refreshing islam


New Member
!Hey! you over there, muslim and non muslim who think that islam has to be "renewed",think again! take a man from today and one from 100, 2000 or 10.000 years ago who does not feel cold or hunger or does not need a house to live in, or does not feel sad or happy, sometimes, nor love or hate someone, who does not like to be loved and respected or does nor like to be strong or popular or have a good position in society, or friends etc… etc…etc…
Or a woman who does not like to be pretty, or to have nice clothes and look good in them, or does not feel cold or hunger or does not need a house to live in, or does not feel sad or happy sometimes, or does not love or hate someone, or who does not jump and scream like a schoolgirl when she is very happy, or who does not like to be loved and respected or have a family or who does not like to go shopping, for Allah's sake lol! etc.. etc…etc… you will find this to be the same in everyone, today and tomorrow to, maybe our appearance is diferent but all human being are essentialy the same, yes of course, tastes, choices, likes and dislikes etc...etc...etc... are diferent, but that does not change the human nature.
Now... do you want a season ? you can have the hunting season, the baseball season you can have the summer and winter and spring and autum, here! take also the superbowl, do you want a change? you can change your mood, change your pants, change your hair style or change the paint in your room if you like, but !DO NOT! try to change mi religion, islam is a way of life that aplies to all times and to all people and it's so, because the human being in it's social, phisical, and spiritual needs and constitution was, is, and will be basicaly the same, for example: riding a camel or a horse or a motorcicle or driving a car does not matter what it is, all are tranportation, or aren't they?, sending a letter, or e-mail or making smoke signs, or use a cell phone does not matter what it is, all are ways of communicating, or aren't they?, living in an apartment, or tent or 3 story house or in a cave or a palace does not matter what it is, all are a place to live in, or aren't they? etc… etc… etc… do you get me??.
It may seem like im angry maybe i'm, but in reality the example of the way im saying this is like some one who sees a person about to get hit by a car, and runs towards him/her and pushes him/her realy hard to get him /her out of the way, please do not take ofense, take heed, islam is already perfect do you know why ?...because it was made by Allah, not by us.
do you get me?

Salam alaikum