist. Jews were once scattered all over the world. It's the U.S. that has created Israel. The Christians believe, according to their Bible that if they save Israel they will convert all of them into Christianity. This is an ignorant, dubious and uncertain ideaology that Christians have embedded as part of their wild fantasy & imagination.

How did you become a scholar who knows what Christians believe? Do you even know any Christians?

First of all the BRITISH created Isreal not the US... already your ignorance is showing, second most Christians do not care about Isreal or Palestine. They are people who just want to live, and work, and raise their families.

There are a few missionaries whose livelhood depends on spreading Christianity (just as there are Muslims who do the same) but most Christains like most Muslims are just people who want to live their life in peace and not be involved in these things.